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Forbes: Obama is the best economic president of modern times.

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boards of FL

boards of FL

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) today issued America’s latest jobs report covering August.  And it’s a disappointment.  The economy created an additional 142,000 jobs last month. After six consecutive months over 200,000, most pundits expected the string to continue, including ADP which just yesterday said 204,000 jobs were created in August.

One month variation does not change a trend

Even though the plus-200,000 monthly string was broken (unless revised upward at a future date,) unemployment did continue to decline and is now reported at only 6.1%.  Jobless claims were just over 300,000; lowest since 2007.  Despite the lower than expected August jobs number, America will create about 2.5 million new jobs in 2014.

And that is great news.

Back in May, 2013 (15 months ago) the Dow was out of its recession doldrums and hitting new highs. I asked readers if Obama could, economically, be the best modern President?  Through discussion of that question, the number one issue raised by readers was whether the stock market was a good economic barometer for judging “best.”  Many complained that the measure they were watching was jobs – and that too many people were still looking for work.

To put this week’s jobs report in economic perspective I reached out to Bob Deitrick, CEO of Polaris Financial Partners and author of Bulls, Bears and the Ballot Box (which I profiled in October, 2012 just before the election) for some explanation.  Since then Polaris’ investor newsletters have consistently been the best predictor of economic performance. Better than all the major investment houses.

This is the best private sector jobs creation performance in American history

Unemployment Reagan v ObamaBob Deitrick: ”President Reagan has long been considered the best modern economic President.  So we compared his performance dealing with the oil-induced recession of the 1980s with that of President Obama and his performance during this ‘Great Recession.’

“As this unemployment chart shows, President Obama’s job creation kept unemployment from peaking at as high a level as President Reagan, and promoted people into the workforce faster than President Reagan.

“President Obama has achieved a 6.1% unemployment rate in his sixth year, fully one year faster than President Reagan did.  At this point in his presidency, President Reagan was still struggling with 7.1% unemployment, and he did not reach into the mid-low 6% range for another full year.  So, despite today’s number, the Obama administration has still done considerably better at job creating and reducing unemployment than did the Reagan administration.

“We forecast unemployment will fall to around 5.4% by summer, 2015.  A rate President Reagan was unable to achieve during his two terms.”

What about the Labor Participation Rate?

Much has been made about the poor results of the labor participation rate, which has shown more stubborn recalcitrance as this rate remains higher even as jobs have grown.

U3 v U6 1994-2014Deitrick: “The labor participation rate adds in jobless part time workers and those in marginal work situations with those seeking full time work.  This is not a “hidden” unemployment.  It is a measure tracked since 1900 and called ‘U6.’ today by the BLS.

“As this chart shows, the difference between reported unemployment and all unemployment – including those on the fringe of the workforce – has remained pretty constant since 1994.

Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics - Databases, Tables and Calculators by Subject
Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics – Databases, Tables and Calculators by Subject

“Labor participation is affected much less by short-term job creation, and much more by long-term demographic trends. As this chart from the BLS shows, as the Baby Boomers entered the workforce and societal acceptance of women working changed, labor participation grew.

“Now that ‘Boomers’ are retiring we are seeing the percentage of those seeking employment decline.  This has nothing to do with job availability, and everything to do with a highly predictable aging demographic.

“What’s now clear is that the Obama administration policies have outperformed the Reagan administration policies for job creation and unemployment reduction.  Even though Reagan had the benefit of a growing Boomer class to ignite economic growth, while Obama has been forced to deal with a retiring workforce developing special needs. During the eight years preceding Obama there was a net reduction in jobs in America.  We now are rapidly moving toward higher, sustainable jobs growth.”

Economic growth, including manufacturing, is driving jobs

When President Obama took office America was gripped in an offshoring boom, started years earlier, pushing jobs to the developing world.  Manufacturing was declining in America, and plants were closing across the nation.

This week the Institute for Supply Management (ISM) released its manufacturing report, and it surprised nearly everyone.  The latest Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) scored 59, two points higher than July and about that much higher than prognosticators expected.  This represents 63 straight months of economic expansion, and 25 consecutive months of manufacturing expansion.

New orders were up 3.3 points to 66.7, with 15 consecutive months of improvement and reaching the highest level since April, 2004 – five years prior to Obama becoming President.  Not surprisingly, this economic growth provided for 14 consecutive months of improvement in the employment index.  Meaning that the “grass roots” economy made its turn for the better just as the DJIA was reaching those highs back in 2013 – demonstrating that index is still the leading indicator for jobs that it has famously always been.

