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Chris Kyle shot dozens of looters dead in New Orleans and other lies....

Hospital Bob
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Why Jesse Ventura is likely to collect millions from Chris Kyle’s American Sniper.

Chris Kyle, author of the runaway best-seller American Sniper, was a military hero who killed 160 people during his four tours of duty in Iraq and is now the subject of an Oscar-nominated blockbuster. He was also a fabulist. Before his tragic murder in 2013, Kyle told a number of extremely dubious stories. In one tale, Kyle claimed he killed two carjackers at a gas station southwest of Dallas, and that his driver’s license directed local police officers who questioned him to contact the Department of Defense. Kyle also claimed he traveled to post-Katrina New Orleans with a sniper friend, set up his gun atop the Superdome, and picked off dozens of armed looters.

..... On July 29, 2014, a federal jury returned from six days of deliberations to award Ventura $1.845 million in damages—specifically, $500,000 for defamation and about $1.345 million for unjust enrichment

...... Kyle claimed Ventura appeared at a SEAL graduation afterward with a black eye—where “everybody was laughing” and asking “Who beat the shit out of him?”—HarperCollins never asked a member of the graduating class whether they saw Ventura’s injury. (A photograph from the event shows a clear image of Ventura—with no black eye.)

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

If you watch and listen to Kyle and then listen to Ventura in those two youtubes I supplied to the American Sniper thread,  for me it's impossible to tell which is lying and which is telling the truth because they both come across as totally believable.
Obviously one of them is a pathological liar.  I just can't tell which.



Bob wrote:If you watch and listen to Kyle and then listen to Ventura in those two youtubes I supplied to the American Sniper thread,  for me it's impossible to tell which is lying and which is telling the truth because they both come across as totally believable.
Obviously one of them is a pathological liar.  I just can't tell which.
Evidently the jury could tell.....



Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

from the New Orleans newspaper

After seeing this,  I think I'm inclined to believe Ventura's story.  And if this is the case,  it sure does take away the glory from American Sniper.
But probably not one percent of the audience for American Sniper will ever know anything about it.  Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hacknity sure aint gonna tell em.  lol

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Evidently the jury could tell.....

After O.J. I don't accept jury verdicts as gospel anymore.


In the end, have we ever watched an action battle scene where an archer is the hero. Think of Braveheart when the king gives the order to shoot their arrows, and the commander questions the King....."but it will hit our troops"

Sorry and archer and a sniper have roles in battle. They stay safe and secure behind the frontline and kill. Next we will be holding the most competent gamer drone operator up as American heroes........I will not watch the movie at a theater. You see when I was in shooting competition in the NRA I wanted to be a sniper in Viet Nam......I was a Junior High kid who wanted to shoot people.....I look back in shame on my thought process. Youthful bravado and watching John Wayne movies had me chomping at the bit to shoot people because I was concept of the concept of the merits of the Viet Nam war. By high school I had matured and understood better the politics of Viet Nam, and a high draft number and that youthful fantasy was gone how many kids watching this movie will do exactly what I did.....hold up as a hero somebody who kills people. We need snipers. They are necessary in war. However, avoiding war has no youthful fantasies, and that is the problem.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

2seaoat wrote:

Sorry and archer and a sniper have roles in battle.  They stay safe and secure behind the frontline and kill.  

When he was in position as a sniper he was very close to the combat. And sometimes he took his rifle and got into the ground combat with the others.
The Iraqi "insurgency" put a $25,000 reward on his head so he himself became a very valued target.
He was hardly "safe and secure behind the frontline".
It's your right to like him or not like him, but there's no need to perpetuate a myth like that.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

That sense of superhuman toughness perhaps led him to tell stories reporters couldn’t confirm. One involved a cold January morning at a gas station southwest of Dallas. Two armed men, he said, approached him and told him to hand over the keys to his black F350. “I told them I would get them the keys,” he told Mooney. “I told them they were in the truck and to just let me reach in.” Kyle then claimed he reached into the car, pulled out a gun and, shooting under his armpit, killed both men. “It’s true,” he said.

But was it? Reporters, including the New Yorker’s Nicholas Schmidle, called some of the nearby county sheriffs and none of them knew of it. “I went to every single gas station [nearby],” Mooney explained. “I talked to every single law enforcement out there, all the Texas rangers — and there’s no evidence whatsoever.”

The Fort Worth Star-Telegram had no better luck. “We checked with the medical examiner’s office, which reported no such deaths in Cleburne in January 2009.”

no stress

no stress

Bob wrote:
2seaoat wrote:

Sorry and archer and a sniper have roles in battle.  They stay safe and secure behind the frontline and kill.  

When he was in position as a sniper he was very close to the combat.  And sometimes he took his rifle and got into the ground combat with the others.  
The Iraqi "insurgency" put a $25,000 reward on his head so he himself became a very valued target.  
He was hardly "safe and secure behind the frontline".
It's your right to like him or not like him,  but there's no need to perpetuate a myth like that.
cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers


Bob wrote:
2seaoat wrote:

Sorry and archer and a sniper have roles in battle.  They stay safe and secure behind the frontline and kill.  

