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Q4 2013 GDP First Estimate: +3.2%

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boards of FL wrote:
Markle wrote:
boards of FL wrote:
Dot wrote:Actually, I'm not wrong. QE is artificially making for some very good fuzzy math. I do beleive that you know this but most likely wouldnt admit it to save your life.

Even if QE were creating runaway inflation -which it isn't
-, the GDP number that I posted is real GDP, meaning, it accounts for inflation.

Stand corrected.

Because, as you know, the Fed has been printing $75 billion a month into the economy each month.

What happens when they stop?

Assuming the central bank has a high degree of credibility - which it does - it can disinflate in a gradual, tapered manner that will not disrupt the labor market.  We're seeing it now.  You would know this if you were paying attention instead of asking me questions.

Q4 2013 GDP First Estimate: +3.2% - Page 2 HystericallyLaughingmanandboy

Yes, this administration has done such a bang up job for the past FIVE YEARS!

boards of FL

boards of FL

This response contains absolutely zero substance.  Markle, I thought we could have an interesting discussion about the economy.  Let's hear your thoughts on the central bank's exit strategy.  Pros and cons.  Go!



boards of FL wrote:This response contains absolutely zero substance.  Markle, I thought we could have an interesting discussion about the economy.  Let's hear your thoughts on the central bank's exit strategy.  Pros and cons.  Go!

They don't have one! Plus the chair of the Fed is changing.

Has the President shown any economic ability thus far? Over FIVE years?

boards of FL

boards of FL

Markle wrote:
They don't have one!  Plus the chair of the Fed is changing.

They don't have one? Reality begs to differ. Are you not familiar with the tapering strategy that has been going on for two months now?



boards of FL wrote:
Markle wrote:
They don't have one!  Plus the chair of the Fed is changing.

They don't have one?  Reality begs to differ.  Are you not familiar with the tapering strategy that has been going on for two months now?

You're a hoot!


BUT...cute try!

Q4 2013 GDP First Estimate: +3.2% - Page 2 AnimatedLaughterPink



Markle wrote:
boards of FL wrote:
Markle wrote:
They don't have one!  Plus the chair of the Fed is changing.

They don't have one?  Reality begs to differ.  Are you not familiar with the tapering strategy that has been going on for two months now?

You're a hoot!


BUT...cute try!

Q4 2013 GDP First Estimate: +3.2% - Page 2 AnimatedLaughterPink

LOL it's like being an 0-14 football team that wins the last two games of the season. LOLOLOLOLOL worthless....

boards of FL

boards of FL

Actually, it is absolutely nothing like that. Well, perhaps it is to two forum conservatives with an inch deep understanding of the economy.

The central bank employed an expansionary policy. They have told us what the exit strategy for that policy would be for some time now. They even told us what they wanted to see in the economy that would trigger that exit strategy. Now we have reached the point at which they are executing that strategy...just as they have said they would for some time now. We have a plan, and now we are actually seeing it happen. Anyone with access to the news is well aware of this.

That these very basic observations escape the two of you is not my problem.



boards of FL wrote:Actually, it is absolutely nothing like that.  Well, perhaps it is to two forum conservatives with an inch deep understanding of the economy.

The central bank employed an expansionary policy.  They have told us what the exit strategy for that policy would be for some time now.  They even told us what they wanted to see in the economy that would trigger that exit strategy.  Now we have reached the point at which they are executing that strategy...just as they have said they would for some time now.   We have a plan, and now we are actually seeing it happen.  Anyone with access to the news is well aware of this.  

That these very basic observations escape the two of you is not my problem.

Please show us the plan for keeping inflation down and reducing the REAL unemployment rate to below 5%.

Here is the supply of money now in circulation.
Q4 2013 GDP First Estimate: +3.2% - Page 2 MoneySupply252014[1][id]=AMBNS


Mr. certainly are an intelligent poster when you are thinking and not posting what your handlers want you to cut and paste.  I would suggest you talk to them about giving you patently absurd graphs to explain monetary policy, without context and understanding of what you have posted.

first, I am going to post a simple  chart and link to a wiki source which is written for a layman and is simple to understand.  Then we can discuss why your premise is completely backwards....but in fairness I will let you digest the same before we discuss your chart.

