Public servants turning poor men into rich men, and citizens into poor men.....and so it goes. However, he nailed it......he represents what has been filling the beach for the last 25 years......the family who worked and had a small concrete block house on the beach has been replaced by folks who have a big dog whistle, and are searching for Mayberry where there are no mexicans or blacks, and they are coming to the beach to is sad really, the beaches once belonged to the people, and 1950s panhandle is one hell of a difference from 2015.......Huckabee has a snowball in hell of getting elected.....his constituency is dying in large numbers every day, and the beach prices have tumbled from their highs when old people seeking mayberry flocked to buy up the beach and rewind the clock, and now have few buyers, a rising sea, and a society who looks on with scorn, not jealous of the monuments to greed and avarice, but sad that the once beautiful beaches are now a final resting place for bad ideas.
(apology to Knox and Real Linda.....there are exceptions)