I had a client around 7 years ago over 65 that was in a hospital here in the panhandle and had delicate eye surgery, that's why they kept him, anyway he was in a room with a man that had prostate surgery. One day when the urologist was visiting the other patient, he pulled the curtain back and looked at my clients chart and said hi Mr. ............., my client said hi. The doctor left the room and my client received a bill from that urologist about a month later for around $800 for that doctor visiting him while hospitalized.
Just about the same thing happened with my sister and brother-in-law when they were in the hospital and brother-in-law in bay breeze around 4 years ago. Both had bills that Medicare paid for doctor's they never saw. My brother-in-law received one every week while in bay breeze from a shrink in Ft Myer's. After he died I did a little investigation to see if the doc had possibly anything to do with bay breeze, Nope. So I called CMS and told them what happened and they paid several office visit's to this doc and they said if I could prove it to call them back. I said I thought I just did when I told you my brother-in-law was in GB and the doc in Ft Myer's and he did not take a helicopter to a doc visit to Ft Myer's. Although I know insurance company's don't pay for things they should and try to get out of claims, I have seen so much from the medical field over the past 7 years with this kind of shit, healthcare reform should have started there.
I do feel empathy for the honest doc's who went through year's of schooling, mounds of debt and are pretty good at what they do, but both the medical profession, insurance company's and the govt are out of control.