My socialist/communist good friend Wordslinger laps up the cool aid from any and all other socialist/communists.
One would think Wordslinger would love the anti-war movie. It vividly shows the horrors of war, the decisions our hero's are forced to make and the horrors they go through and live with when they go home.
Wordslinger, and the other anti-war folks are blessed that they have men and women who are willing and able to do what the Wordslinger's are and were incapable of doing.
You don't just go into the military and ask to be a sniper, seal or special forces. You're take numerous tests, IQ as well as psychological as well as physical ability. They learn if you are a leader, follower or loser. They learn if you're strong enough to be a sniper or any of the other special combat training soldiers, airborne etc.
Then there are those who are happy to have others go out and spill THEIR blood while they sit home and call those hero's names and do all they can to denigrate them.