Q4 2013 GDP First Estimate: +3.2% - Page 2 Velocity_of_M2_Money_Stock_in_the_US

now please read this simple wiki definition


Please go to the wiki article to historical m2 velocity data....the chart is too big.


The dollar has strengthened the last two years relative to other world currency about 10%. This is more of a reflection of our balance of trade than federal reserve monetary policy.

Now you have posted a chart which shows a rapid increase in the dollar base line released by the fed which does not tell us a thing because that base line must be factored against the velocity of the currency which the M2 chart corresponds in inverse proportion to the historic base line. Now you are a smart guy with years of real estate practice, and you fully know that banks are not lending money and that as they do the m2 chart begins to rise and the feds will lower the total dollar baseline, and a dollar in a high velocity situation can actually be 7 times higher than the baseline you have represented.

You claim we are about to face an inflationary cycle, yet the dollar strenghtens making imports less expensive in the last two years by about 10%, and the velocity of money as banks continue not to lend remains low indicating as Boards has suggested they are following a well laid out plan which is really elementary. The problem is the velocity of our currency and as long as we continue to strengthen the dollar, and that velocity remains low we could actually have a deflationary cycle in our future. Now if we start consuming more imports and exporting less and the dollar weakens while the m2 takes off, I would agree, but your chart is only one third of the equation and your conclusions are wrong.



2seaoat wrote:Mr. certainly are an intelligent poster when you are thinking and not posting what your handlers want you to cut and paste.  I would suggest you talk to them about giving you patently absurd graphs to explain monetary policy, without context and understanding of what you have posted.

first, I am going to post a simple  chart and link to a wiki source which is written for a layman and is simple to understand.  Then we can discuss why your premise is completely backwards....but in fairness I will let you digest the same before we discuss your chart.

Q4 2013 GDP First Estimate: +3.2% - Page 2 Velocity_of_M2_Money_Stock_in_the_US

now please read this simple wiki definition

It's quite obvious to most people. Huge amounts of money are being printed and circulated. This keeps down the interest rates and helps make the economy look better than it is.

Through a circuitous route, the money finds it's way to the stock market. Due to the confusion caused by President Barack Hussein Obama and his failed ideas and policies, that money does NOT go into growing and creating new businesses. The only place to make money is the stock market.

The result is the exact opposite of President Obama's promises. The rich ARE getting richer and the middle and low income people are losing ground rapidly.

Send your thank you note to President Obama.


Huge amounts of money are being printed and circulated.

I guess you did not understand my post and the velocity of money chart which actually shows reduced money circulation. I tried.

boards of FL

boards of FL

Markle wrote:Please show us the plan for keeping inflation down and reducing the REAL unemployment rate to below 5%.

A gradual tapering. Basically, what we have been seeing for the last two months. Do you not watch/read the news?

By the way, Markle. In case you missed it, the Seahawks won the Super Bowl this year. Oh, and FSU won the college championship.

You know, since you don't have access to any media or anything.



boards of FL wrote:
Markle wrote:Please show us the plan for keeping inflation down and reducing the REAL unemployment rate to below 5%.

A gradual tapering.  Basically, what we have been seeing for the last two months.   Do you not watch/read the news?

By the way, Markle.  In case you missed it, the Seahawks won the Super Bowl this year.  Oh, and FSU won the college championship.  

You know, since you don't have access to any media or anything.

Once again for the very S-L-O-W.
Please show us the plan for keeping inflation down and reducing the REAL unemployment rate to below 5%. Oh, did I mention GROWING the economy?

boards of FL

boards of FL

Markle wrote:Once again for the very S-L-O-W.
Please show us the plan for keeping inflation down and reducing the REAL unemployment rate to below 5%.  Oh, did I mention GROWING the economy?

Can you not read?  Here is the answer to your question for the fourth time:  They're tapering.  They are gradually reducing their bond purchases by $10B per month, thus unwinding the expansionary policy.  Do you need me to use a one syllabic explanation like I often do for you and PACEDOG?  Fair enough.

