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Why do they hate my brother and came in here and hurt him

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So Oprah is the problem.....neighbors do not even talk in America anymore.....they are frightened scardy cats locked in their homes behind burglar doors and guns.


I don't understand why they had to pepper spray him? Let's hear the conservatives excuse this.


Mr Markle will not see how utterly disgusting his thread on Oprah see this kid thought he was an American. He was loved by his parents and his siblings, but Oprah made him think he was an African that was left to the police. There was no reason to pepper spray somebody in their own home. A discussion would be a starting point, but America is just fricking afraid......CNN blares about Ebola, Isis, and other things to scare Americans......we have never been so safe, but hate is good politics. It allows the oppressors to divide and conquer. It allows people to vote against their economic interests. It allows an Oligarchy to steal our democracy.



Vikingwoman wrote:I don't understand why they had to pepper spray him? Let's hear the conservatives excuse this.

Do you have the cops side of the story?


All you have is a sensationalized piece of yellow journalism. Pepper spray is non-lethal. Had he shot the guy, you'd be whining about "why didn't he use pepper spray?"


Do you have the cops side of the story as to why they had to spray him? Why would you have to spray someone who was in their own home? Why couldn't the cops handle that w/o pepper spraying someone? Why? Because they were aggressive. There was no reason to not handle that situation w/o pepper spray.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

2seaoat wrote:So Oprah is the problem.....neighbors do not even talk in America anymore.....they are frightened scardy cats locked in their homes behind burglar doors and guns.

Firstly,  Seaoat is correct about one thing.  This is of course a prime example of how many whites will profile any young black to be a potential criminal.  As we see,  in this case it applies to both the neighbor and to the cops.  

But in exactly the same way whites stereotype blacks,  Seaoat is now stereotyping all whites who have burglar doors.  
I have burglar doors.  But my next door neighbors are black.  My neighbors and I are very close.  We swapped keys with each other and we look out for each other.  
The fact that I have burglar doors has not a damn thing to do with race.
I have burglar doors to stop burglars.  When it comes to burglars,  I am an equal opportunity hater.  Burglars are white and burglars are black.  But they're all still burglars.  And burglary is not a myth created by racist whites,  seaoat.  Burglary does actually exist.  And you probably won't ever believe this, seaoat, but my black next door neighbors don't like burglars either. lol



Bob wrote:And you probably won't ever believe this,  seaoat,  but my black next door neighbors don't like burglars either.

Why would you think that's hard to believe?

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Sal wrote:
Bob wrote:And you probably won't ever believe this,  seaoat,  but my black next door neighbors don't like burglars either.

Why would you think that's hard to believe?

It's not that hard to believe for normal people,  just Seaoat.  Seaoat believes only white racists are agin burglars. lol

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

2seaoat wrote:neighbors do not even talk in America anymore.

That is generally the case.  Of my whole circle of friends,  only one has lived on a street where most neighbors had gotten to know each other.  And it was really cool because I spent so much time at his house that I got to know many of his neighbors and became friends with them too.
But just recently he's moved to a different neighborhood and so far it doesn't look like it will happen there.  

Like me,  all the rest of my friends know their next door neighbors,  but haven't really gotten to know any of the others.

One thing about the case in point though.  Nothing in the video reveals how close a proximity the "neighbor" was to this household.  I'll speculate that this neighbor was not a closeby neighbor.  Because if so, the neighbor would have (or should have) known the black teen was a part of the household and would not have mistaken him for a burglar.

But to be clear,  that's just an explanation for what happened,  and not an excuse for it.   Why?  Because if a white teen was seen entering a black household,  I seriously doubt any neighbor would have suspected the white teen was a burglar and called the cops.  AND,  if the white cops had entered the home of a black household and discovered a white kid in there,  that white kid would very likely have never been pepper sprayed.
There's no way around the fact that young black males are being unfairly profiled by both civilians and cops.  Trayvon Martin is the tragic evidence of it. I now realize that.

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