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Woman Stabs Baby Trump Blimp!

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1Woman Stabs Baby Trump Blimp! Empty Woman Stabs Baby Trump Blimp! 6/4/2019, 1:58 pm



Oh the Humanity!


Huh. I guess British conservatives haven't gotten the memo that they're the ones who are supposed to be for free speech and against the fear of being challenged by dissenting opinions which would be a sign of an indulgent self-pampering ideology that would setting a dangerous new norm for coming generations etc. etc. safe-space snowflake horseshit etc. horseshit.

She sure did go from bragging about being an aggressor to screaming that she's a victim in a hurry, though.

Anyhow, if she loves Trump so much, I'm willing to let Britain keep him. He could fuck their economy with tariffs, but their bigoted Brexit thing's about to do 'em that honor. Britain is sooooo fucked. Everybody sane over there's panicking.



zsomething wrote:Huh.   I guess British conservatives haven't gotten the memo that they're the ones who are supposed to be for free speech and against the fear of being challenged by dissenting opinions which would be a sign of an indulgent self-pampering ideology that would setting a dangerous new norm for coming generations etc. etc. safe-space snowflake horseshit etc. horseshit.

She sure did go from bragging about being an aggressor to screaming that she's a victim in a hurry, though.

Anyhow, if she loves Trump so much, I'm willing to let Britain keep him.  He could fuck their economy with tariffs, but their bigoted Brexit thing's about to do 'em that honor.   Britain is sooooo fucked.  Everybody sane over there's panicking.

They are so fucked the last thing I wish on them is Trump.



Drumpf loves Nigel Farage.

Drumpf once again made a fool of himself on the world stage.

Drumpf took the family on a free vacation courtesy of the taxpayers.

The Queen's face was tired from having to wear a fake smile.



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