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Global Grill and Grand Marlin

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1Global Grill and Grand Marlin Empty Global Grill and Grand Marlin 12/6/2017, 9:45 pm



Both restaurants received the Golden Spoon Award in Florida. Only 100 awards issued.

Both are great dining experiences....I love Global Grill. Great food, chef and staff. We are always treated so well, whether it is two of us or 14.


Agree and disagree.

Global Grill is special and unusual, and everyone should probably try it at least once, though it may prove a bit challenging (and therefore off-putting) for some not accustomed to tapas dining (namely, unfortunately, my husband - lol).  

The Grand Marlin, on the other hand, is a big fat tourist trap, overpriced and pretentious.   We can't stand the place.  This is not to mention that the acoustics are simply horrendous.  It's just damned LOUD, and that doesn't make for a pleasant dining experience to begin with, much less the stingy portions they dole out while raking in big bucks.   Major thumbs down for TGM.  Other diners in the know from foodie cities such as NOLA and Baton Rouge  have agreed with me.

All that said, each to their own.

Tonight, for instance, we had a fabulous Red Snapper dinner at Flounder's, not cheap but well worth every penny-- a perceived value we've never experienced at TGM. Great food and top notch service, plus little unexpected extras -- a hallmark of the Martins -- make for an always-satisfying dining experience. Granted, tonight there were a couple of loud parties ruining things for everyone else in the section where we were seated, but even that we managed to overlook as we enjoyed our perfectly cooked, wonderfully fresh and tasty snapper. Easy to give out awards to fancy high end places, but in doing so someone really missed the boat on Pensacola Beach.

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