This country has a penchant for making belligerent stands in foreign policy, and then remaining with them even when they fail.
Think Drug Wars.
Think about sending zillions to tyrannical dictators who claim they're our friends -- at the cost of generating sheer hatred for us by the people our aid has helped to suffer.
Consider: Today we are trading partners with Red China and Vietnam -- former enemies whom we actually fought (Korea, Vietnam War).
Cuba's another matter. Sure we don't like Fidel's abusive and cruel regime -- but our policies and embargoes have accomplished zero, nada, zip, in damaging the Cuban leaders in the eyes of the Cuban people. What we have accomplished is to cause massive poverty among the people of one of our neighboring countries.
President Obama's spectacular move to create new relations with Cuba is a brilliant political move. Clearly, once trade opens between the U.S. and Cuba there will be more pressures than ever put on Cuba's leadership to make significant changes.
Obama's opening up travel to Cuba and will allow Cuban/Americans to send money home -- much of which will be used by Cubans to start small businesses.
Same as it happened in Red China.
I'm sure these positive foreign policy changes will be opposed by our resident "GI JOE" and our resident Curmudgeon -- both of whom still resent the fact we're borrowing from Red China, etc. As for me, I'd much rather make friends than war -- and virtually everytime we've opened trade with a potential enemy, it has proven positive to America.
Pacedog and Markle can't list a single incident where American belligerence and military threatening has paid off for the USA. Not one.
We don't need more enemies ... we surely have enough right now!
Screw Amerika Inc.!! Corporate control of our government through campaign financing.
Think Drug Wars.
Think about sending zillions to tyrannical dictators who claim they're our friends -- at the cost of generating sheer hatred for us by the people our aid has helped to suffer.
Consider: Today we are trading partners with Red China and Vietnam -- former enemies whom we actually fought (Korea, Vietnam War).
Cuba's another matter. Sure we don't like Fidel's abusive and cruel regime -- but our policies and embargoes have accomplished zero, nada, zip, in damaging the Cuban leaders in the eyes of the Cuban people. What we have accomplished is to cause massive poverty among the people of one of our neighboring countries.
President Obama's spectacular move to create new relations with Cuba is a brilliant political move. Clearly, once trade opens between the U.S. and Cuba there will be more pressures than ever put on Cuba's leadership to make significant changes.
Obama's opening up travel to Cuba and will allow Cuban/Americans to send money home -- much of which will be used by Cubans to start small businesses.
Same as it happened in Red China.
I'm sure these positive foreign policy changes will be opposed by our resident "GI JOE" and our resident Curmudgeon -- both of whom still resent the fact we're borrowing from Red China, etc. As for me, I'd much rather make friends than war -- and virtually everytime we've opened trade with a potential enemy, it has proven positive to America.
Pacedog and Markle can't list a single incident where American belligerence and military threatening has paid off for the USA. Not one.
We don't need more enemies ... we surely have enough right now!
Screw Amerika Inc.!! Corporate control of our government through campaign financing.