It's actually not strictly "news" but it is produced by a commercial television network "news department".
If television was a newspaper, CBS Sunday Morning would be located in the "feature" section. But it does the same wonderful treatments of news events, news personalities, entertainment and arts, culture, history, sports and sports figures and all the rest.
This past Sunday's installment had many really interesting segments.
It falls into the category of what is referred to as a "tv magazine" show. An hour and a half of five to eight minute segments. And most all of them are the best television you can find.
Here were two. And both are equally compelling.
If you think being 87 years old has to be a drag. Has to be disconnected from the rest of society. Has to have old ideas that the rest of the population is no longer interested in. Then when you watch this you've got another think a comin.
And this one is so good. Johnny Cash's New Yorker daughter reconnecting to her southern roots. Any southerner who is not proud of this needs to get out of our region of the country and go live somewhere else.
If television was a newspaper, CBS Sunday Morning would be located in the "feature" section. But it does the same wonderful treatments of news events, news personalities, entertainment and arts, culture, history, sports and sports figures and all the rest.
This past Sunday's installment had many really interesting segments.
It falls into the category of what is referred to as a "tv magazine" show. An hour and a half of five to eight minute segments. And most all of them are the best television you can find.
Here were two. And both are equally compelling.
If you think being 87 years old has to be a drag. Has to be disconnected from the rest of society. Has to have old ideas that the rest of the population is no longer interested in. Then when you watch this you've got another think a comin.
And this one is so good. Johnny Cash's New Yorker daughter reconnecting to her southern roots. Any southerner who is not proud of this needs to get out of our region of the country and go live somewhere else.