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1Newk's Empty Newk's 11/25/2014, 2:29 pm



Newk's Eatery website says the Cordova Mall location is now open (former Big Daddy's site).

It also shows a future location at 400 E Chase St, which is the former site of Copland's.

Any reviews?

2Newk's Empty Re: Newk's 1/10/2015, 9:48 pm



colaguy wrote:Newk's Eatery website says the Cordova Mall location is now open (former Big Daddy's site).

It also shows a future location at 400 E Chase St, which is the former site of Copland's.

Any reviews?

I went to Newk's for the Cuban Sandwich...of course it was not on the menu here. Had a Caesar and  Grilled steak sandwich....both were good. It is very similar to Panera Bread.

3Newk's Empty Re: Newk's 4/15/2015, 2:29 pm


The Newk's "Q" and half a Caesar side is good and filled me up.

4Newk's Empty Re: Newk's 5/15/2015, 5:44 pm

boards of FL

boards of FL

Wife loves it. I'm not a fan. I've tried some sort of roast beef sandwich and two different pizzas.

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