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Hey Pace and you think anybody cares a rat's tail about emails

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Bernie who could win by exploiting emails like low hung fruit, decided that America cannot be saved by playing the Oligarchy's tune......You two have been so wrong about Hillary, it almost matches your absurd predictions about President Obama.....I cannot wait for the Gomer show next week......did you guys know he was a lawyer....he will tell you.



I didn't see your thread. Here is mine:

The emails are not going to hurt Hillary at all. BUT, if that is all the GOP is going to focus on during the next 13 months, they will lose horribly..... We need to here discussion about the issues that matter, and we have heard nothing from them yet on those.


They are running Benghazi ads now showing the faces and names of the four dead Americans.....the emails have blown up in their now they are back to blaming SOS is hysterical if it was not so disrespectful to the families.....I have this sense that Hillary is sitting on a wild card....she will play it closer to election.....She personally knew Chris.....I cannot think that Chris's parents are happy about the Markle like use of dead bodies for political gain, and the admission by McCarthy that the Republican goal was never to investigate and improve government performance but to bring Hillary's numbers will be a slaughter if Republicans do not get smarter.....they really are this dumb....traditional Republicans and folks like Nixon would be saying what he said about Fred can somebody that dumb be in politics......well the answer is that Fred was a genius compared to this crop of Republicans....or should I say dixiecrats.


CNN focus group of Independents and Democrats....UNANIMOUSLY voted that the emails do not matter......Not one person in that room found it important.....Bernie could have attacked, but principled people want better things for this country...not swift boat political agendas.


Crickets and more crickets....Pk and Pace....face the music....NOBODY CARES.



the meds are talking again



Hillary will be out of the race by valentine day under investigation that isn't going away and the donors are gonna support someone else


Hillary will be out of the race by valentine day under investigation that isn't going away and the donors are gonna support someone else

You really have a Masochist streak......just cannot get enough of losing.



You've lost more predictions than me since the GOP took HOR and then all of Congress old man



She won't survive the Email scandal


I never predicted that the House would be taken by the Democrats in 2014 and I correctly showed you the structural advantage in 2014 to the Republicans which I predicted would win by one....they won by three, and I am certain the Democrats will win the Senate in 2016, and I have consistently said the house stays Republican......but after tonight.....I think the Republicans are going to lose significant seats in the house, and I predict a record turnout over the last forty years........take it to the are pounding on sand again.



Obamasucks wrote:You've lost more predictions than me since the GOP took HOR and then all of Congress old man

Listen up ... the guy who backed McCain-Palin, and then Romney, you remember -- the same guy who said Obama wasn't born in the U.S. -- yeah, the same guy who said it was a good idea to invade Iraq now predicts Hillary's emails will force her out of running for president. Yawn.


Pace is like the gold standard of consistency. Go exactly opposite. Hillary is a winner and Pace is a whiner......nothing much you need some cheese with that whine Pace?



I never predicted that the House would be taken by the Democrats in 2014 and I correctly showed you the structural advantage in 2014 to the Republicans which I predicted would win by one....they won by three, and I am certain the Democrats will win the Senate in 2016, and I have consistently said the house stays Republican......but after tonight.....I think the Republicans are going to lose significant seats in the house, and I predict a record turnout over the last forty years........take it to the are pounding on sand again.
Dude you lie so bad. You said the Goo would never take the HOR in 2010. Then in 2014, you said they would never take the Senate and continue to hold the house. That's two in a row. You suck. Admit it



The inspector generals care & the fbi cares... and every american that wants accountability and a responsive govt cares.

WASHINGTON —Hillary Clinton continues to lead the Democratic field in a new USA TODAY/Suffolk University Poll, but she no longer commands the support of a majority of Democrats as Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and Vice President Biden gain ground.

By nearly 3-1, all those surveyed in the national poll predict that the controversy over her exclusive use of a private email server when she was secretary of State would hurt her prospects in a general election.

In July her favorable-unfavorable rating was narrowly negative, at 43%-47%. Now that gap has grown to 12 points,at 39%-51%. In contrast, Sanders has a 37%-33% favorable-unfavorable rating, and Biden's favorable rating is a healthy 51%-35%.

Asked for a single word that describes each contender, the most frequent response for Clinton was "liar/dishonest," followed by "untrustworthy/fake." For Sanders, the most frequent response was "socialist" and the second most frequent "favorable/good." For Biden, the top response was "favorable/like," followed by "honest/honorable," although the top five answers for him also included "idiot/joke" and "fun/character/goofy."

The controversy over her decision to use a private email server instead of the government system when she was secretary of State is hurting her, although more among Republicans than Democrats. Six in 10 of those surveyed say the issue bothers them and even more, 70%,predict it will hurt her in a general election.

Even about one-third of Democrats and two-thirds of independents are disturbed by the controversy, as well as nearly nine in 10 Republicans.

Overall, 52% say they're bothered by how she handled the 2012 attacks in Benghazi, Libya, that left four Americans dead, and by the explanation she has given in the aftermath. Nearly six in 10 say that would be a liability in the general election

Last edited by PkrBum on 10/14/2015, 10:10 am; edited 1 time in total



Democrats don't care because they would elect Hitler if it kept them in power.



2seaoat wrote:Pace is like the gold standard of consistency....Hillary is a winner and Pace is a whiner......

Hey Pace and you think anybody cares a rat's tail about emails Cool_t11



PeeDog is gonna implode when Hillary is elected. She will be the one to sign his USAF retirement papers.....Unless, of course he manages to stay in the reserves past 2024.....



Another GOP congressman says Benghazi panel meant to hurt Clinton

It looks like a second GOP Congressman has now come out to admit that sole mission of Congressman Trey Gowdy's panel is to attack Hillary Clinton rather, than serve any useful purpose. And how much money has been wasted on this effort already?

At some point, the GOP is going to have to try and start beating her on the issues, rather than resorting to a 'swiftboat' campaign that will surely fail. Based on what we have seen already in the debates, Republicans are set to come up short again in 2016.... They simply do not have anything that resonates with the average voter; except perhaps playing to their fears.



Consider: Whoever wins the next presidential election in 2016 must do so by enticing votes from the undecided and the minorities.

Trump will surely win the primary, and hasn't a chance in hell of drawing votes outside the bluntly stupid and leering crowd he now tickles.

It will be Bernie or Hillary or maybe Biden. And considering the totally dysfunctional congress now controlled by the warring with themselves conservatives, the dems will have both houses as well.

Go Bernie, Go!

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