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Commie Obama to Meet with Marxist Pope ....

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.... undoubtedly to plan New World Order.

Commie Obama to Meet with Marxist Pope .... 00108



No doubt.

but this must make you proud all of a sudden. I do recall your hate for catholics. maybe Obama just wants to get him some easy boys. LOL he does like that.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Chrissy wrote:No doubt.

but this must make you proud all of a sudden. I do recall your hate for catholics. maybe Obama just wants to get him some easy boys. LOL he does like that.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but haven't those congressmen who are into "easy boys" been republicans? lol

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

I have a better idea.  I think obama and pope and bush and cheney and biden should go to North Korea and start a team in the Dennis Rodman basketball league.  And then hopefully biden will be predictable and say something stupid to offend Kim Jang Jung so the lot of em end up doing hard labor.  And then finally we'll get some justice.



Seriously, what does the right wing think of this new Jesuit Pope? How do the religious zealots react to hearing the teachings of Christ coming from the Vatican? How can they jump on the pope for being a Christian? It is most puzzling.



Bob wrote:
Chrissy wrote:No doubt.

but this must make you proud all of a sudden. I do recall your hate for catholics. maybe Obama just wants to get him some easy boys. LOL he does like that.

Correct me if I'm wrong,  but haven't those congressmen who are into "easy boys" been republicans?  lol

yes, there are so many republicans who are part of gay pride parades, into pederasty and even wrote books about it or started groups like harry hay did. republicans are well known for this type of behavior.

so is Obama

Commie Obama to Meet with Marxist Pope .... Obamaa10

cept all those people who tried to expose Obama got killed  Crying or Very sad 

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