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Sen. Tom Cotton's facebook page

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1Sen. Tom Cotton's facebook page Empty Sen. Tom Cotton's facebook page 3/11/2015, 10:52 am


While he proudly posts his various interviews, the comments make pretty clear how people feel about this letter.



Liberals don't matter on this issue.


Just another example of blind political ambition. I think I finally have found a grown up in my Party. I wish Senator Corker would run for President. The guy was a mayor, and had to deal with real people and real problems. He understands that things do not happen magically and good things need to have hard work.

Cotton is one more show pony.....harvard.....harvard law.....immediate military experience.....immediately runs for office.....and at 37 the youngest senator is on a career path........half blind ambition......have not having a clue what life is about........sadly like Cruz and Butchmeup....these people fill the gutter we call the senate.



Your party is the lying whining crying Dems who violated Logan act seven times previously


KarlRove wrote:Your party is the lying whining crying Dems who violated Logan act seven times previously

Inviting a foreign head of state to Congress to undermine American foreign policy was childish and dumb. This idiotic letter from 47 Senators to the Iranian government is even worse. As reckless as this move appears on its face, there is an even more worrying message lurking between the lines.

Worded as a condescending children’s primer on treaty law, the real message of the letter is more subtle. Looking past the embarrassing Constitutional error they made in the document itself and the grave Constitutional violation in their decision to write the letter in the first place, the real shocker in this incident is what it says about Republican ambitions.

Clearly, at least 47 Republican Senators are convinced that the party will never again hold the White House.

Let’s be clear. This has never happened before. We’ve had Congressmen visit countries against the wishes of the executive branch. We’ve even had a few instances where individual outreach from a specific Congressman complicated US diplomatic efforts. We’ve had Jane Fonda crawling around on North Vietnamese anti-aircraft guns. None of those incidents compare.

There has never been an instance in which an organized partisan bloc in the Legislative branch disregarded the separation of powers in order to publicly and intentionally undermine US foreign policy. Disagreements over foreign policy have often been bitter, but they have been tempered by an understanding that they can be resolved by elections. I may not like a President, but undermining the office itself will haunt me when my party finally wins.

It seems clear that many Republicans have lost their belief that the party can compete for the Presidency. No other logic explains their willingness to burn down the office itself. The demographic realities are brutal and the Blue Wall looms large. This kind of behavior will only get worse, and more dangerous, in 2017.

Seven Republican Senators declined to sign this letter. They deserve some recognition.

Lamar Alexander (TN)
Susan Collins (ME)
Bob Corker (TN)
Dan Coats (IN)
Jeff Flake (AZ)
Lisa Murkowski (AK)
Thad Cochran (MS)

As a quick postscript, here’s the text of the Logan Act:

Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

This section shall not abridge the right of a citizen to apply, himself or his agent, to any foreign government or the agents thereof for redress of any injury which he may have sustained from such government or any of its agents or subjects.

Quick thought exercise. Imagine that a clutch of Democratic Senators had sent a letter like that to Saddam Hussein in 2002. How many of them would still be in Guantanamo today?


The saddest thing is the backlash against Israel is going to be long term. This is complete idiocy and a crime, however the worse part of it is Americans may die because of this recklessness.


A 37 year old who has been in the senate two months snookered experienced senators to join in his criminal enterprise......John McCain.........I sign a lot of letters.......on hindsight.....maybe this was not a good chit.



I like the way Nadalfan puts it:  The republicans have come to the conclusion that if they don't own the presidency, it makes sense to tear it down.

It's good to know your enemies!


When they hurt American kids who are going to be sent into a chitfest, then they should be quartered in the public square. Their actions have consequences. If Israel starts dropping bombs and the Iranians retaliate, Americans will get hurt. Diplomacy is the ONLY answer. There is no military answer, and our allies are about to abandon the sanctions so we will be left holding our dick in our hands with NO options. Traitors all, bought and paid for by special interests.



If Israel starts dropping bombs and the Iranians retaliate, Americans will get hurt.

The whole world will get hurt, because Iran will close off the Straits of Hormuz, where 40% of all world-traded oil passes on a daily basis. This is just one reason why the 47 wingnuts who signed that stupid letter are shortsighted.


Wordslinger wrote:I like the way Nadalfan puts it:  The republicans have come to the conclusion that if they don't own the presidency, it makes sense to tear it down.

It's good to know your enemies!

Those were not my words. I guess I should have put the link at the bottom so that credit was given to the author. However, he surely has a point, doesn't he?


I have this vision of Cotton pulling cotton out of his ears, and it has been three days and I cannot get that image out of my mind.

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