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Obama says enforcing immigration law isn't smart

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Enforcing immigration law "isn't smart," President Barack Obama told law enforcement officials Tuesday, just one day after the public learned he had released 36,007 illegal-immigrant murderers, rapists, thieves and other criminals into the nation's communities.

Cops should be going after major criminals, not the many illegal immigrants that are quietly living in their districts, said Obama, who has twice sworn to uphold the nation's laws.

"You've got to spend time dealing with somebody who is not causing any other trouble other than the fact that they were trying to make a living for their families," Obama said.

"That's just not a good use of our resources. It's not smart. It doesn't make sense," said Obama, who has already directed immigration police to minimize enforcement of illegal living far from the border.

The statement will likely spur concerns among Republicans and the public that Obama can't be trusted to implement the enforcement features of any immigration compromise.

A March 2013 Gallup poll showed that 138 million foreigners would like to settle in the United States. The total included an estimated 18 million people in China, 13 million people in Nigeria and three million people in Kenya.

Polls consistently show the public favors a stronger crackdown on employment of illegal immigrants.

On May 12, the Center for Immigration Studies released government documents showing that Obama's deputies released foreign 36,007 foreign criminals who had committed crimes in the country, instead of deporting them.

Impeach this man who won't enforce the law.





KarlRove wrote:Enforcing immigration law "isn't smart," President Barack Obama told law enforcement officials Tuesday, just one day after the public learned he had released 36,007 illegal-immigrant murderers, rapists, thieves and other criminals into the nation's communities.

Cops should be going after major criminals, not the many illegal immigrants that are quietly living in their districts, said Obama, who has twice sworn to uphold the nation's laws.

"You've got to spend time dealing with somebody who is not causing any other trouble other than the fact that they were trying to make a living for their families," Obama said.

"That's just not a good use of our resources. It's not smart. It doesn't make sense," said Obama, who has already directed immigration police to minimize enforcement of illegal living far from the border.

The statement will likely spur concerns among Republicans and the public that Obama can't be trusted to implement the enforcement features of any immigration compromise.

A March 2013 Gallup poll showed that 138 million foreigners would like to settle in the United States. The total included an estimated 18 million people in China, 13 million people in Nigeria and three million people in Kenya.

Polls consistently show the public favors a stronger crackdown on employment of illegal immigrants.

On May 12, the Center for Immigration Studies released government documents showing that Obama's deputies released foreign 36,007 foreign criminals who had committed crimes in the country, instead of deporting them.

Impeach this man who won't enforce the law.




“In regard to potential prosecution of the press for the disclosure of material -- this is not something I’ve ever been involved in, heard of, or would think would be wise policy.” Holder Congressional Testimony

DOJ confirms Holder OK'd search warrant for FoxNews reporter's emails

The Justice Department pledged Friday to to review its policies relating to the seizure of information from journalists after acknowledging that a controversial search warrant for a Fox News reporter’s private emails was approved “at the highest levels” of the Justice Department, including “discussions” with Attorney General Eric Holder.

The statement, confirming an NBC News account of Holder’s role, defended the secret warrant to obtain reporter James Rosen’s emails as a legitimate step to obtain evidence as part of an investigation of Stephen Kim. A former intelligence analyst, Kim has since been indicted under the Espionage Act for leaking classified information to Rosen about North Korea. He has denied the charges.

In a 2010 affidavit in support of the search warrant, an FBI agent named Rosen as a possible “co-conspirator” in the case because he “asked, solicited and encouraged” Kim to give him information.

“After extensive deliberations, and after following all applicable laws, regulations and policies, the Department sought an appropriately tailored search warrant under the Privacy Protection Act,” said a department official, referring to a federal law that governs under what circumstances information can be subpoenaed from the news media. “And a federal magistrate judge made an independent finding that probable cause existed to approve the search warrant.”

Nevertheless, said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, Holder “understands the concerns that have been raised by the media and has initiated a re-evaluation of existing department policies and procedures.” The official said the department must strike “the appropriate balance” between preventing leaks of classified information and “First Amendment rights,”adding that passage of a new media shield law “and appropriate updates to the department”s internal guidelines” will help achieve that.

