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Wanna hear Clapton play a killer guitar lead?

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Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Well this'll give it to you. But when you open this youtube, you need to move your slider to the 25:10 mark on the time counter and start listening from that point. Soon after that you will hear Clapton at his very best.

This is the last time Clapton, Bruce and Baker ever played together as Cream.
Bruce is now deceased.



Thanks, Bob. I went to Navarre over the weekend for a BBQ at my BIL's. My nephew and his long-time friend treated us to a guitar session. My nephew is 20, and the two of them have been playing together since the 6th grade. Then my granddaughter took an interest in my BIL's drums...the kind with the pads so she could use earphones. I think I know what my BIL is getting his great niece...he told her to wish very hard.






Pretty decent axeman.

Too bad he's also a racist asshole.



Sal wrote:Pretty decent axeman.

Too bad he's also a racist asshole.

Say what?



polecat wrote:
Sal wrote:Pretty decent axeman.

Too bad he's also a racist asshole.

Say what?

Sad but true ...

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob


Start this video.  You can do this either of two ways.  

1.  The best way to watch it is from the beginning until you
get to the part I want you to listen to which is at the 1:40 mark.

2.  Just start at the 1:40 mark and listen to what Clapton says.  This is not the preferable way.

That sure doesn't sound like someone who is racist against blacks.


I have listened to that video years ago. It sounds more xenophobic and wishing for the good old days where England was an isolated island with a homogeneous population. Racism and xenophobia go hand in hand. Does he hate blacks.......not directly, but he wants his version of England's Mayberry back......sounds really familiar with some folks on this forum.....just because he is talented does not mean he is any less fearful of modernity and change.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Just curious, seaoat. Do you believe this individual is a racist and homophobe?

“White folks was in the caves while we [blacks] was building empires … We built pyramids before Donald Trump ever knew what architecture was … we taught philosophy and astrology and mathematics before Socrates and them Greek homos ever got around to it.”

-- Al Sharpton


The black culture was built around the church, and combined with the survival mechanism which required strength, the stereotype of the homosexual was always a source of fear and prejudice in that community.

Although most 60 year olds have moderated their prejudice and fear, he is only acting like homosexuality does not bother him......this prejudice is deeply ingrained and wrong.

His reaction to white racism must be put in that context. Is he racist. Absolutely. I was the only white player on an all black basketball team. I had to fight for my share of the ball......and I do mean fight. Strength is recognized, and weakness does not get a pass, and racism in the black community is alive and well. The key to racism is the use of the same in government, and by the majority to impact minority rights.



Yeah...Clapton's a racist...that's why he made this album with BB King.

Which is excellent blues, BTW. The roots of his music are embedded in black do you have that kind of appreciation without grasping the basic roots of the sound...Both these men are outstanding musicians.



Here's another BB King...with Tracy Chapman...her voice just knocks me out.



Bob wrote:

That sure doesn't sound like someone who is racist against blacks.

This does ...

Eric Clapton made a drunken declaration of support for former Conservative minister Enoch Powell (known for his anti-immigration Rivers of Blood speech) at a concert in Birmingham. Clapton told the crowd that England had "become overcrowded" and that they should vote for Powell to stop Britain from becoming "a black colony". He also told the audience that Britain should "get the foreigners out, get the wogs out, get the coons out", and then he repeatedly shouted the National Front slogan "Keep Britain White".

In a 2007 interview, however, he said he still supports Powell, and that he doesn't view Powell as a racist.


Bob now will post a Mexican racist and ask if what that person said was racist. On top of the fence always trying to seek balance and always a blind eye to the fact he is standing on one side of the fence pretending to be something he is not......can you imagine some restaurant workers in New Mexico speaking the customers.........and all those brown children and Muslims thinking they could live in America........birds of feather flock together.



Less than a hundred years ago......Bob, do you really think Sharpton is the problem?

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