When he was in position as a sniper he was very close to the combat.  And sometimes he took his rifle and got into the ground combat with the others.  
The Iraqi "insurgency" put a $25,000 reward on his head so he himself became a very valued target.  
He was hardly "safe and secure behind the frontline".
It's your right to like him or not like him,  but there's no need to perpetuate a myth like that.

There's no need to make this guy a hero either. He killed innocent people. That's nothing to be proud of.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Vikingwoman wrote:

There's no need to make this guy a hero either. He killed innocent people.  That's nothing to be proud of.

It all gets back to what happens when nations go to to war.  
I have a complete understanding about people (individuals) going to war with each other.  But I'm still tryin to figure what it is when countries go to war and use their citizenry to do the killing and dying for them.   I've been agonizing about that my whole life and still can't get a handle on it.
But there is one thing I've concluded.  That it's real easy to find fault with the GI's when I myself have never been one.  So I try to remember that.



Why? Because they were patsies? Sorry, no sell. I declined to be a patsy. You declined to be a patsy. Being a patsy is on the patsy.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Sal wrote:Why?  Because they were patsies?  Sorry, no sell. I declined to be a patsy. You declined to be a patsy. Being a patsy is on the patsy.

You have a way of stumping me. And it pisses me off since you're young enough to be my son and on account of that I'm supposed to know more than you do.



Yeah it didn't take a lot of brains...go to war and die or get maimed for life or stay home and party....even if it's in Canada...

Problem is government propaganda is very powerful and so is peer pressure...


Bob wrote:If you watch and listen to Kyle and then listen to Ventura in those two youtubes I supplied to the American Sniper thread,  for me it's impossible to tell which is lying and which is telling the truth because they both come across as totally believable.
Obviously one of them is a pathological liar.  I just can't tell which.

I'll give you a hint,Bob. Obviously the one who said he shot two robbers and there is no record of it and the one who said he sat on top of the Superdome and shot armed looters. Don't you think he would have been arrested for taking upon himself to pick off looters? He wasn't LE. They would have hung him as a vigilante. He would never have had a drivers license that directed anybody to the Defense Dept. He was a wacko.


A sniper is a highly trained marksman who operates alone, in a pair, or with a sniper team to maintain close visual contact with the enemy and engage targets from concealed positions or distances exceeding the detection capabilities of enemy personnel.

Sorry Bob......after the battle in Braveheart.....there were dead archers, and in a battle that goes wrong......snipers are exposed. The are either stealth or beyond range......that is the tactic, but if you think you know better......

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

2seaoat wrote:A sniper is a highly trained marksman who operates alone, in a pair, or with a sniper team to maintain close visual contact with the enemy and engage targets from concealed positions or distances exceeding the detection capabilities of enemy personnel.

Sorry Bob......after the battle in Braveheart.....there were dead archers, and in a battle that goes wrong......snipers are exposed.   The are either stealth or beyond range......that is the tactic, but if you think you know better......

My bad. I didn't know this thread was discussing what happened in Bravehart. I mistakenly thought we were discussing what happened in American Sniper.



Bob wrote:If you watch and listen to Kyle and then listen to Ventura in those two youtubes I supplied to the American Sniper thread,  for me it's impossible to tell which is lying and which is telling the truth because they both come across as totally believable.
Obviously one of them is a pathological liar.  I just can't tell which.
Evidently the jury could tell.....[/quote

Ventura needs his arse kicked up between his shoulders. What sort of man sues the widow of an American hero because he ran his mouth and got his arse handed to him for insulting a group of SEALS?



KarlRove wrote:
Bob wrote:If you watch and listen to Kyle and then listen to Ventura in those two youtubes I supplied to the American Sniper thread,  for me it's impossible to tell which is lying and which is telling the truth because they both come across as totally believable.
Obviously one of them is a pathological liar.  I just can't tell which.
Evidently the jury could tell.....[/quote

Ventura needs his arse kicked up between his shoulders. What sort of man sues the widow of an American hero because he ran his mouth and got his arse handed to him for insulting a group of SEALS?
A man whose name was slandered by a man trying to get the sales of his books up...widow smidow....she married a liar. Lots of widows suffer for their husbands stupidity or in this case mental illness.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Karl Rove,

Does it not matter to you that Chris Kyle lied about being on the roof of the Superdome and picking off 30 people with his rifle? Or that he lied about shooting the two people in Texas?
Obviously he lied about confronting Ventura too.



Ventura needs his arse kicked up between his shoulders.

Yeah, I think Jesse Ventura could handle anyone who tried to do that.....

Chris Kyle shot dozens of looters dead in New Orleans and other lies.... Jessek10

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