As the last 15 months have proven, jobs and economy are improving, and investors are benefiting

The stock market has converted the long-term growth in jobs and GDP into additional gains for investors.  Recently the S&P has crested 2,000 – reaching new all time highs.  Gains made by investors earlier in the Obama administration have further grown, helping businesses  raise capital and improving the nest eggs of almost all Americans.  And laying the foundation for recent, and prolonged job growth.

Investment Returns Reagan v ObamaDeitrick: ”While most Americans think they are not involved with the stock market, truthfully they are. Via their 401K, pension plan and employer savings accounts 2/3 of Americans have a clear vested interest in stock performance.

“As this chart shows, over the first 67 months of their presidencies there is a clear “winner” from an investor’s viewpoint. A dollar invested when Reagan assumed the presidency would have yielded a staggering 190% return. Such returns were unheard of prior to his leadership.

“However, it is undeniable that President Obama has surpassed the previous president. Investors have gained a remarkable 220% over the last 5.5 years! This level of investor growth is unprecedented by any administration, and has proven quite beneficial for everyone.

“In 2009, with pension funds underfunded and most private retirement accounts savaged by the financial meltdown and Wall Street losses, Boomers and Seniors were resigned to never retiring. The nest egg appeared gone, leaving the ‘chickens’ to keep working. But now that the coffers have been reloaded increasingly people age 55 – 70 are happily discovering they can quit their old jobs and spend time with family, relax, enjoy hobbies or start new at-home businesses from their laptops or tablets. It is due to a skyrocketing stock market that people can now pursue these dreams and reduce the labor participation rates for ‘better pastures.”

Where myth meets reality

There is another election in just eight weeks. Statistics will be bandied about. Monthly data points will be hotly contested. There will be a lot of rhetoric by candidates on all sides. But, understanding the prevailing trends is critical. Recognizing that first the economy, then the stock market and now jobs are all trending upward is important – even as all 3 measures will have short-term disappointments.

There are a lot of reasons voters elect a candidate. Jobs and the economy are just one category of factors. But, for those who place a high priority on jobs, economic performance and the markets the data clearly demonstrates which presidential administration has performed best. And shows a very clear trend one can expect to continue into 2015.

Economically, President Obama’s administration has outperformed President Reagan’s in all commonly watched categories. Simultaneously the current administration has reduced the deficit, which skyrocketed under Reagan. Additionally, Obama has reduced federal employment, which grew under Reagan (especially when including military personnel,) and truly delivered a “smaller government.” Additionally, the current administration has kept inflation low, even during extreme international upheaval, failure of foreign economies (Greece) and a dramatic slowdown in the European economy.

[Update 10/4/14 - August jobs report revised upward to 180,000 as September jobs creation returns to 248,000 lowering unemployment rate to 5.9% - lowest unemployment number in 6 years.

[Update 10/16/14 - Initial claims for unemployment drop to the lowest level in 14 years - all the way back to 2000 - indicating an improved economy, additional jobs and fewer people looking for work.]

[Update 11/7/14 - Jobs created in August was revised upward to 203,000 - almost exactly where ADP had the number in August. September was also revised upward to 256,000. Unemployment falls to 5.8% as October is initially reported at 214,000, making 9 consecutive months above 200,000. ]

[Update 12/7/14 - Jobs growth continues in November, with over 300,000 new jobs in America it is the largest monthly employment increase in 3 years; while simultaneously wages rise as well.]


Economically, President Obama’s administration has outperformed President Reagan’s in all commonly watched categories.

This explains the mass dementia of certain must be a communicable disease.....the more you talk about President Obama's multiple successes, the more it spreads. Very Happy



Enjoy the soup's a chance to meet your neighbors...

Forbes:  Obama is the best economic president of modern times.  2008-08-02-great_depression_soup_line



Yes I see new businesses springing up all over It's a boom town !

Forbes:  Obama is the best economic president of modern times.  Payday-loan-1394559-615x350



American youth, Just get an education and the worlds your oyster !

as soon as you pay your 1000 X a Billion student loan debt !pssst that's a trillion $

Forbes:  Obama is the best economic president of modern times.  Debt%20quadrupled%5B1%5D



Now that you've got that advanced degree time to get you a job..well 3 partime jobs with no benefits but hey it looks good on Obamas jobs report !

Forbes:  Obama is the best economic president of modern times.  Student-friendly-Part-Time-Jobs



Main take-aways from that article:

“What’s now clear is that the Obama administration policies have outperformed the Reagan administration policies for job creation and unemployment reduction.  Even though Reagan had the benefit of a growing Boomer class to ignite economic growth, while Obama has been forced to deal with a retiring workforce developing special needs. During the eight years preceding Obama there was a net reduction in jobs in America.  We now are rapidly moving toward higher, sustainable jobs growth.”