The statement comes amid a firestorm of criticism from news media groups over the Rosen search warrant and a secret subpoena for the phone records of AP reporters. It also comes one day after President Obama addressed the issue in a major speech on counter-terrorism policy, saying "I am troubled by the possibility that leak investigations may chill the investigative journalism that holds government accountable," Obama said. "Journalists should not be at legal risk for doing their jobs."


For two hundred years plus we have witnessed prosecutorial discretion, and now it is impeachment time........what a bunch of bumpkins.......propaganda manipulates the low hanging fruit into a frenzied fruit salad where they believe the SOS is brain damaged, just like your name sake attempted to make John McCain into an unstable and old person in the 2000 election.......scrambled fruit salad.......I will not have a serving thank you.



(a) Except as otherwise provided in this section, whoever, in any matter within the jurisdiction of the executive, legislative, or judicial branch of the Government of the United States, knowingly and willfully - (1) falsifies, conceals, or covers up by any trick, scheme, or device a material fact; (2) makes any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or representation; or (3) makes or uses any false writing or document knowing the same to contain any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or entry; shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 5 years or, if the offense involves international or domestic terrorism (as defined in section 2331), imprisoned not more than 8 years, or both. If the matter relates to an offense under chapter 109A, 109B, 110, or 117, or section 1591, then the term of imprisonment imposed under this section shall be not more than 8 years. (b) Subsection (a) does not apply to a party to a judicial proceeding, or that party's counsel, for statements, representations, writings or documents submitted by such party or counsel to a judge or magistrate in that proceeding. (c) With respect to any matter within the jurisdiction of the legislative branch, subsection (a) shall apply only to - (1) administrative matters, including a claim for payment, a matter related to the procurement of property or services, personnel or employment practices, or support services, or a document required by law, rule, or regulation to be submitted to the Congress or any office or officer within the legislative branch; or (2) any investigation or review, conducted pursuant to the authority of any committee, subcommittee, commission or office of the Congress, consistent with applicable rules of the House or Senate.


cut and paste......what......tell us if you have a point.



That Holder is the left wing stasi... his intent isn't to uphold the constitution or enforce law... he goose steps for obama.


Holder is an incompetent AG....few would disagree, and when I see Wall Street executives get a pass, and banksters get a pass, and people worry about a Mexican kid having a simple life vs deportation, I think about the prosecutorial discretion of not going after Wall Street and the Banksters, but instead folks post threads about prosecuting folks who are doing justice.......yep.....tell me about your paradigm.



They apparently broke no laws... yet you refuse to consider the govts role that enabled that fact. Go figure...

If you were intellectually honest and capable of ideological objectivity... this concept would mean something to you.


Your conceptual creations are incomplete......and you ask me to fill in the gap with such nonsensical presumptions.....sorry prosecutorial discretion is attacked when a kid is not prosecuted and deported, yet when it is applied to the mortgage schemes, the falsified documents, and the trillions stolen during the great prosecution, and your paradigm and constant simpleton answer.....we have government......brilliant.



Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials last year released 68,000 illegal immigrants with criminal convictions, undercutting Democratic claims that President Obama has strictly enforced immigration laws.

An internal Department of Homeland Security document compiling statistics on arrests and deportations in 2013 showed that ICE agents encountered 193,357 illegal immigrants with criminal convictions but issued charging documents for only 125,478. More than 67,800 were released.

The data came from an end-of-year “Weekly Departures and Detention Report.”

The Center for Immigration Studies, a research group that favors stricter enforcement of immigration laws, estimates ICE agents released more than a third of illegal immigrants with criminal records they detained.

“ICE released 68,000 criminal aliens in 2013, or 35 percent of the criminal aliens encountered by officers. The vast majority of these releases occurred because of the Obama administration’s prosecutorial discretion policies,” Jessica Vaughn, director of policy studies at the Center for Immigration Studies, wrote in a memo summarizing the DHS document.

