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What WONDERFUL People! Hamas tells civilians to return to their homes to act as human shields

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These are the fine folks supported by our far left fine friends here.

What WONDERFUL People! Hamas tells civilians to return to their homes to act as human shields

Palestinian indoctrination to seek Martyrdom for Allah fosters willingness to act as human shields

"Answering the occupation's [Israel's] calls will merely aid it in carrying out its plans to weaken the [Palestinian] home front and to destroy property and homes as soon as you leave them. We call on all our people who have left their homes to return to them immediately."

[Hamas' Ministry of Interior spokesman Iyad al-Buzu,

on Ministry's Facebook page, July 13, 2014]

Meanwhile they are showering thousands of rockets down on Israel.


Few if any of the bastards who are firing the rockets are getting killed in the reprisals. Almost 200 civilians have died. At my last reading No Israeli has died from these missile attacks. The eye for an eye has to stop, because the Palestinian civilians are being butchered. Yes, the Israelis take extraordinary steps to avoid collateral damage, but the proof is in the pudding.

My question is where are the drones who should be using infra red to locate folks setting up a missiles for launch. Where are the precise drone surgical strikes compared to less than perfect bombing runs. This has to stop. It does not make Hamas right, but the longer civilians are dying it is hurting Israel. A ground invasion is obviously what Hamas wants as they probably have the whole Gaza wired and ready to remotely blow up anything that moves. The answer is in more precise response which is timely........the jets dropping bombs after a rocket has fired is idiotic.



Here's a link that I posted on the other thread.

If this account is true, Bibi is lying through his teeth about the whole incident leading up to these attacks. According to the article, the 3 Israeli teens were hiking, and apparently they (are supposed to have) accepted a ride from some bad characters who have been condemned even by Hamas. A call to police by one of the teens had gunshots in the background. The Israeli government had good reason to believe the teens were already dead but suppressed that information for 18 days, while Bibi did a whirlwind tour drumming up sympathy for the poor Israelis. Part of that was the Face the Nation show I caught part of on Sunday, with Netanyahu asking the American people to imagine if all the cities in the US were under attack...constantly...when in truth the Iron Dome anti-missle system has protected Israel from attacks across the border, while the citizens of Gaza, under military occupation since 2006, are sitting ducks.



The Zionists learned much from their Nazi oppressors of a bygone era.....

What WONDERFUL People!  Hamas tells civilians to return to their homes to act as human shields Holoca12

What WONDERFUL People!  Hamas tells civilians to return to their homes to act as human shields Holoca13

What WONDERFUL People!  Hamas tells civilians to return to their homes to act as human shields Stuka_11



Markle wrote:These are the fine folks supported by our far left fine friends here.

What WONDERFUL People!  Hamas tells civilians to return to their homes to act as human shields

Palestinian indoctrination to seek Martyrdom for Allah fosters willingness to act as human shields

"Answering the occupation's [Israel's] calls will merely aid it in carrying out its plans to weaken the [Palestinian] home front and to destroy property and homes as soon as you leave them. We call on all our people who have left their homes to return to them immediately."

[Hamas' Ministry of Interior spokesman Iyad al-Buzu,

on Ministry's Facebook page, July 13, 2014]

Meanwhile they are showering thousands of rockets down on Israel.

Just who are you referring to who you claim is supporting Hamas in the current madness? Not me. Not Sal. Not Zug. Not Seaoat ... who?


Just who are you referring to who you claim is supporting Hamas in the current madness? Not me. Not Sal. Not Zug. Not Seaoat ... who?

I think he is referring to Harvey, the imaginary rabbit.



2seaoat wrote:Just who are you referring to who you claim is supporting Hamas in the current madness? Not me. Not Sal. Not Zug. Not Seaoat ... who?

I think he is referring to Harvey, the imaginary rabbit.

He talks to Harvey a lot......



Bibi is facing criticism from his own party for agreeing to a cease fire...unbelievable.



2seaoat wrote:Few if any of the bastards who are firing the rockets are getting killed in the reprisals.  Almost 200 civilians have died.   At my last reading No Israeli has died from these missile attacks.  The eye for an eye has to stop, because the Palestinian civilians are being butchered.  Yes, the Israelis take extraordinary steps to avoid collateral damage, but the proof is in the pudding.

My question is where are the drones who should be using infra red to locate folks setting up a missiles for launch.  Where are the precise drone surgical strikes compared to less than perfect bombing runs.   This has to stop.   It does not make Hamas right, but the longer civilians are dying it is hurting Israel.  A ground invasion is obviously what Hamas wants as they probably have the whole Gaza wired and ready to remotely blow up anything that moves.  The answer is in more precise response which is timely........the jets dropping bombs after a rocket has fired is idiotic.

All Hamas has to do is quit launching thousands of rockets into Israel and the violence will end.  Some are also being fired from Syria.  That's a surprise.



What would any of you suggest the United States do should another country launch thousands of rockets into an area the size of New Jersey?