Economically, President Obama’s administration has outperformed President Reagan’s in all commonly watched categories. Simultaneously the current administration has reduced the deficit, which skyrocketed under Reagan. Additionally, Obama has reduced federal employment, which grew under Reagan (especially when including military personnel,) and truly delivered a “smaller government.”

Semi-retired Poster Markle is going to really have to scramble to counter the information in this article!!

BTW, Conservapedia lists Forbes Magazine as a conservative magazine:

boards of FL

boards of FL

TEOTWAWKI wrote:Now that you've got that advanced degree time to get you a job..well 3 partime jobs with no benefits but hey it looks good on Obamas jobs report !

Forbes:  Obama is the best economic president of modern times.  Student-friendly-Part-Time-Jobs

Average weekly hours have increased during Obama's tenure. Also, multiple job holders as a % of the labor force are down during Obama's tenure.

Just want to make sure you realize that your comments here are factually ignorant.



boards of FL wrote:
TEOTWAWKI wrote:Now that you've got that advanced degree time to get you a job..well 3 partime jobs with no benefits but hey it looks good on Obamas jobs report !

Forbes:  Obama is the best economic president of modern times.  Student-friendly-Part-Time-Jobs

Average weekly hours have increased during Obama's tenure.  Also, multiple job holders as a % of the labor force are down during Obama's tenure.

Just want to make sure you realize that your comments here are factually ignorant.

Okay to quote that great sleuth of the forum FloTex...Prove it...This administrations postulations have all been made out of fudge....


Just want to make sure you realize that your comments here are factually ignorant.

You expect I am giggling. That alternative universe some occupy really does provide entertainment and they have been wrong on international relations, domestic policy, and economic policy for over eight years......our budget deficits are evaporating and our GDP grows in steady fashion, all the while inflation is low.......President Obama has performed a miracle since the disaster of 2007-2009 as stock market records, corporate profit records, and productivity continues to find no is that gold working out.



TEOTWAWKI wrote:American youth, Just get an education and the worlds your oyster !

as soon as you pay your 1000 X a Billion student loan debt !pssst that's a trillion $

Forbes:  Obama is the best economic president of modern times.  Debt%20quadrupled%5B1%5D

Forbes:  Obama is the best economic president of modern times.  Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRkAaUCGigsDWqH8BYPDT2Gx4sRi30nUxsrbkVZWipVSQjAzJcN0g

The cost of education is becoming outrageous! The president should make a decree and get the government involved!...

OBAMAED is born.





Damaged Eagle wrote:
TEOTWAWKI wrote:American youth, Just get an education and the worlds your oyster !

as soon as you pay your 1000 X a Billion student loan debt !pssst that's a trillion $

Forbes:  Obama is the best economic president of modern times.  Debt%20quadrupled%5B1%5D

Forbes:  Obama is the best economic president of modern times.  Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRkAaUCGigsDWqH8BYPDT2Gx4sRi30nUxsrbkVZWipVSQjAzJcN0g

The cost of education is becoming outrageous! The president should make a decree and get the government involved!...

OBAMAED is born.



Obama-ed ? what could go wrong...sure why not ?

boards of FL

boards of FL

boards of FL wrote:
TEOTWAWKI wrote:Now that you've got that advanced degree time to get you a job..well 3 partime jobs with no benefits but hey it looks good on Obamas jobs report !

Forbes:  Obama is the best economic president of modern times.  Student-friendly-Part-Time-Jobs

Average weekly hours have increased during Obama's tenure.  Also, multiple job holders as a % of the labor force are down during Obama's tenure.

Just want to make sure you realize that your comments here are factually ignorant.

Okay to quote that great sleuth of the forum FloTex...Prove it...This administrations postulations have all been made out of fudge....

Stand corrected.

Average weekly hours

January 2009: 34.1
November 2014: 34.6

Multiple job holders as a % of the labor force

January 2009: 5.3%
November 2014: 5.0%



boards of FL wrote:
boards of FL wrote:
TEOTWAWKI wrote:Now that you've got that advanced degree time to get you a job..well 3 partime jobs with no benefits but hey it looks good on Obamas jobs report !

Forbes:  Obama is the best economic president of modern times.  Student-friendly-Part-Time-Jobs

Average weekly hours have increased during Obama's tenure.  Also, multiple job holders as a % of the labor force are down during Obama's tenure.

Just want to make sure you realize that your comments here are factually ignorant.

Okay to quote that great sleuth of the forum FloTex...Prove it...This administrations postulations have all been made out of fudge....

Stand corrected.

Average weekly hours

January 2009:  34.1
November 2014: 34.6

Multiple job holders as a % of the labor force

January 2009:  5.3%
November 2014: 5.0%

Less than a percentage point ?...come on I can find pocket change and make my personal bottom line look about stretching the lie.

boards of FL

boards of FL

boards of FL wrote:
boards of FL wrote:
TEOTWAWKI wrote:Now that you've got that advanced degree time to get you a job..well 3 partime jobs with no benefits but hey it looks good on Obamas jobs report !

