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Yes Virginia, healthcare costs big money . . . .

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With insurers and drug manufacturers running the show, what would you expect? Obama figured that he'd get republican support for an ACA patterned after the Romney designed program in Massachusetts. He refuses to recognize that many of today's repubs were democrats who deserted their party when Johnson's civil rights legislation passed. In other terms, a major portion of today's republicans -- in particular the T-Party -- are overt racists who "want their country back," and are busy gerrymandering to force big cuts in the Black, Latino and youth vote. Face it, if Obama came out for ending abortion these folks would oppose him with their fangs dripping!

Will the ACA work when tweaked to correct its most glaring problems?

Probably not. The same thieves who controlled American healthcare -- the insurers and the drug manufacturers -- are still in the driver's seat.

What the republicans want is lower taxes and bigger profits for big companies. They didn't care that there were 48 million Americans without access to health insurance before the ACA, and they still don't. The republicans care about one thing and one thing only: white power and money. And it's becoming ever more apparent, most Americans are cognizant of what they're really about.

And whether you want to believe it or not, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz and their rabid followers will destroy any chance the republicans have of winning a national election.

As for the costs of healthcare, only a non-competitive, government-controlled system, like those of Germany, France, and the Scandinavian countries will seriously reduce health costs.

Capitalism didn't build Hoover Dam, the freeway system, social security, medicare, public education, or NASA. Capitalism didn't make us the military leader of the world, either.

What is glaringly apparent, is that the democrats (most of whom are owned by the same corporations that own their opponents) at least profess a desire to improve life and opportunity for all Americans.

While the republicans apparently hate a black president, favor the ultra rich and big, greedy corporations, and, in addition to forcing women to wear titanium chastity belts and bear unlimited, little white republicans, they would be for laws that exiled minorities, the poor, the elderly and unemployed.

All of which makes us the greatest country in the world.




So because we don't just let socialism have it's way Obamacare is failing and no fault of Obama?
The only thing that built this country was incentive, clean cash fired capitalism. People don't get up and go to work because some bureaucrat thinks it would be nice if they did....they want PAID !

Reality !



I didn't respond because of just how much reality and results must be ignored to make such leftist ideologue conclusions.



PkrBum wrote:I didn't respond because of just how much reality and results must be ignored to make such leftist ideologue conclusions.
Obamacare is all about money and taking more of it from the productive and giving it to the nonproductive. When people have their own personal needs met they are more prone to be charitable. This foolish program based in and powered by bureaucratic force  will only result in more and more selfishness and anger at the poor. Great job daddy government. Why isn't Obama's performance rating in the single digits yet ?...Oh yeah they keep playing the racism card to trump the inadequacy card.



TEOTWAWKI wrote:So because we don't just let socialism have it's way Obamacare is failing and no fault of Obama?
The only thing that built this country was incentive, clean cash fired capitalism. People don't get up and go to work because some bureaucrat thinks it would be nice if they did....they want PAID !

Reality !
"The only thing that built this country was incentive, clean cash fired capitalism." Really? Capitalists built Hoover Dam, the Golden Gate Bridge? The Holland Tunnel? The California Aqueduct?

You wouldn't know reality if it bit you in the ass . . .



TEOTWAWKI wrote:So because we don't just let socialism have it's way Obamacare is failing and no fault of Obama?
The only thing that built this country was incentive, clean cash fired capitalism. People don't get up and go to work because some bureaucrat thinks it would be nice if they did....they want PAID !

Reality !
There is no point in making a point about Capitalism with Wordslinger. While Capitalism has built the greatest, richest, most advanced nation the world has ever seen, Wordslinger is a dyed in the wool, self proclaimed Communist. As far as he is concerned, SHARED MISERY, under one MASTER OF THE WORLD, is UTOPIA.


PkrBum wrote:I didn't respond because of just how much reality and results must be ignored to make such leftist ideologue conclusions.
Obamacare is all about money and taking more of it from the productive and giving it to the nonproductive. When people have their own personal needs met they are more prone to be charitable. This foolish program based in and powered by bureaucratic force  will only result in more and more selfishness and anger at the poor. Great job daddy government. Why isn't Obama's performance  rating in the single digits yet ?...Oh yeah they keep playing the racism card to trump the inadequacy card.
While that may have been the intent, it certainly isn't playing out like that.

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