What would any of you suggest the United States do should another country launch thousands of rockets into an area the size of New Jersey?

I have been to New Jersey........give them a star for picking the right state.

The Israelis with the billions of military aid need to prioritize drone precise targeting which hits rockets before they launch and kills the guilty parties. This needs to stop. Hamas is wrong, but with each child and civilian killed, it will not be the rockets which will be remembered it will be the four little boys playing on the beach which will be remembered. This has to stop.



Bibby doesn't want it to stop. 



Not surprised at all. Neither of you have a thing.


Not surprised at all. Neither of you have a thing.

Your answer of killing more civilians is no answer at all.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

At least the gang leaders in the U.S. who are continually at war with each other like this are putting their own lives on the line. Bibi and the Hamas leaders are like that little faggot senator from south carolina. They want others to do the dying for them while they hole up safe and sound in their little bunkers. Same as Hitler. Same as Kim Dung Jung.


My problem is that it appears that the Israelis are targeting Hamas families who are in a leadership role. It is one thing to blow Khaddafi's tent in Libya and kill some of his children, it is another to be blowing up residences in compact residential areas where the ONLY deaths will be civilians. We have entered a world where like the godfather we can have somebody surgically whacked and send a message as we kill the entire family and the neighbors.......even Tony Soprano had standards of warfare.......this has to stop.


2seaoat wrote:My problem is that it appears that the Israelis are targeting Hamas families who are in a leadership role.  It is one thing to blow Khaddafi's tent in Libya and kill some of his children, it is another to be blowing up residences in        compact residential areas where the ONLY deaths will be civilians.  We have entered a world where like the godfather we can have somebody surgically whacked and send a message as we kill the entire family and the neighbors.......even Tony Soprano had standards of warfare.......this has to stop.

It probably will when Hamas stops indiscriminately shooting rockets and mortars at Israeli civilians and killing teenagers.



Hamas tells civilians to return to there homes and act as human shields...

Just a little trick they learned from your hero and patriot welfare rancher cliven bundy



2seaoat wrote:My problem is that it appears that the Israelis are targeting Hamas families who are in a leadership role.  It is one thing to blow Khaddafi's tent in Libya and kill some of his children, it is another to be blowing up residences in        compact residential areas where the ONLY deaths will be civilians.  We have entered a world where like the godfather we can have somebody surgically whacked and send a message as we kill the entire family and the neighbors.......even Tony Soprano had standards of warfare.......this has to stop.

As you well know, Israel has gone to extremes to warn private citizens to leave the area. Hamas has carefully housed all their top leadership scattered about among the private citizens in order to use them as human shields.



Herr Markle, our resident Nazi, started this thread by saying his friends on the far left support Hamas.

Every one of us denied his claim.

I asked him to designate just whom he meant by his claim ...




Markle wrote:

As you well know, Israel has gone to extremes to warn private citizens to leave the area.  Hamas has carefully housed all their top leadership scattered about among the private citizens in order to use them as human shields.

Did they warn those four little boys on the beach?



Sal wrote:
Markle wrote:

As you well know, Israel has gone to extremes to warn private citizens to leave the area.  Hamas has carefully housed all their top leadership scattered about among the private citizens in order to use them as human shields.

Did they warn those four little boys on the beach?

Sal: How should Israel have handled the latest crisis -- Hamas rockets landing inside Israel's borders?



Herr Markle ... your silence is more powerful than your noise.

Just which of your "fine friends on the far left" in this forum has indicated support of Hamas?

Gosh you're easy!




Wordslinger wrote:
Sal wrote:
Markle wrote:

As you well know, Israel has gone to extremes to warn private citizens to leave the area.  Hamas has carefully housed all their top leadership scattered about among the private citizens in order to use them as human shields.

Did they warn those four little boys on the beach?

Sal:  How should Israel have handled the latest crisis -- Hamas rockets landing inside Israel's borders?

With restraint. 

Just look at the casualty numbers. 

Israel's response has been disproportionate and cruel. 



Sal wrote:
Wordslinger wrote:
Sal wrote:
Markle wrote:

As you well know, Israel has gone to extremes to warn private citizens to leave the area.  Hamas has carefully housed all their top leadership scattered about among the private citizens in order to use them as human shields.

Did they warn those four little boys on the beach?

Sal:  How should Israel have handled the latest crisis -- Hamas rockets landing inside Israel's borders?

With restraint. 

Just look at the casualty numbers. 

Israel's response has been disproportionate and cruel. 

Thousands of rockets have rained down on Israel. A country the size of New Hampshire. What would be our response should a country rain rockets down on an area the size of New Hampshire?

Exactly how is their response, warning the citizens, "disproportionate". As we did with Germany, Japan, Italy you CRUSH the enemy. NOT as we did in Korea, Vietnam or now Afghanistan. We had won Iraq, and President Barack Hussein Obama's doctrine was able to grab defeat from the jaws of victory. He must be so proud.

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