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ONLY another DESPERATE SOCIALIST/COMMUNIST could make this statement with a straight face! BERNIE SANDERS

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ONLY another DESPERATE SOCIALIST/COMMUNIST could make this statement with a straight face!


You just can't make these things up!

Actually says that we need MORE health care like the VA.

Sen. Sanders Blames Entire U.S. Healthcare System for Deaths of '200-400,000 People a Year'

May 22, 2014 - 11:22 AM

By Matt Vespa
Yesterday, On MSNBC's "Now with Alex Wagner," Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) commented on the Veterans Affairs (VA) fiasco and decided to give an indictment of the entire American health care system. He suggested that the tragic deaths of VA patients are a reason why the U.S. needs a single-payer health care system that provides coverage to everyone.

Sen. Sanders blamed the deaths of between 200,000 and 400,000 Americans die each year on problems at the nation's hospitals:

"But, you know, we have to also put VA health care into a broader national context. And, that is we are the only country in the industrialized world that doesn't guarantee health care to all of our people -- that in terms of what goes on in hospitals, we lose between two and four hundred thousand people a year because of problems within hospitals. So, the point is that the VA has got to do better. The point is that as a nation we have got to do better," said Sen. Sanders.

Well, before we go off on how to better socialize America's economy, let's focus on how to cut down waiting periods on appointments for veterans since that seems to be the main reason why they're dying.


What did he say that was false?



2seaoat wrote:What did he say that was false?  

Thanks, I do love a good sense of humor!

ONLY another DESPERATE SOCIALIST/COMMUNIST could make this statement with a straight face!  BERNIE SANDERS Laughing

Keep up the good work!


I did not really get an answer......what did Bernie say which was false?



2seaoat wrote:What did he say that was false?  

He lays the same question on us all of the time. You will see how the propagandist did not try to answer your question.



2seaoat wrote:I did not really get an answer......what did Bernie say which was false?

I'll just pick one massive lie.

"He suggested that the tragic deaths of VA patients are a reason why the U.S. needs a single-payer health care system that provides coverage to everyone."

The VA IS SINGLE-PAYER HEALTH CARE.  Government owned and operated health care failing miserably, just as the Canadian and NHS in Great Britain.  You even said the VA was a failure in caring for our Veterans.  Why do you wish that for ALL Americans?  Like Wordslinger, why do you wish shared misery on everyone?



Republicans have no problem starting wars but they have sticker shock when it comes time to pay the surprise there. Only a FASCIST/NAZI would try to make political hay on the backs of injured and disabled vets.



Floridatexan wrote:
Republicans have no problem starting wars but they have sticker shock when it comes time to pay the surprise there.  Only a FASCIST/NAZI would try to make political hay on the backs of injured and disabled vets.

The left has gotten us into more wars thank you very much.

Conservatives are more apt to help veterans. Im pretty sure it was a progressive that wanted to shoot all the old vets in teos thread that worked at the VA.

and as far as this comment by Bernie, well he is just stupid isn't he. Because he just used gov run healthcare as a reason for why we need gov run healthcare LOL



Bernie's absolutely right, only a single payer health system will work for all of America.

The VA mess was caused by too much demand and not enough resources.


What Chrissy and Pacedog and Herr Markle (our resident Nazi) want for our country is a healthcare system for the rich and the rest of us can go to hell.

Herr Martle's lies about the effectiveness of Canada and England's healthcare programs are like all of his one-sided, FOX news style crapola.

Ask the average Canadian or English citizen.

Markle loves to talk about Arab potentates chartering planes and coming here for medical treatment, as an example of our superior medical system.

On the other hand, he's perfectly happy to leave millions of poor Americans up the creek without a paddle.




Chrissy wrote:
Floridatexan wrote:
Republicans have no problem starting wars but they have sticker shock when it comes time to pay the surprise there.  Only a FASCIST/NAZI would try to make political hay on the backs of injured and disabled vets.

The left has gotten us into more wars thank you very much.

Conservatives are more apt to help veterans. Im pretty sure it was a progressive that wanted to shoot all the old vets in teos thread that worked at the VA.

[color=#ff0000]lTell Mitch McConnell that conservatives are more apt to help veterans!  LOL  (color]

and as far as this comment by Bernie, well he is just stupid isn't he. Because he just used gov run healthcare as a reason for why we need gov run healthcare LOL



Wordslinger wrote:Bernie's absolutely right, only a single payer health system will work for all of America.

