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PNJ Raises Subscription Rate--Steeply

4 posters

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It is going to cost $28 per month for a subscription starting next month; an 18% increase in their subscription rate.



Try to hang in until August. Bonus coming your way.

Through a partnership with the Pensacola News Journal, the first report will be inserted into an August edition of the paper, with 30,000 extra copies dispersed throughout the community. Hammer envisions quarterly print reports with daily web and social media updates and dialogue.

Terry Horne, publisher of the Pensacola News Journal, said he believes this project will be an important next step in continuing and accelerating the positive momentum of the Pensacola metro area.

"We're all in on it," said Horne. "The News Journal's partnership with the Studer Institute on the community benchmark project is based on a shared passion to serve the greater good for the people of Escambia and Santa Rosa counties."


I received my rate increase two weeks ago effective June 3, I cancelled them (also had internet) and they immediately turned off my access through the internet (even though paid til June 3rd) but are still delivering paper's to my house as of today. Did you see you're paying a $7.50 transportation fee in that amount?



I didn't notice the transportation fee. This is the steepest price increase they have instituted in the 24 years we have lived here. We'll hang with it, for now. I don't even read the printed paper now that you can access the whole thing, including ads, online. I always choose electronic documents now when they become available. The only two magazines I subscribe to are now electronic and that is all I look at.



They will be kaput eventually, but still cheaper than Obamacare!



Cancel Time!



Joanimaroni wrote:Cancel Time!

How about if Studer hand delivers it to you?



PACEDOG#1 wrote:They will be kaput eventually, but still cheaper than Obamacare!

Gee-zus P-dog Obama owns you!!! How the weather Mr Dog.? " Rain..Fucking Obama" Anything good on TV tonight.? "Hell no... Fucking Obama"

Is today your birthday? "Yes.. Fucking Obama" LOL

no stress

no stress

Mr Ichi wrote:
PACEDOG#1 wrote:They will be kaput eventually, but still cheaper than Obamacare!

Gee-zus P-dog  Obama owns you!!!   How the weather Mr Dog.?  " Rain..Fucking Obama"  Anything good on TV tonight.? "Hell no...  Fucking Obama"

Is today your birthday?  "Yes.. Fucking Obama"  LOL


Mr Ichi wrote:
PACEDOG#1 wrote:They will be kaput eventually, but still cheaper than Obamacare!

Gee-zus P-dog  Obama owns you!!!   How the weather Mr Dog.?  " Rain..Fucking Obama"  Anything good on TV tonight.? "Hell no...  Fucking Obama"

Is today your birthday?  "Yes.. Fucking Obama"  LOL

Obsessions/OCD could it be infatuation? Just don't be an obama inflatable doll to talk to.



Mr Ichi wrote:
Joanimaroni wrote:Cancel Time!

How about if Studer hand delivers it to you?

Nope...I don't want to pay for a paper with ads rather than journalism.

Speaking of Studer......I went to Mrs. Studerville today for a cooking class. Very nice set up to promote their products. Beautiful facility but pricey.



Mr Ichi wrote:
PACEDOG#1 wrote:They will be kaput eventually, but still cheaper than Obamacare!

Gee-zus P-dog  Obama owns you!!!   How the weather Mr Dog.?  " Rain..Fucking Obama"  Anything good on TV tonight.? "Hell no...  Fucking Obama"

Is today your birthday?  "Yes.. Fucking Obama"  LOL

 cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers

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