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Papantonio: Anti-Intellectualism is Destroying Democracy in America

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Yup sounds like common core is working for the democrats...who needs students that can actually pay attention and think for themselves?  Just drug them down and fill their heads with meaningless mush about transsexuality and other" important" topics...

Papantonio:  Anti-Intellectualism is Destroying Democracy in America ?


Book burners and those who want to take away constitutional protections are all so familiar in history. Totalitarian government works best for the Oligarchy, and they are using the useful idiots to attack all the intellectual criteria of good government in a democracy. All government is bad, and science and intellectualism is bad. History clearly defines what is happening. Good must defeat evil at every turn. Book burners never make a society free or protect their constitutional rights.....we have learned the same from one of our favorite book burners on a thread today.........again all good people must challenge evil......



TEOTWAWKI wrote:Yup sounds like common core is working for the democrats...who needs students that can actually pay attention and think for themselves?  Just drug them down and fill their heads with meaningless mush about transsexuality and other" important" topics...

Do you actually think that common core is about teaching kids about transsexuality?

That's what the internet is for.

The only common core with which I have first hand experience is the common core math that my son took.

It was really all about a different way of approaching problems.

Not how we were taught, but I could see the practicalities of the approach in relation to real world calculations.



S.O. Democracy sucks...mob rule at best. Take your high sounding gobbly gook somewhere that people might buy it.


S.O. Democracy sucks...mob rule at best. Take your high sounding gobbly gook somewhere that people might buy it.

American Democracy is not mob rule. Traitors are trying to destroy this nation on behest of the Oligarchy by appealing to racial fear and prejudice where some think some of our citizens are too dark to be given equal rights in our constitutional framework. Good Americans work to destroy Evil. The Oligarchy will not rule America. The citizens of this country will take our country back, and my gobbly gook is ingrained in the American character. Those who lack character, morality, and loyalty need to find another place where they can be happy.......we will not cede this nation to evil.



If Obama's corrupt DOJ would not selectively enforce the law you might have something. The LAW is all we got to separate us from the jungle of democracy.

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