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I just heard Richard Haas give the best summation of Obama, Putin and the situation in Syria I've heard yet.

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Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Richard Haas is the head of The Council on Foreign Relations. And he is one of the most impressive commentators of all on geopolitics. Extremely knowledgable and a very good communicator.

If this segment can be streamed from the Morning Joe website later, I'll link you to it.



The CFR is an evil organization. It has a globalist agenda, so I am not surprised it has a spokesperson who is knowledgeable about the Syrian crisis.

The big question is, why did the globalists allow this crisis to happen, and how does it fit into their future plans? Hint, their future plans include eventually instituting a world government and dissolving national sovereignty.


The CFR is an evil organization.

I disagree. It is the most competent organization in the world in understanding the complexities of foreign relations. There was a time I would read every document this organization produced because it had the best collections of minds in the field. Where we disagree is the assumption that individual scholarship is compromised by the organization you belong. It is a fallacy which may make some conspiracy theorist happy, but having read for forty years the brilliance of the individual scholarship, it is hardly an evil organization. Now having said that, like any organization, there may be members who are evil, but this idea that this organization is a vehicle for generational conspiracy is absurd on the face.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

ZVUGKTUBM wrote:The CFR is an evil organization. It has a globalist agenda, so I am not surprised it has a spokesperson who is knowledgeable about the Syrian crisis.

The big question is, why did the globalists allow this crisis to happen, and how does it fit into their future plans? Hint, their future plans include eventually instituting a world government and dissolving national sovereignty.


Please do something for me. Please watch this interview. When the video opens on this page, you can watch it from the beginning. But the first 3 minutes of the video recaps yesterday's events at the UN.
The part I want you to listen to is when Richard Haas starts talking shortly after the 3 minute mark on the time counter.

What I see with this is an individual who is very knowledgable and and an excellent communicator explaining the situation in a manner which I can understand.

Please watch and listen to him and then explain to me how this individual is supposed to be what you've been made to believe he is.



For some reason, I can't watch the video.

Yes, I am totally into the Illuminati and conspiracy theories about our world. I have been studying that stuff off and on for the last 35 years. I have read books that are pretty revisionist on different subjects.

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