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This memo shows that the VA knew of records manipulation in 2010

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....and Obama knew that the VA had issues while he campaigned in why wasn't it a priority to fix?

Today's presser was just more lies and obfuscation by the POTUS.



Today's presser was just more lies and obfuscation by the POTUS.

Tim Philpott this week:

"...But in my 37 years covering veterans’ issues, I have never seen veteran issues used more cynically or politicized more thoroughly than during the past several years.  At times the intent seems to be to shake trust in government generally rather than to address veterans' needs..."

"...The goal seems to be to attack, relentlessly, while a Democrat holds the White House..."

Philpott takes a shot at Jeff Miller in this article. Typical of the do-nothing 113th Congress to politicize issues instead of trying to solve problems.



The buck stops with Obama who knew of the issues when he campaigned for POTUS, but here we are 7 years later and nothing is fixed.



ZVUGKTUBM wrote:Today's presser was just more lies and obfuscation by the POTUS.

Tim Philpott this week:

"...But in my 37 years covering veterans’ issues, I have never seen veteran issues used more cynically or politicized more thoroughly than during the past several years.  At times the intent seems to be to shake trust in government generally rather than to address veterans' needs..."

"...The goal seems to be to attack, relentlessly, while a Democrat holds the White House..."

Philpott takes a shot at Jeff Miller in this article. Typical of the do-nothing 113th Congress to politicize issues instead of trying to solve problems.

What part of the massive FAILURE of this administration do you NOT understand?

Senator Barack Hussein Obama said he knew about this and would FIX it in 2007.  Is that difficult to grasp?

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