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Abortion Doctor haggling over dead baby scraps....gonna buy her a fancy car

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In the second video released today by the Center for Medical Progress, yet another senior medical adviser to Planned Parenthood of America appears to negotiate the price of selling baby body parts to actors playing entrepreneurs from a start-up biotech firm.

........At the end of the video, like Nucatola, Gatter talks about changing the abortion technique to get intact specimens, changing from a rather violent suction method that would destroy tissue to what she calls an IPAS, which is a reference to a nonprofit company that makes and distributes “manual vacuum aspirators” which would be a less harmful way to get at the internal organs. She said there would be protocol issues with the patient but that she saw no problem with it. She calls it a “less crunchy” way to get intact organs.

. Defund Planned Parenthood .



So Boards you really think this is politics ?...hum.

boards of FL

boards of FL

It's the next in a long line of heavily edited videos meant to be political red meat for idiots.

This is in the same vein as ACORN, Shirley Sherrod, "You didn't build that", etc., etc.



Yeah that ACORN stuff was not near as bad as progressive apologists are so frickin I out for that wall...morals, ethics, humanity...who gives a flyin money money that's god and the golden goose of progressives....

Oh yeah you yell immoral when someone disapproves of something deviant cause you are all deviants from what I see...America..get your freak on...come on world see the biggest freak show on the planet ...maybe in the universe !!



It's most impressive what leftists can both believe and ignore... the best trick is ignoring facts to believe the contrary.

It's not normal... it doesn't happen naturally except in defects... it requires conditioning.



boards of FL wrote:It's the next in a long line of heavily edited videos meant to be political red meat for idiots.  

This is in the same vein as ACORN, Shirley Sherrod, "You didn't build that", etc., etc.

It was also semi-retired President Obama who told entrepreneurs that "You didn't build that".

ACORN didn't get in trouble because of that, it was their massive voter registration fraud. They're still operating, just under different names.


I am not ignoring anything.  I wish no abortions happened in America.  However, I do not want capital punishment to happen in America, but both abortion and capital punishment is the law of the land.   Now, the doctor in the hidden video is .callous, arrogant, and flippant, but she is not incorrect.   First, nobody should profit for the sale of human tissue.  Most blood banks are set up as non for profit corporations, but there are charges for collection and storage of those cells necessary to operate a modern blood bank which saves human lives.

The collection of fetal material for stem cell research and life saving applications have inherent costs like a blood bank.  Those costs must be recouped and yes a price is put on human fetal tissue.  This price should be reflective of the collection and storage of the same for human life saving breakthroughs using various stem cell technologies........or we could collect a smaller fee to simply handle the tissue as hazardous waste.   Both will require a fee, so lets just take that absurd argument out of the equation, unless it can be shown that somebody is making obscene profits which do not correspond with standards of not for profit health care providers, this is a non story.

The realities remain.  Abortions are happening in America under the law.  Fetal tissue is being disposed or transferred for medical research.  A fee is attached to the same.  I am not slightly outraged, but would rather see a debate on how we could reduce abortions and improve birth control, adoptions, and opportunities for young women to have a chance to raise their children.   People will still be executed, and folks can focus on the brutality of capital punishment, but it is here to stay.

boards of FL

boards of FL

TEOTWAWKI wrote:Yeah................ I

By taking bits and pieces, even parsing individual letters in some cases, I was able to quote you saying the text above. You just posted the text above, TEO. You just said that you are immoral and dumb. Imagine how stupid one would have to be to take my quote seriously? And yet here we are having this conversation within yet another thread about a heavily edited video meant to prey on stupid republicans.

The quote from you above is roughly on par with the accuracy and legitimacy of the ACORN video, the Shirley Sherrod video, the "You didn't build that video", and this new abortion baby parts video.

boards of FL

boards of FL

PkrBum wrote:It's most impressive what leftists can both believe and ignore... the best trick is ignoring facts to believe the contrary.

It's not normal... it doesn't happen naturally except in defects... it requires conditioning.

I'd ask you to specifically state whatever it is that is being ignored here, though we both know how that would pan out.



TEOTWAWKI wrote:So Boards you really think this is politics ?...hum.

Oh yes. What else would it be?



2seaoat wrote:I am not ignoring anything.  I wish no abortions happened in America.  However, I do not want capital punishment to happen in America, but both abortion and capital punishment is the law of the land.   Now, the doctor in the hidden video is .callous, arrogant, and flippant, but she is not incorrect.   First, nobody should profit for the sale of human tissue.  Most blood banks are set up as non for profit corporations, but there are charges for collection and storage of those cells necessary to operate a modern blood bank which saves human lives.

The collection of fetal material for stem cell research and life saving applications have inherent costs like a blood bank.  Those costs must be recouped and yes a price is put on human fetal tissue.  This price should be reflective of the collection and storage of the same for human life saving breakthroughs using various stem cell technologies........or we could collect a smaller fee to simply handle the tissue as hazardous waste.   Both will require a fee, so lets just take that absurd argument out of the equation, unless it can be shown that somebody is making obscene profits which do not correspond with standards of not for profit health care providers, this is a non story.

The realities remain.  Abortions are happening in America under the law.  Fetal tissue is being disposed or transferred for medical research.  A fee is attached to the same.  I am not slightly outraged, but would rather see a debate on how we could reduce abortions and improve birth control, adoptions, and opportunities for young women to have a chance to raise their children.   People will still be executed, and folks can focus on the brutality of capital punishment, but it is here to stay.

The parts are sorted through and sold. Perhaps the doctor will be able to buy her Lamborghini soon. I wonder if she knows they are owned by Volkswagen?

Nothing brutal about capital punishment. Should happen more often and have their time for appeals limited to two years.


Blood donations are parceled out and many by products are produced after a donor gives consent to use their blood.   A woman who has an abortion signs a consent to use her tissue or have it disposed of as hazardous waste....her consent and decision of her tissues.   The Supreme Court defined the rules and folks have been living with those rules for forty plus years, but please complain about the charge for your next blood transfusion, and please tell me about what car that doctor drives.   Abortion and Capital Punishment are horrible, but it is the law of the land.

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