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Interesting Monica Lewinsky tape.

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Poor little intern, seduced by the president. Just a confused little girl.
I think not.

Somebody tossed this out to the media just to embarrass Hillary in case she decides to run. I don't think she will run but not because of this trash.



bluemoon wrote:Poor little intern, seduced by the president. Just a confused little girl.
I think not.

Somebody tossed this out to the media just to embarrass Hillary in case she decides to run.  I don't think she will run  but not because of this trash.

Geez and they are connected with the Weiners!...Somebody didn't embarrass HRC....Bill did....Anyone surprised?...She saved a stained dress for how long?....Here we go again...the right wing conspiracy...



Yep...they're dredging up the swamp to try and kill a Hillary candidacy.



Floridatexan wrote:
Yep...they're dredging up the swamp to try and kill a Hillary candidacy.  

The Dems dragged every septic tank they could find to discredit Romney. HC was a decent candidate in '08 - not anymore with all the Oblamer baggage she is dragging around. But, at this point does it really matter???



Floridatexan wrote:
Yep...they're dredging up the swamp to try and kill a Hillary candidacy.  

No need to dredge any swamp. Between the two Clintons it's a wonder they could get anything done with all the scandals, lawsuits, settlements, depositions and TV appearances. They easily supported a moderate sized law firm all by themselves.

Hillary Clinton is furious, to say the least, at being compared to Huma, Anthony Weiners wife.



No, she's WORSE than HUMA as she has stay married as a convenience and to move up the political ladder. No, Benghazi has sunk Hillary's POTUS chances. If you can't run the State Department, you sure as hell cannot run the country.

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