ICE classifies illegal immigrants as criminal if they have been convicted of a crime, not including traffic offense, Vaughn noted.

Sen. Jeff Sessions (Ala.), the ranking Republican on the Budget Committee, blasted the administration’s record.

“The preponderance of the evidence demonstrates that immigration enforcement in America has collapsed. Even those with criminal convictions are being released. DHS is a department in crisis,” he said in a statement Sunday.

“Secretary Johnson must reject the president’s demands to weaken enforcement further and tell him that his duty, and his officers’ duty, is to enforce the law — not break it,” he added in reference to Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson.

A spokeswoman for ICE did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The Center for Immigration Studies reports that ICE officials moved to deport 28 percent fewer illegal immigrants from the interior of the country in 2013 than in 2012.

The group obtained the law enforcement records through a lawsuit.


Just the usual distortions:

The truth:

Year Number Deported
2012 409,849
2011 396,000
2010 400,000
2009 387,000
2008 358,000
2007 318,000
2006 280,000
2005 245,000
2004 240,000
2003 210,000
2002 165,000
2001 186,000
2000 185,000



It's cute when the govt changes the way things are counted and what they mean... all the leftists seem so pleased.

I'll let your president partially explain it to you when he was rationalizing your new number to a hispanic group:

“The statistics are actually a little deceptive because what we’ve been doing is,with the stronger border enforcement,we’ve been apprehending folks at the borders and sending them back. That is counted as a deportation,even though they may have only been held for a day or 48 hours,sent back –that’s counted as a deportation.”


You are cannot acknowledge that your distortions about the President being tough on illegal immigration compared to those who became before hinge on the proximity to the border.....that is funny, but one thing is certain that the man who has virtually stopped the flow of illegal immigrants at our border and almost doubled the deportations of George Bush at the beginning of his term, wants justice for children and he is many people can you and Jeff Sessions fit on the stupid train.



In the past,removal numbers did not include “returns,” who are Mexican nationals caught illegally crossing the border by the Border Patrol and returned. According to the yearbook,returns are the confirmed movement of an inadmissible or deportable alien out of the United States not based on an order of removal. Most of the voluntary returns are of Mexican nationals who have been apprehended by the U.S. Border Patrol and are returned to Mexico. The Obama administration has started counting certain “returns” as “removals” in order to artificially inflate the numbers and create a “record level” of deportations. Specifically, those caught by the Border Patrol who are shuttled to a different town along the border before they are returned are being dishonestly counted as deportations. This has falsely increased the number of total removals by more than 100,000 for the past two years. In fact, if we count removals and returns together historically, then the Obama administration numbers are not close to “record-setting.” In the 1990s, the totals of returns and removals were well over one million. For example, according to the yearbook of immigration statistics, in 1996, removals and returns numbered more than 1.6 million, up from more than 1.3 million in 1995.

The Washington Post Reveals the Fraud

In December 2010,the Washington Post revealed that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) had included more than 19,000 illegal immigrants who had exited the country in the previous fiscal year in its deportation statistics for the current (2010) fiscal year.

On February 22,2010,ICE Detention and Removal Operations issued a memo stating that,despite record deportations of criminals,the overall number of removals was down. According to the memo,while ICE was on pace to achieve “the Agency goal of 150,000 criminal alien removals” for the year ending September 30th,total deportations were set to barely top 310,000, “well under the Agency’s goal of 400,000” and nearly 20 percent below the 2009 total of 387,000.

The memo also explained how ICE would inflate the number: increasing detention space to hold more illegal immigrants while they await deportation proceedings; sweeping prisons and jails to find more candidates for deportation and offering early release for those willing to go quickly; and a surge in efforts to catch illegal immigrants who lied on immigration or visa applications or reentered the U.S. after being deported.

The memo also encouraged field directors to “maximize” participation in the Mexican Interior Repatriation Program (MIRP),a bilaterally voluntary program that attempts to quickly return Mexican nationals found unlawfully in the Sonora Arizona desert region of the U.S. to their places of origin in the Mexican interior. The program is run by ICE,the Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Mexican Ministry of the Interior. Under this program,aliens caught by U.S. Border Patrol agents are turned over to ICE to carry out the returns.

