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Gulf breeze traffic

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1Gulf breeze traffic Empty Gulf breeze traffic 10/11/2013, 10:12 pm



Sucks right now and nobody is leaving football game yet

2Gulf breeze traffic Empty Re: Gulf breeze traffic 10/11/2013, 10:14 pm



One freakin lane

3Gulf breeze traffic Empty Re: Gulf breeze traffic 10/11/2013, 10:17 pm



Two lanes could have been open incompetent pigs

4Gulf breeze traffic Empty Re: Gulf breeze traffic 10/11/2013, 11:41 pm



PACEDOG#1 wrote:Two lanes could have been open incompetent pigs

There was a fatality on hwy. 98. Car versus pedestrian. It was in front of Starbucks.

5Gulf breeze traffic Empty Re: Gulf breeze traffic 10/11/2013, 11:46 pm



they don't have to block 3/4 of the road as said car was in far left lane

6Gulf breeze traffic Empty Re: Gulf breeze traffic 10/11/2013, 11:55 pm



PACEDOG#1 wrote:they don't have to block 3/4 of the road as said car was in far left lane
They rarely have vehicular homicides in G B....tonight was Homecoming.....and the traffic was really heavy making everything worse.

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