Forbes:  Obama is the best economic president of modern times.  Student-friendly-Part-Time-Jobs

Average weekly hours have increased during Obama's tenure.  Also, multiple job holders as a % of the labor force are down during Obama's tenure.

Just want to make sure you realize that your comments here are factually ignorant.

Okay to quote that great sleuth of the forum FloTex...Prove it...This administrations postulations have all been made out of fudge....

Stand corrected.

Average weekly hours

January 2009:  34.1
November 2014: 34.6

Multiple job holders as a % of the labor force

January 2009:  5.3%
November 2014: 5.0%

Less than a percentage point ?...come on I can find pocket change and make my personal bottom line look about stretching the lie.

You seemed to imply that part time work is up and multiple job holders are up. Now that I gave you the numbers, you acknowledge that you were wrong on those remarks, correct?



Damaged Eagle wrote:
TEOTWAWKI wrote:American youth, Just get an education and the worlds your oyster !

as soon as you pay your 1000 X a Billion student loan debt !pssst that's a trillion $

Forbes:  Obama is the best economic president of modern times.  Debt%20quadrupled%5B1%5D

Forbes:  Obama is the best economic president of modern times.  Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRkAaUCGigsDWqH8BYPDT2Gx4sRi30nUxsrbkVZWipVSQjAzJcN0g

The cost of education is becoming outrageous! The president should make a decree and get the government involved!...

OBAMAED is born.



Obama-ed ?  what could go wrong...sure why not ?

Forbes:  Obama is the best economic president of modern times.  Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQF2FTNMns3ZTCkiVpMq519KtlZFO2mZjRmdsS9O-MKX02GuLkm7A

Besides he needs his cut out of that piece of the pie... How else can he pay for those mansions in all 57 of the states that he knows of, vacations in Hawaii, and other places around the world after he leaves office?




How much better can a President perform? Honestly, this man has been exceptional, and the fun part now is how he quietly is smiling. It is going to be a hoot if stupid chooses more stupidity when congress will be classic.



2seaoat wrote:How much better can a President perform?  Honestly, this man has been exceptional, and the fun part now is how he quietly is smiling.  It is going to be a hoot if stupid chooses more stupidity when congress will be classic.

I think you will be able to count on there being plenty of stupid once Congress reconvenes......



Forbes:  Obama is the best economic president of modern times.  Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRcNk_PqzIFlA82sFxtTOCKJq0jrJMjDmd3oDpQVeo6WESIurLbcw

I figure as soon as Congress presents a budget the Whiner-In-Chief will throw a fit like he did last time instead of making a compromise.




instead of making a compromise.

The majority of Americans twice elected him based on his platform. Why would he betray their confidence with compromises which hurt America? He will not. If it is a policy which is good for America, he will sign the bill. Like he said......we are in the fourth quarter and he is still standing and performing at the highest levels......if Congress can bring bills which help win the game........the President will sign the same.



Forbes:  Obama is the best economic president of modern times.  Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSkkwaXRPY9xoGR0lcQbM6UmxTAFtOMbjPmBDRbW5AQOrcLkAhD

Hey no problem. I wonder how much we can make off the Museum Of Art at the Smithsonian?..... I'm sure that a Picasso will look good hanging in the Clinton's hallway. A Whistler in Kerry's den. Gore needs a Warhol in his entryway. While Obama would like a Lawrence for his sitting room.





Forbes:  Obama is the best economic president of modern times.  Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTYqKEIkK7pVD61tisiY7hTNr9BM-w3_bHgBCnuTQ7eWHhaFDMN

I bet the Washington Monument would look good sitting on Bill Gates front lawn.





Forbes:  Obama is the best economic president of modern times.  Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSQP0zjrkUdTltgCJMP-mZoZ-XL7QV675sqtyDe1BH6VM7MiGYhew

And all you liberals could take up a collection fund to buy Bill Ayers the US Constitution.




And all you liberals could take up a collection fund to buy Bill Ayers the US Constitution.

I never realized how cogent your thought process was when talking to yourself.



2seaoat wrote:And all you liberals could take up a collection fund to buy Bill Ayers the US Constitution.

I never realized how cogent your thought process was when talking to yourself.

Forbes:  Obama is the best economic president of modern times.  Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTnVpB1rvpSGzl-7J-W5PezhKeA5TcxbvfgqcLQeavYZlPf4JthGw

Considering that you felt compelled to reply I must not be talking to myself... Thanks for saying I'm easy to understand.


Very Happy

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