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Military incompetence.....again....10 billion down the rabbit hole

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A 50% 20k tax credit given to a private sector employee to create a new job would have allowed 5 jobs for a 100k.....50 jobs for a million......50,000.00 for a billion, and 500k jobs......but instead the MIC steals the 10 billion on a snow job and more scardy cat need to get more weapons systems......Those 500k jobs could have made America strong and prepared for the next war because we have not been bankrupted with out of control military spending....25% cuts.....start next week.



The butthurt towards the military flows strongly through you padawan. LOL. I was correct wasn't I? The military doesn't give tax credit asshat.

Last edited by KarlRove on 4/11/2015, 10:37 pm; edited 1 time in total



Military incompetence.....again....10 billion down the rabbit hole Z



There is a tremendous amount of waste in the military's budget. It has been that way forever. All of us who have served have seen it. Anyone who has seen the civilian side of government has seen waste there, also. It is everywhere in the federal government.

No one is ever going to clean it up, either. Too much money is being made by those who benefit from the way things are.


When the Military gobbles up the American People's budget, that ten billion is gone. You spend a 500k on a state of the art CNC machine and get a tax credit which rewards the Private sector for being more productive, and with job tax credits that new employee will be making more widgets and growing the American economy. You purchase some of the heavy equipment for stupid wars and then give it too a police department, It produces NOTHING....absolutely nothing.......military expenditures impede the American economy because they do not add to the productivity of America.

GDP is the best indicator of Military strength in the long term.......if we do not start cutting the military budget and invest in America, our competitors will catch up to America....No butt hurt....just simple economics. America prospered for 200 years by not allowing a standing army to consume our productivity......we now have MIC stealing Americas future, and a militarization of our society which can match the most autocratic nations.....Stupid never wins the game.

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