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Christian Right Mullahs want to make America a Theocracy!

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Why do we keep letting hardcore Christians get "special" rights?

Fundamentalism is pure evil, no matter what the creed!



Mullahs lol u r a hoot



Christian Right Mullahs want to make America a Theocracy! John_hagee

Pastor John Hagee – Cornerstone Church Ministry, Heresy, Divorce & Dirty Deeds

Monday, May 5th, 2008
Posted in Profiles & Interviews by Joel Gross
“All hurricanes are acts of God because God controls the heavens. I believe that New Orleans had a level of sin that was offensive to God and they were recipients of the judgment of God for that.” – John Hagee

Super funny update – John Hagee has hilariously bad books ranging from Doomsday predictions to dating books
to the Financial Armageddon
(he was wrong). Oh boy. Another major televangelist pastor, John Hagee, has turned out to not only be a crook but a complete moron. John Hagee has made many extremely offensive remarks regarding Catholics, Jews, Islam, homosexuality, women, African Americans, Hurricane Katrina and even the Bible itself. I just don’t understand how heretics like John Hagee can gain such a huge following in the evangelical Christian world… I guess it just goes to show the type of people who are involved in such groups. Even John McCain (below right) has sought out the company of John Hagee and recently received Mr. Hagee’s personal endorsement. Previously, I have discussed Pat Robertson’s “power shakes” he sells and Joel Osteen’s refusal to defend basic tenets of Christianity, but I think John Hagee just might take the cake. John Hagee has publicly stated in a commercial peddling his newest book In Defense of Israel that “Jesus refused to be the Messiah” and that “there was a calvary conspiracy by Rome, the high priests and Herod to execute Jesus”. Wow, is this televangelist on drugs? My guess is yes and there will be another scandal like that of Ted Haggard. He claims that Catholics and the Roman Church are somehow responsible for millenia of anti-Semitism and the death of Jesus Christ. Utterly ridiculous. Pastor John Hagee has also publicly stated to the 19,000 active members of his congregation and millions of television viewers that the United States of America MUST launch a pre-emptive strike on Iran immediately. John Hagee not only publicly states that he holds such beliefs, but he contradicts himself time and again in his personal life- John Hagee had an adulterous affair and divorced his wife to unbiblically remarry a much younger woman from his own former congregation. What does John Hagee get in return for his heretical ministry? John Hagee has a $2.1 million dollar 7,969 acre ranch with not one, but FIVE lodges, a managers house, a gun locker, a smoke house, a skeet range and three barns. In the year 2001, John Hagee received $842,000 in salary and $414,485 in benefits making him one of the best paid men on earth in ANY field. For comparison, Billy Graham (probably the most well known living religious figure in America), took only $174,000 in compensation that year. I went into business to make money, but perhaps I should’ve become a pastor!!!...



KarlRove wrote:Mullahs lol u r a hoot
Really?  A fundamentalist Islamic Mullah insists you follow all his religion's rules whether you believe in them or not.

So do fundamentalist Christian preachers. 

There is NO difference.



When did fundamentalist Christians start kidnapping and beheading people? There's the difference.



KarlRove wrote:When did fundamentalist Christians start kidnapping and beheading people? There's the difference.
Not all Muslims are for beheading people.

It's a question, I think, of how you see your personal freedom.  I don't want to be forced in ANY WAY to have to conform to some religious dogma with which I disagree.

Yes, most Christians ( not all, most) are not for beheading non-believers.  But they do want to discriminate against them.

And there are Christian groups who advocate and do blow up abortion clinics and kill doctors who perform abortions.  If you're willing to murder a doctor with a bomb, beheading your next victim isn't much of a stretch.

I'm an American, I'm not a Christian.  And I have every right to be free of your creepy dogma. 

And I am every bit as strident an atheist as you are a Fundamentalist Christian. 

From the standpoint of a victim of Islamic or Christian harassment, there is no difference between a fundamentalist Christian or Muslim.

You want to pray to the tooth fairy, that's your right.

You want to force me to follow your laws, kiss my ass. 



Wordslinger wrote:
KarlRove wrote:When did fundamentalist Christians start kidnapping and beheading people? There's the difference.
Not all Muslims are for beheading people.

It's a question, I think, of how you see your personal freedom.  I don't want to be forced in ANY WAY to have to conform to some religious dogma with which I disagree.

Yes, most Christians ( not all, most) are not for beheading non-believers.  But they do want to discriminate against them.

And there are Christian groups who advocate and do blow up abortion clinics and kill doctors who perform abortions.  If you're willing to murder a doctor with a bomb, beheading your next victim isn't much of a stretch.

I'm an American, I'm not a Christian.  And I have every right to be free of your creepy dogma.

And I am every bit as strident an atheist as you are a Fundamentalist Christian. 

From the standpoint of a victim of Islamic or Christian harassment, there is no difference between a fundamentalist Christian or Muslim.

You want to pray to the tooth fairy, that's your right.

You want to force me to follow your laws, kiss my ass. 

