Last edited by Bob on 1/30/2014, 10:28 am; edited 2 times in total
Pensacola Discussion Forum
Last edited by Bob on 1/30/2014, 10:28 am; edited 2 times in total
Bob wrote:I knew I could never live in Atlanta a long time ago. I was coming home from a 3000 mile business trip in a motorhome which was pulling a big covered utility trailer. I had gone all over the east from Chicago to Connecticut. I was coming south on I-85 and hit spaghetti junction (the perimeter) at 5:30 in the afternoon on a Friday.
It took an hour to move three miles. I was watching people on foot walking beside the freeway who were making better time than I was. So I says to hell with that and got off on the surface roads. Somehow I took a bum turn and ended up dead-ending at the end of a commercial driveway. The problem then was that the trailer was narrower than the motorhome. And the driver could not see the trailer in the side mirrors. Try backing up a trailer when you can't even see the damn thing. It's impossible. So we had to unhook and jack up the very heavy trailer and then manhandle it to turn it around 180 degrees without it falling off the jack which would have spelled disaster and wreckers.
After that, I would rather have to live in Mumbai, India than have to live in that shithole rat race.
othershoe1030 wrote:As a former teacher I can tell you we hoped never to be stuck in an overnight sleeping situation with our students in the classroom. This Atlanta disaster was even worse with kids stuck on school busses. OMG, where did they "go to the bathroom"? I feel sure our local school administrators were thanking their lucky stars that they had made the right decision and closed school for a few days while this cold snap moved through!
Joanimaroni wrote:Home depot does have a rest room.
.Sal wrote:You know, Atlanta has a rapid transit system in place, but white people won't use it and resist expanding it because they think it's name - MARTA stands for "Moving Africans Rapidly Through Atlanta".
It's kind of funny that a lot of people who sit in their cars listening to Rush Limbaugh scream about big government got stuck in their cars howling at the moon about why the city has yet to plow them out.
Exactly, it was quite a mess; everyone agrees.PACEDOG#1 wrote:othershoe1030 wrote:As a former teacher I can tell you we hoped never to be stuck in an overnight sleeping situation with our students in the classroom. This Atlanta disaster was even worse with kids stuck on school busses. OMG, where did they "go to the bathroom"? I feel sure our local school administrators were thanking their lucky stars that they had made the right decision and closed school for a few days while this cold snap moved through!
Well, I don't see how the admin in Atlanta even made he decision to go to school that day.
As for staying, really? What about teachers who had their own children to tend to?
Sal wrote:You know, Atlanta has a rapid transit system in place, but white people won't use it and resist expanding it because they think it's name - MARTA stands for "Moving Africans Rapidly Through Atlanta".
It's kind of funny that a lot of people who sit in their cars listening to Rush Limbaugh scream about big government got stuck in their cars howling at the moon about why the city has yet to plow them out.
Sal wrote:You know, Atlanta has a rapid transit system in place, but white people won't use it and resist expanding it because they think it's name - MARTA stands for "Moving Africans Rapidly Through Atlanta".
It's kind of funny that a lot of people who sit in their cars listening to Rush Limbaugh scream about big government got stuck in their cars howling at the moon about why the city has yet to plow them out.
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