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1Interstellar Empty Interstellar 11/18/2014, 9:18 pm

The Dude

The Dude

Big time movie well produced. See it on the biggest screen you can find.
At times actually begs comparison to 2001 but then.....

Great special effects and filming. Then there are times it looks like a cheap glued model was used.

In the end kind of disappointing, but could have been really excellent. Think the plot was great ending silly.

Anyway worth the price of admission. But no not 2001

2Interstellar Empty Re: Interstellar 11/20/2014, 3:41 pm



Hope it's better than Gravity. That was so overrated.

3Interstellar Empty Re: Interstellar 11/20/2014, 4:15 pm

boards of FL

boards of FL

Saw Interstellar on Monday. Very entertaining, though you definitely have to suspend belief at times. Yes, I realize it is a SciFi movie. That isn't the type of belief that I'm talking about. There is much in the movie that simply doesn't make sense on any level. Don't dwell on any of that too much and you'll enjoy it.

4Interstellar Empty Re: Interstellar 11/20/2014, 5:50 pm



At least we know where ghosts come from now...

5Interstellar Empty Re: Interstellar 11/20/2014, 7:52 pm



The Dude wrote:Big time movie well produced. See it on the biggest screen you can find.
At times actually begs comparison to 2001 but then.....

Great special effects and filming. Then there are times it looks like a cheap glued model was used.

In the end kind of disappointing, but could have been really excellent. Think the plot was great ending silly.

Anyway worth the price of admission. But no not 2001

Not 2001 was my review of the original Star Wars movie. It still is. I didn't know they were going to come out with new flavors.

6Interstellar Empty Re: Interstellar 11/20/2014, 7:54 pm



TEOTWAWKI wrote:At least we know where ghosts come from now...

This is sounding less like Outer Limits and more like Twilight Zone.

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