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The rich have been running Amerika from the start -- look how well they've done for us!

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Face it, our military has never been less effective, our roads and bridges are failing, the middle class is being decimated, our healthcare costs the most and is among the worst in the civilized world, our educational system sucks, and our unemployment rate doesn't diminish.  

And more than half of congress are millionaires.

Screw Amerika Inc!



If you're saying the rich in Congress have run the U.S. into the ground, then I'm with you. I refer to them as the GD Congress.

Also known as the Ineffective Congress. Examples:

The 50 year old "war on poverty" has spent $Trillions, and look where we are.

On the roads and bridges that are in disrepair - 28% of U.S. bridges are either structurally deficient or functionally obsolete. Yet the GD Congress fails to address this liability unless there is a catastrophe, like the bridge collapse in Minnesota.
A sizable percent of the Highway Trust Fund money is diverted to other causes.



Golly, I thought Markle would leap at this opportunity to accuse me of class warfare!

He's right! LOL



Wordslinger wrote:Golly, I thought Markle would leap at this opportunity to accuse me of class warfare!

He's right!  LOL

We have become a warrior nation.War is the largest part of our economy. Manufacturing and selling war materials for ourselves and for our enemies to use against us.Crime is our next biggest. Make the weapons. The bad guys know how to get them. Write new laws with teeth.Won't matter. The crooks will get them.




Until this administration we have been the greatest, most generous nation the World has ever seen.



Wordslinger wrote:Face it, our military has never been less effective, our roads and bridges are failing, the middle class is being decimated, our healthcare costs the most and is among the worst in the civilized world, our educational system sucks, and our unemployment rate doesn't diminish.  

And more than half of congress are millionaires.

Screw Amerika Inc!

Let's see those Pilgrims and citizens who inhabited the first colony (not Jamestown) sure were rich. LOL You are a joke. You post a rant for a title and spin off in another direction. Must have stocked up on hash for the day. Generally all people who made it to Congress were already MILLIONAIRES.



It would be easy to stop collusion from monied interest that usurp our representative republic. Make it illegal for public servants to accept any benefit in exchange for anything... let the nsa monitor that... the penalty being public hanging. It's constitutional because it's not limiting the private sector... it's limiting our employees. Cut every salary in half. Fire the million civilian contractors in the pentagon. Shut down usps, irs, hhs, tsa, doe, epa... etc. Don't like it? Don't work in govt. The gravy train is over.



The rich have been running Amerika from the start -- look how well they've done for us! Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSFQjSzldZkJoTaJXuEJOHT4VeI29Zm6r2PYivINNrYohN070MgDg

I've been saying put all government employees on the military pay scale for years and if they don't like it they can seek employment in the private sector.

I agree with the harsh measures for accepting bribes and doing insider trading also. The military can't do it and if they do they lose. I know a few guys who went to Leavenworth for dealing under the table with private businesses.





PkrBum wrote:It would be easy to stop collusion from monied interest that usurp our representative republic. Make it illegal for public servants to accept any benefit in exchange for anything... let the nsa monitor that... the penalty being public hanging. It's constitutional because it's not limiting the private sector... it's limiting our employees. Cut every salary in half. Fire the million civilian contractors in the pentagon. Shut down usps, irs, hhs, tsa, doe, epa... etc. Don't like it? Don't work in govt. The gravy train is over.

Can I be your campaign manager, I'll work for free.


It would be easy to stop collusion from monied interest that usurp our representative republic. Make it illegal for public servants to accept any benefit in exchange for anything... let the nsa monitor that... the penalty being public hanging. It's constitutional because it's not limiting the private sector... it's limiting our employees. Cut every salary in half. Fire the million civilian contractors in the pentagon. Shut down usps, irs, hhs, tsa, doe, epa... etc. Don't like it? Don't work in govt. The gravy train is over.

Finally some details which are not simplistic generalizations........
These are specific and sophomoric.....something that always suspected.....thank you for finally being honest, this post defines your political belief.



2seaoat wrote: It would be easy to stop collusion from monied interest that usurp our representative republic. Make it illegal for public servants to accept any benefit in exchange for anything... let the nsa monitor that... the penalty being public hanging. It's constitutional because it's not limiting the private sector... it's limiting our employees. Cut every salary in half. Fire the million civilian contractors in the pentagon. Shut down usps, irs, hhs, tsa, doe, epa... etc. Don't like it? Don't work in govt. The gravy train is over.

Finally some details which are not simplistic generalizations........
These are specific and sophomoric.....something that always suspected.....thank you for finally being honest, this post defines your political belief.

Don't take it personally... a state can do about any hairbrained idea you statists can dream of to control people.

Sink or swim... good luck.


This country swims. I am at Naples and Marco Island this week and the storefronts are full and the economy is booming. Real Estate prices are slowly working their way back up, and the retired babyboomers I see in the thousands are kayaking, canoeing, biking, walking, jogging, swimming, and enjoying life outside the workforce, and buildings I used to see 10% lights on are showing 75% lights on in the evening. The babyboomers are leaving the rat race, but America will continue to swim, our government works, and does need to be reduced......incrementally and with intelligence, not boorish simplistic answers. Sorry.....America works despite what the 1% are trying to sell.



PACEDOG#1 wrote:
Wordslinger wrote:Face it, our military has never been less effective, our roads and bridges are failing, the middle class is being decimated, our healthcare costs the most and is among the worst in the civilized world, our educational system sucks, and our unemployment rate doesn't diminish.  

And more than half of congress are millionaires.

Screw Amerika Inc!

Let's see those Pilgrims and citizens who inhabited the first colony (not Jamestown) sure were rich. LOL You are a joke. You post a rant for a title and spin off in another direction. Must have stocked up on hash for the day. Generally all people who made it to Congress were already MILLIONAIRES.

