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Putinism, is it already here in the U.S.?

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“Illiberal Democracy” is how Obama has been directing this country. The erosion of individual rights (think NSA spying, mandatory insurance participation, etc) and erosion of the separation of powers (think ignoring or bypassing Congress and not enforcing laws or changing them to suit the political climate). Yes, it’s apparent Putin is Obama's mentor.

“The rise of Putinism” By Fareed Zakaria

“When the Cold War ended, Hungary occupied a special place in the story of the revolutions of 1989. It was the first country in the Soviet orbit to abandon communism and embrace liberal democracy. Today it is again a trendsetter, becoming the first European country to denounce and distance itself from liberal democracy. It is adopting a new system and set of values that are best exemplified by Vladimir Putin’s Russia but are finding echoes in other countries as well.

In a major speech last weekend, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban explained that his country is determined to build a new political model — illiberal democracy. This caught my eye because in 1997, I wrote an essay in Foreign Affairs using that same phrase to describe a dangerous trend. Democratic governments, often popular, were using their mandates to erode individual rights, the separation of powers and the rule of law. But even I never imagined that a national leader — from Europe no less — would use the term as a badge of honor.”



LOL. Might as well delete this thread - it's obviously too intellectually stimulating for the usual Obama apologists on here to understand.



Why, then, is Putin the hero of the far right? Are you aware that the spying by the NSA was begun in earnest (without warrants) by George W Bush in February, 2001? Who started the war in Ukraine? It appears that was Victoria Nuland, neoconservative wife of Robert Kagan, another Cheney appointee, set the plot in motion. Too bad the President didn't really clean out the State Dept. when he took office...perhaps he had other things on his mind.


Floridatexan wrote:
Why, then, is Putin the hero of the far right?  Are you aware that the spying by the NSA was begun in earnest (without warrants) by George W Bush in February, 2001?  Who started the war in Ukraine?  It appears that was Victoria Nuland, neoconservative wife of Robert Kagan, another Cheney appointee, set the plot in motion.  Too bad the President didn't really clean out the State Dept. when he took office...perhaps he had other things on his mind.

What evidence is there that Putin is a hero of the "far right"? Those hard heads are too internalized to see beyond their noses.

Why is Obama so weak when it comes to controlling his foreign policy and his own personnel? Putin smelled the weakness and decided it was safe to pursue his agenda.

At least your opinion writer throws some blame on Obama - unusual for your normal sources.



Do I really have to remind you of the chaos at the end of the Bush administration?  Of the vow by GOP leadership make Obama a 1-term President on the day of his inauguration?  Of the constant obstruction of appointments to government agencies and the judiciary? the point of shutting down the government and making unreasonable demands for the passage of basic legislation, even though the complete and utter failure of Bush was obvious to everyone (though not acknowledged by many in the GOP, but evidenced by the glaring omission of Bush from the electoral convention of 2008).  



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