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"Just call him Al Gorezeera!"

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1"Just call him Al Gorezeera!" Empty "Just call him Al Gorezeera!" 1/8/2013, 4:48 pm



The hypocrisy of Al Gore is astounding but not surprising - Mr Green sells out to big oil....



nochain wrote:The hypocrisy of Al Gore is astounding but not surprising - Mr Green sells out to big oil....

First 'Weid Al' (with apologies to Weird Al) sells out....then turns around and attempts to get around paying his share of 'fair taxes'....The same taxes that Al calls for 'wealthy' Americans to pay their fair share...Is of has there been a bigger hypocrite?...And this guy was real close to being POTUS...



newswatcher wrote:
nochain wrote:The hypocrisy of Al Gore is astounding but not surprising - Mr Green sells out to big oil....

First 'Weid Al' (with apologies to Weird Al) sells out....then turns around and attempts to get around paying his share of 'fair taxes'....The same taxes that Al calls for 'wealthy' Americans to pay their fair share...Is of has there been a bigger hypocrite?...And this guy was real close to being POTUS...

It's fine as long as it doesn't apply to him. Just like Kerry docking his boat in Rhode Island to avoid Massachusetts taxes. (it's not like the Heinz corporation cannot afford the tax)

Last edited by Joanimaroni on 1/9/2013, 11:06 am; edited 1 time in total

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Actually I've been reading the Al Jazeera English website for years. It's damn good journalism. I just hope the nonsense on that Al Gore cable channel doesn't infiltrate it.

Here's an example of Al Jazeera's reporting the likes of which you will never see on Fox News or MSNBC...



Bob wrote:Actually I've been reading the Al Jazeera English website for years. It's damn good journalism. I just hope the nonsense on that Al Gore cable channel doesn't infiltrate it.

Here's an example of Al Jazeera's reporting the likes of which you will never see on Fox News or MSNBC...

Somehow I figured you would love a media source that celebrates terrorists who would happily kill as many Americans as possible...even American supporters.



Joanimaroni wrote:
newswatcher wrote:
nochain wrote:The hypocrisy of Al Gore is astounding but not surprising - Mr Green sells out to big oil....

First 'Weid Al' (with apologies to Weird Al) sells out....then turns around and attempts to get around paying his share of 'fair taxes'....The same taxes that Al calls for 'wealthy' Americans to pay their fair share...Is of has there been a bigger hypocrite?...And this guy was real close to being POTUS...

It's fine as long as it doesn't apply to him. Just like Kerry docking his boat in Rhode Island to avoid Massachusetts taxes. (it's not like the Heinz corporation cannot afford the tax)

With many fine boatbuilders in Massachussetts he also chose to have the $3.5 million toy built in New Zealand.
"Just call him Al Gorezeera!" John-kerry-yachts-1

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