Your history is incorrect. The pilgrims and Quakers had nothing to do with America demanding independence. Washington and Franklin and many other leaders of the revolution were extremely wealthy. Washington's family was the richest in Virginia.

In the early stages of this country, you had to be male, white, and own property in order to vote.

Too bad you have such a faulty perspective of U.S. history ...



PkrBum wrote:It would be easy to stop collusion from monied interest that usurp our representative republic. Make it illegal for public servants to accept any benefit in exchange for anything... let the nsa monitor that... the penalty being public hanging. It's constitutional because it's not limiting the private sector... it's limiting our employees. Cut every salary in half. Fire the million civilian contractors in the pentagon. Shut down usps, irs, hhs, tsa, doe, epa... etc. Don't like it? Don't work in govt. The gravy train is over.

I wish it were so!!



For those of you who aren't aware of the wealth of the "founding fathers" read: "Western Lands and the Revolution," Thomas P. Abernethy.

Washington was the principal share-holder of The Ohio Company, the largest land dealing company in the British Colony of America. Ben Franklin owned sizable shares in two land-jobbing (speculation) companies -- one American owned the other English. Either way the war worked out, he would be extremely wealthy.

Pacedog is under the mistaken perspective that it was the common citizen who formed our government. Evidently Pacedog believes the richest 1% should run the show in which the rest of us suffer.




Wordslinger wrote:
PACEDOG#1 wrote:
Wordslinger wrote:Face it, our military has never been less effective, our roads and bridges are failing, the middle class is being decimated, our healthcare costs the most and is among the worst in the civilized world, our educational system sucks, and our unemployment rate doesn't diminish.  

And more than half of congress are millionaires.

Screw Amerika Inc!

Let's see those Pilgrims and citizens who inhabited the first colony (not Jamestown) sure were rich. LOL You are a joke. You post a rant for a title and spin off in another direction. Must have stocked up on hash for the day. Generally all people who made it to Congress were already MILLIONAIRES.

Your history is incorrect. The pilgrims and Quakers had nothing to do with America demanding independence. Washington and Franklin and many other leaders of the revolution were extremely wealthy. Washington's family was the richest in Virginia.

In the early stages of this country, you had to be male, white, and own property in order to vote.

Too bad you have such a faulty perspective of U.S. history ...

You and SEAOAT are smoking crack rock. I didn't refer to the Pilgrims demanding independence. What are you reading old man? I'm talking about the first EUROPEAN folks to get off of a sailing ship and have the gonads to inhabit this continent. There was no government handout, there were no Bear Grylls to show them survival skills. They did it on their own contrary to Obama's beliefs. The Native Americans did it with even less. It's too bad you read words that aren't there when debating or is your senility kicking hard today?


You and SEAOAT are smoking crack rock.

Not yet......but George and Martha did have a pretty big spread......You know.....Bill gates rich.



Behemoth corporatist entities that thrive on government largesse issue the investment securities used to build and preserve the government representatives' enormous personal wealth.

The cycle is complete.



colaguy wrote:If you're saying the rich in Congress have run the U.S. into the ground, then I'm with you. I refer to them as the GD Congress.

Also known as the Ineffective Congress. Examples:

The 50 year old "war on poverty" has spent $Trillions, and look where we are.

On the roads and bridges that are in disrepair - 28% of U.S. bridges are either structurally deficient or functionally obsolete. Yet the GD Congress fails to address this liability unless there is a catastrophe, like the bridge collapse in Minnesota.
A sizable percent of the Highway Trust Fund money is diverted to other causes.  

It's easy to discredit the War on Poverty when you completely ignore the rampant theft that's been going on during REPUBLICAN administrations and that have tipped the balance well back in favor of a small elite group of financiers and already wealthy "entrepreneurs".



Who do you think pays the most taxes that funds war in poverty?


Who do you think pays the most taxes that funds war in poverty?

The same folks who used to pay in the 60s except considerably less is being paid in real dollars adjusted for inflation, and those folks getting minimum wage adjusted for inflation took a significant cut in pay.



2seaoat wrote:Who do you think pays the most taxes that funds war in poverty?

The same folks who used to pay in the 60s except considerably less is being paid in real dollars adjusted for inflation, and those folks getting minimum wage adjusted for inflation took a significant cut in pay.

Who has been leading our economy for the past 7 years?

What is the typical household income where at least one worker earns the minimum wage?



Floridatexan wrote:
colaguy wrote:If you're saying the rich in Congress have run the U.S. into the ground, then I'm with you. I refer to them as the GD Congress.

Also known as the Ineffective Congress. Examples:

The 50 year old "war on poverty" has spent $Trillions, and look where we are.

On the roads and bridges that are in disrepair - 28% of U.S. bridges are either structurally deficient or functionally obsolete. Yet the GD Congress fails to address this liability unless there is a catastrophe, like the bridge collapse in Minnesota.
A sizable percent of the Highway Trust Fund money is diverted to other causes.  

It's easy to discredit the War on Poverty when you completely ignore the rampant theft that's been going on during REPUBLICAN administrations and that have tipped the balance well back in favor of a small elite group of financiers and already wealthy "entrepreneurs".  

I disagree. It's easy to "discredit the War on Poverty/" simply because, after $Trillions being spent, we are essentially still where we were 50 years ago as far as the poverty percentage. Money spent is money spent, regardless of which party has control of the purse strings.

Oh yeah, one thing that has changed over the last 50 years is the breakdown of many (especially African American) families. 75% of Black babies are born out of wedlock. Thanks, War on Poverty.

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