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The Edward Snowden Interview on NBC Was Awesome Tonight

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It was smashingly interesting, as was the one hour post-interview debate at the NBC website afterward. If you didn't see either of these, I suggest you dial them up on the Internet and give them a look.

Snowden is amazingly intelligent, very articulate, and is worldly for someone only 30 years old.



He was probably breast fed, no Ritalin and never drank fluoride other words his momma loved him... Twisted Evil

here's highlights from tonight




To me, he comes across as a flaky and extremely naive self-promoter with an inflated ego.

Don't get me wrong, I am totally opposed to the explosive growth of our snooping apparatus, but this guy is neither a patriot nor a hero.



He's right there with Pvt Bradley (Chelsea) Manning and needs to be imprisoned for life at the least.



Knowing our governments love for terminating sheep that get out of line I am fairly sure Snowden is government agent and part of a psyop. He is protected and would never get access to news media unless he was controlled.  NSA snooping was already common knowledge. Having him release tidbits of information that seemed to satisfy public curiosity while holding back real and serious violations of our rights is pretty smart.



And... James Clapper sat right in front of congress prior to the whistleblowing and lied that data was NOT collected on us.

Guess what the penalty has been for that? If you guessed firing squad... you're not paying attention worth a damn.

I bet Teo's right... we only know the very few things that despite obama's hammer have leaked out. Notice any patterns?



TEOTWAWKI wrote:Knowing our governments love for terminating sheep that get out of line I am fairly sure Snowden is government agent and part of a psyop. He is protected and would never get access to news media unless he was controlled.  NSA snooping was already common knowledge. Having him release tidbits of information that seemed to satisfy public curiosity while holding back real and serious violations of our rights is pretty smart.

A lot of the shit that he said in the interview from last night didn't even make sense, as has been his norm.

If he's psyops, they need to provide him with a better script.

Of course, Brian Williams was conducting a soft interview, so he didn't ask any followups when Snowden was obviously bullshitting.

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