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What a hoot! During his HOUR LATE Press Converence about Africa, semi-retired President Obama stressed how important TRANSPARENCY is in THEIR government!

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What a hoot!  During his HOUR LATE Press Converence about Africa, semi-retired President Obama stressed how important TRANSPARENCY is in THEIR government!

You just can't make these things up!

Last edited by Markle on 8/6/2014, 10:47 pm; edited 1 time in total



Markle wrote:What a hoot!  During his HOUR LATE Press Converence about Africa, semi-retired President Obama stressed how important TRANSPARANCY is in THEIR government!

You just can't make these things up!

T-r-a-n-s-p-a-r-e-n-c-y. Pathetic loser.



Floridatexan wrote:
Markle wrote:What a hoot!  During his HOUR LATE Press Converence about Africa, semi-retired President Obama stressed how important TRANSPARENCY is in THEIR government!

You just can't make these things up!

T-r-a-n-s-p-a-r-e-n-c-y.  Pathetic loser.

Ooooooooo...that's all you have. Sheer desperations!

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