The VA mess was caused by too much demand and not enough resources.


What Chrissy and Pacedog and Herr Markle (our resident Nazi) want for our country is a healthcare system for the rich and the rest of us can go to hell.

Herr Martle's lies about the effectiveness of Canada and England's healthcare programs are like all of his one-sided, FOX news style crapola.  

Ask the average Canadian or English citizen.

Markle loves to talk about Arab potentates chartering planes and coming here for medical treatment, as an example of our superior medical system.

On the other hand, he's perfectly happy to leave millions of poor Americans up the creek without a paddle.  


Like with Veterans.  They like it, and the idea, UNTIL they are SICK and denied care and are placed on deadly, lengthy waiting lists.  Or, as in the case in Great Britain, are placed on the Liverpool Care Pathway...without even knowing they are on a death list.

No one left without a paddle.  Only you my good friend.

Wordslinger and your Socialist/Communist good friends, how well are those Veterans doing with the current GOVERNMENT OWNED, SINGLE PAYER HEALTH CARE?



cant say im shocked. They just don't get it. Its just so simple really. LOL

the damn man used as a example a failed gov run system to promote how wonderful gov run systems are..... Rolling Eyes 



Floridatexan wrote:
Republicans have no problem starting wars but they have sticker shock when it comes time to pay the surprise there.  Only a FASCIST/NAZI would try to make political hay on the backs of injured and disabled vets.

ONLY another DESPERATE SOCIALIST/COMMUNIST could make this statement with a straight face!  BERNIE SANDERS Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTaHiNVctSLwKA3NzGBT2iu61x4W3Y6Z3ES6W0uF7KArgukybHBiw

Let me guess... You and your friends only passed history only because of your attendance and not because of grades.





I wonder why the VA is so overburdened. Other than opening up disability claims to some Vietnam vets over Agent Orange and some First Gulf War vets who suffer from Gulf War Syndrome, which created some backlogs on eligibility, the majority of the veterans applying are from Afghanistan and Iraq, are they not?

So, tell me, Markle, where this burden arose? And how are Republicans voting on appropriations for these vets? Please show me where your party is doing anything for vets besides using them shamelessly to score political points.


The VA system works remarkably well considering the longest wars in American history, and the remarkable battlefield medical recovery rates compared to prior wars. The truth is when I say the wars are going to cost us in excess of five trillion dollars, Mr. Markle always comes back and says more than 2 trillion, and by the way government cannot run anything without screwing it up.......a major disconnect in logic.



2seaoat wrote:The VA system works remarkably well considering the longest wars in American history, and the remarkable battlefield medical recovery rates compared to prior wars.  The truth is when I say the wars are going to cost us in excess of five trillion dollars, Mr. Markle always comes back and says more than 2 trillion, and by the way government cannot run anything without screwing it up.......a major disconnect in logic.

As you well know, the VA has been a failed system for DECADES. Why else would President Barack Hussein Obama have been campaigning on the issue since he first started to run in 2007?

Sorry my good friend, you always say the wars HAVE COST US over five trillion dollars. I am the one who says what they have REALLY cost.

Then you advocate for Medicare for all which, as you know, has unfunded liabilities of over $100 TRILLION which is when you disappear. You think you can pay all these things with money from President Barack Hussein Obama's STASH?

boards of FL

boards of FL

This thread which is peppered with talk of "death lists" and all-caps terms such as SOCIALIST and COMMUNIST certainly makes an argument that one side of the political aisle is incredibly desperate.

I approve this message.



boards of FL wrote:This thread which is peppered with talk of "death lists" and all-caps terms such as SOCIALIST and COMMUNIST certainly makes an argument that one side of the political aisle is incredibly desperate.  

Their desperation is conspicuous......



boards of FL wrote:This thread which is peppered with talk of "death lists" and all-caps terms such as SOCIALIST and COMMUNIST certainly makes an argument that one side of the political aisle is incredibly desperate.  

yea, your side. because using a failed system as a example to promote a new system is dumb.  Rolling Eyes 



boards of FL wrote:This thread which is peppered with talk of "death lists" and all-caps terms such as SOCIALIST and COMMUNIST certainly makes an argument that one side of the political aisle is incredibly desperate.  