Fed will not buy same sum of bond each month.  Fed will buy less bond each month.  Fed will do this for some time and then stop.  This is plan for fed to stop the bond buy thing.  Fed has done this for two month now.  As fed has done this, price has not gone up.  As fed has done this, new jobs still get made each month.

Just for fun, Markle, can you give me your theoretical explanation as to why the unwinding of an expansionary policy would somehow set off inflation?  I want to understand how anyone could see such a thing and think "Hmm, that is going to cause inflation".  For the last several years, you have been coming to this forum with doomsday inflation scenarios and attributing them to QE.  "Ah!!! This is runaway inflation people!  This is runaway inflation!  This QE thing is giving us runaway inflation!"   Now, QE is unwinding, and you're here again saying that the unwinding of QE is causing inflation as well?   Do you ever think about what you're saying before you say it?  Which is it?  Did QE cause runaway inflation (hint: no)?  Or is the current tapering of QE causing runaway inflation (hint: no)?


Sorry Boards......Mr. Markle is in the garage with the tv remote, and he does not understand why the garage door is not opening. His cause and effect rationale insists that anything with buttons on it should open his garage. You have tried to guide him gently back into the living room, but he insists he can open the garage door. His economic charts and misunderstanding of a college level entry economics class issue are sadly defining him, and I know he is much more intelligent than the same. It is his handlers who dish out this crap to their shills across the nation who need to go back to school, or hire at least college freshman who passed economics to do a better job on posting on economic issues.



Seaoat and Boards are the true definition of insanity defending the COWH and his plan.

boards of FL

boards of FL

PACEDOG#1 wrote:Seaoat and Boards are the true definition of insanity defending the COWH and his plan.

Since this comment is coming from a guy who doesn't even realize that the president doesn't manage the central bank or QE, I take this as a compliment.


Seaoat and Boards are the true definition of insanity defending the COWH and his plan.

Defending the President with growing evidence of the success of his administration..........nah......I just have this quirk when somebody posts utter gibberish, I respond, and you are certainly is the true definition of insanity to think correcting the jibberish over and over again can lead a person to rational thinking. Nope.....I am insane. Now, I cannot speak for Boards, but I think he is absolutely sane as long as he does not discuss the Miami heat.



boards of FL wrote:
PACEDOG#1 wrote:Seaoat and Boards are the true definition of insanity defending the COWH and his plan.

Since this comment is coming from a guy who doesn't even realize that the president doesn't manage the central bank or QE, I take this as a compliment.

It doesn't matter how QE gets involved, it has created a LIE of a GDP and if you say this is not so, then you certainly had Liberal studies on economics LOL

and oh yeah, the central bank isn't going to go against the president. they are working together to HIDE the truth from dummies.


and oh yeah, the central bank isn't going to go against the president. they are working together to HIDE the truth from dummies.

Cannot argue with you on this because this thread is clear evidence of the same.



2seaoat wrote:and oh yeah, the central bank isn't going to go against the president. they are working together to HIDE the truth from dummies.

Cannot argue with you on this because this thread is clear evidence of the same.

your sarcasm is useless.

please go view the video I posted. it explains about QE/GDP

boards knows this too, he's just being a shill.



2seaoat wrote:Huge amounts of money are being printed and circulated.

I guess you did not understand my post and the velocity of money chart which actually shows reduced money circulation.  I tried.

Yes, it is going into the coffers of the wealthy who are parking it in the stock market rather than investing in more facilities and more employees.



2seaoat wrote:Mr. certainly are an intelligent poster when you are thinking and not posting what your handlers want you to cut and paste.  I would suggest you talk to them about giving you patently absurd graphs to explain monetary policy, without context and understanding of what you have posted.

first, I am going to post a simple  chart and link to a wiki source which is written for a layman and is simple to understand.  Then we can discuss why your premise is completely backwards....but in fairness I will let you digest the same before we discuss your chart.

Q4 2013 GDP First Estimate: +3.2% - Page 2 Velocity_of_M2_Money_Stock_in_the_US

now please read this simple wiki definition

At least I know how to cut and paste a chart.

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