The Ancient Astronaut Theory
Alien descendents? the theories of rh- blood
RH in the blood type of humans stands for Rhesus Monkeys. When someone is RH positive, their genetics can be traced back to the monkeys. When they are negative, their genetics cannot. RH negative blood is a type of blood that occurs in a small percentage of people. O negative blood type occurs in one of fifteen people, A negative in 1 in 16 people, B negative in 1 of 67 people, and AB negative in one of 167 people. Only 16% of the world has RH negative blood, making it a rare occurence. O negative blood is said to be the purest blood in the universe. O negatives can't receive blood from anyone besides their own blood type, but anyone can receive O negative.
Personality of rh- people
There are many common traits of an RH- person. Some of these traits are:
-A feeling of not belonging
-Truth seekers
-Sense of a "mission" in life
-Empathy and passion for mankind
-An extra rib or vertebra
-higher than average IQ
-ESP ability
-Love of space and science
-More sensitive vision and other senses
-Increased of physic/intuitive abilities
-Cannot be cloned<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< interesting
-Lower body temperature
-Higher blood pressure (sometimes lower)
-Predominantly blue, green, or hazel eyes
-Red or reddish tint to hair
-Increased sensitivity to heat and sunlight
-Unexplained scars
-Piercing eyes
-Tend to be healers
-Empathetic illness
-Ability to disrupt electrical devices
-Prone to alien abductions
-Experience unexplained phenomenon
-Physic dreams or ability
Theory: Rh- and anunnaki
I have highlighted some of the traits she has from the above list. Most notably she has a extra vertebra and a extra rib. And to be honest and I studied anatomy I never knew you could have a extra vertebra until last year