How is placing someone on a secret waiting list, until they die, NOT a death list?

How is putting forth an idea that all our health care should like VA any reasonable suggestion knowing how badly it has failed for decades?



knowing how badly it has failed for decades?

And that is the kicker "failed for decades." That means it has failed under Republican Presidents and Republican-controlled Congresses as well as Democratic ones.

No doubt, however, Herr Markle will try to spin this into a Democratic only failure. He can't allow Republicans to be blamed for any political malfeasance, you know....
 Rolling Eyes



ZVUGKTUBM wrote:knowing how badly it has failed for decades?

And that is the kicker "failed for decades." That means it has failed under Republican Presidents and Republican-controlled Congresses as well as Democratic ones.

No doubt, however, Herr Markle will try to spin this into a Democratic only failure. He can't allow Republicans to be blamed for any political malfeasance, you know....
 Rolling Eyes

yep. the gov cant run anything effectively. Everyone knows this. That is why even before this Medicaid and Medicare were BROKEN and BROKE.

So there you have it. the GOV creating another bloated over reaching bunch of BS that we will never be able to pay for which will eventually collapse the entire system.

They never ran what they had good, why did you expect any thing different?

I know. Unicorns told you.



The discussion is about the VA, not Medicaid or Medicare, which are separate issues. They are not going broke; they are being strengthened with tougher regulations, at least in those states that have implemented the PPACA and accepted federal funding to expand Medicaid.

(Interactive map identifies states that have not expanded Medicare...from 2013--approx. 5 million people)

from November 13, 2013

"Starting Jan. 1, nearly five million people who were supposed to be covered under Obamacare won't be because their states have refused to expand Medicaid.
The Medicaid expansion field is tentatively set for 2014, and the nation is split down the middle: 25 states (plus D.C.) are expanding, and 25 states are not, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation.

Ohio became the 25th state to join the expansion last month, and more states could still sign onto it. Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett (R) has proposed an alternate form of expansion that would require federal approval, and Terry McAuliffe's election this week as Virginia's next governor increases the likelihood that his state will eventually expand the program. New Hampshire Gov. Maggie Hassan (D) has called a special legislative session this month to try to hammer out an expansion deal in her state.

But for now, according to the foundation, 4.8 million Americans won't be covered as the law intended in those non-expanding states. They don't qualify for Medicaid now, but would have under the expansion, and they don't make enough money to qualify for financial help to buy private coverage. They're Obamacare's other losers, while media coverage focuses on those people whose individual policies are being canceled under the law.

A quick reminder of how this happened: Obamacare was written with the intention that every state would expand Medicaid, the low-income public insurance program, to 133 percent of the federal poverty level. The expansion would have accounted for about half of the people who would get covered under the law (17 million, according to the Congressional Budget Office). Many of the newly eligible people would have been childless adults who currently aren't eligible for the program in most states.

It was supposed to be a good deal for states, too: the federal government would cover 100 percent of the costs for the first three years and never less than 90 percent after that.

But then in June 2012, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that, while Obamacare would stand, states would have a choice about whether or not they would expand Medicaid. Since then, half the states, all of them with either a Republican governor or a GOP-controlled chamber in the legislature (or both) that opposed the change, have declined to participate.

The other thing to consider is that it's the poorest people who make up those 4.8 million who are missing out. Because of a kink in the law's language, people between 100 and 133 percent of the poverty level will still be eligible to receive financial help to purchase private coverage on the insurance marketplaces that opened Oct. 1.

But those actually in poverty will be out of luck."



ZVUGKTUBM wrote:knowing how badly it has failed for decades?

And that is the kicker "failed for decades." That means it has failed under Republican Presidents and Republican-controlled Congresses as well as Democratic ones.

No doubt, however, Herr Markle will try to spin this into a Democratic only failure. He can't allow Republicans to be blamed for any political malfeasance, you know....

 Rolling Eyes

Show us where I only blamed Democrats about VA over the years.

The problem with you false allegation is that it was Senator Barack Hussein Obama who CAMPAIGNED THAT HE WOULD FIX THE PROBLEMS at VA WAY BACK in 2007. And then virtually every year since.

Which, EVEN YOU would have to admit, is a bit disingenuous.

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