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Cop Who Busted People for Victimless Crimes … Gets Busted for Victimless Crimes

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Cop Who Busted People for Victimless Crimes … Gets Busted for Victimless Crimes
Laurence M. Vance

He was named America’s top sheriff in 2001. He once had a jail named after him, but the name has since been changed. You see, in 2011 Patrick Sullivan, the former sheriff of Arapahoe County in Colorado, was arrested for selling meth for sex with younger men. A judge has just sentenced him to 15 months in prison for repeatedly violating his probation. Sullivan served his initial 30-day prison sentence in the jail that once bore his name. Drug warriors are the ones who should be locked up. Too bad Sullivan wasn’t locked up for being one.

You reap what you sow, Patrick, you reap what you sow.

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