Since MIRP’s inception in 2004,the program had never started earlier than July 7th each year. In 2010,the first group returned to Mexico on June 1st. By starting in June,ICE tallied 6,527 returns that in the past would have been handled and counted by the U.S. Border Patrol. In total,23,384 Mexicans between June and September of that year accepted flights back to Mexico City and then a bus ticket to their home town at a cost of almost $15 million. An ICE spokesman claimed the agency started the program early because of available funds and a timely agreement between the U.S. and Mexico.

According to the Washington Post,internal emails showed that when ICE officials realized in the final weeks of the fiscal year,which ended September 30th,that ICE’s numbers would fall short of the previous year’s mark,they quietly directed immigration officers to bypass immigration courts whenever possible and encourage eligible foreign nationals to agree to voluntarily return to their countries without a negative mark on their immigration record. This allowed hundreds of immigrants who typically would have gone before an immigration judge to contest deportation offenses such as drunk driving, domestic violence and misdemeanor assault to leave the country without a statutory civil or criminal bar for applying for legal residence or traveling to the U.S. in the future.

According to the emails,once ICE met its goals for 2010,it directed agents to stop offering voluntary returns and revert to business as usual.



Padding the Numbers: The Alien Transfer Exit Program

Since 2011,the Obama administration has counted removals from the Alien Transfer Exit Program (ATEP) as ICE deportations,which artificially inflates ICE removal numbers. According to a source in a Border Patrol field office, “the only reason this group [in the ATEP] program is in detention at all is for the purpose of padding ICE’s year-end removal statistics.”

Created in 2008,ATEP is a program that moves Mexican nationals apprehended in one Border Patrol Sector to another Sector before removing them to Mexico. There are no penalties or bars attached when illegal immigrants are sent back via ATEP and they can simply attempt re-entry. As a result,illegal immigrants who are subject to ATEP can return to the U.S. numerous times only to be counted as removals each successive time they reenter illegally and are apprehended at the border.

From 2008 to 2011,apprehensions through ATEP were counted in the U.S. Border Patrol’s statistics,not ICE’s statistics. However,in 2011,the Obama administration started including ATEP apprehensions by CBP in ICE’s deportation statistics.

In the first seven months of 2012,ICE reported 221,656 arrests (ICE apprehensions in the interior of the country),yet reported 334,249 removals (deportations). The 112,000 additional removals were from the ATEP (72,030) and an unknown source (40,000). Thus,ICE removal statistics had over 112,000 deportations included that previously had never been counted in its deportation statistics.

In 2008,official ICE removals totaled 369,221;
in 2009,389,834;
in 2010,392,862;
in 2011,396,906;
and in 2012,409,849.
However,when ATEP removals are subtracted from ICE’s removals total,
the 2011 number drops from 396,906 to roughly 360,319,
and the 2012 number drops from 409,849 to 324,299.
Therefore,if the ATEP removal numbers are subtracted from ICE’s 2011 removal numbers,total removals are:
2.5% below 2008 levels,
7.5% below 2009 levels,
and 8.3% below 2010 levels.
If the ATEP removal numbers are subtracted from ICE’s 2012 removal numbers,total removals are:
12% below 2008 levels,
16.9% below 2009 levels,
and 17.5% below 2010.

Year ICE Reported / Total / Actual Total (excluding ATEP Removals)

2008..................... / 369,221 /..............n/a

2009....................../ 389,843 /............. n/a

2010....................../ 392,862 /............. n/a

2011....................../ 396,906 /............. 360,319

2012....................../ 409,849 /............. 324,299



Didn't we have a thread recently praising Obama's deportation numbers?



I agree with Obama . . . it is nonsense to spend resources tracking down these people. Should they come up on the radar for an offense then I understand but tracking these people down is borderline stupid to me. At least they are working . . . .

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