As usual much ado about nothing. A WH aide does a knee-jerk tweet and the right wing nuts try to make it into a big deal. It must be tiring being semi-hysterical all the time shouting the sky is falling at every little thing. Oh well, it makes them feel important I guess? Of course calling it a "Freedom Tax" is so sweet too! You have got to love the right wing for its consistency if nothing else. Freedom tax, Freedom fries, Liberty this, Liberty that.
Oh wait, consistency might not be the right word since they did that famous 180 degree turn on the personal mandate. Remember back when it was a Heritage Foundation idea and they said it was a way of making sure there were no freeloaders taking advantage of universal coverage? Now the individual mandate is an idea from hell or at least purgatory because it is Obama's idea, lol, you just gotta love it.