I am an American, I am a broud Christian and I have every right to be free of our creepy dogma about your Atheist religion. weekly you post a minimum of two to three threads proselytizing for your religion of Atheism.

Other than your constant threads proselytizing for the faith of Atheism. Who does that for their faith, other than defending themselves against your childish onslaught?



Markle wrote:
Wordslinger wrote:
KarlRove wrote:When did fundamentalist Christians start kidnapping and beheading people? There's the difference.
Not all Muslims are for beheading people.

It's a question, I think, of how you see your personal freedom.  I don't want to be forced in ANY WAY to have to conform to some religious dogma with which I disagree.

Yes, most Christians ( not all, most) are not for beheading non-believers.  But they do want to discriminate against them.

And there are Christian groups who advocate and do blow up abortion clinics and kill doctors who perform abortions.  If you're willing to murder a doctor with a bomb, beheading your next victim isn't much of a stretch.

I'm an American, I'm not a Christian.  And I have every right to be free of your creepy dogma.

And I am every bit as strident an atheist as you are a Fundamentalist Christian. 

From the standpoint of a victim of Islamic or Christian harassment, there is no difference between a fundamentalist Christian or Muslim.

You want to pray to the tooth fairy, that's your right.

You want to force me to follow your laws, kiss my ass. 

I am an American, I am a broud Christian and I have every right to be free of our creepy dogma about your Atheist religion.  weekly you post a minimum of two to three threads proselytizing for your religion of Atheism.

Other than your constant threads proselytizing for the faith of Atheism.  Who does that for their faith, other than defending themselves against your childish onslaught?

There is an essential difference between we Atheists and you Christians:  We do not seek to make the American government a theocracy.  You do.

We don't attempt to force school students to read a Bible, or pray in class, or to be taught that the fantasy of creationism is an actual science.  You do.

We don't push to have tenets of our religion posted on walls of government offices or courts.  You do.

You're right, I am a strident Atheist and I really do believe that religion -- all religion -- is evil.

So if my threads on the evils of religion bother you -- and you appear to react to them more than anyone else on this forum -- l don't find that fact the least disturbing.

By the way, your ability to phrase, spell, capitalize and punctuate a sentence is slipping badly.  Off your meds again?



Wordslinger wrote:
Markle wrote:
Wordslinger wrote:
KarlRove wrote:When did fundamentalist Christians start kidnapping and beheading people? There's the difference.
Not all Muslims are for beheading people.

It's a question, I think, of how you see your personal freedom.  I don't want to be forced in ANY WAY to have to conform to some religious dogma with which I disagree.

Yes, most Christians ( not all, most) are not for beheading non-believers.  But they do want to discriminate against them.

And there are Christian groups who advocate and do blow up abortion clinics and kill doctors who perform abortions.  If you're willing to murder a doctor with a bomb, beheading your next victim isn't much of a stretch.

I'm an American, I'm not a Christian.  And I have every right to be free of your creepy dogma.

And I am every bit as strident an atheist as you are a Fundamentalist Christian. 

From the standpoint of a victim of Islamic or Christian harassment, there is no difference between a fundamentalist Christian or Muslim.

You want to pray to the tooth fairy, that's your right.

You want to force me to follow your laws, kiss my ass.

I am an American, I am a broud Christian and I have every right to be free of our creepy dogma about your Atheist religion.  weekly you post a minimum of two to three threads proselytizing for your religion of Atheism.

Other than your constant threads proselytizing for the faith of Atheism.  Who does that for their faith, other than defending themselves against your childish onslaught?

There is an essential difference between we Atheists and you Christians:  We do not seek to make the American government a theocracy.  You do.

We don't attempt to force school students to read a Bible, or pray in class, or to be taught that the fantasy of creationism is an actual science.  You do.

We don't push to have tenets of our religion posted on walls of government offices or courts.  You do.

You're right, I am a strident Atheist and I really do believe that religion -- all religion -- is evil.

So if my threads on the evils of religion bother you -- and you appear to react to them more than anyone else on this forum -- l don't find that fact the least disturbing.

By the way, your ability to phrase, spell, capitalize and punctuate a sentence is slipping badly.  Off your meds again?

So then you believe that Atheism is evil as well.

Nearly daily you push your religion on everyone here. How is that not proselytizing?



Markle wrote:
Wordslinger wrote:
Markle wrote:
Wordslinger wrote:
KarlRove wrote:When did fundamentalist Christians start kidnapping and beheading people? There's the difference.
Not all Muslims are for beheading people.

It's a question, I think, of how you see your personal freedom.  I don't want to be forced in ANY WAY to have to conform to some religious dogma with which I disagree.

Yes, most Christians ( not all, most) are not for beheading non-believers.  But they do want to discriminate against them.

And there are Christian groups who advocate and do blow up abortion clinics and kill doctors who perform abortions.  If you're willing to murder a doctor with a bomb, beheading your next victim isn't much of a stretch.

I'm an American, I'm not a Christian.  And I have every right to be free of your creepy dogma.

And I am every bit as strident an atheist as you are a Fundamentalist Christian. 

From the standpoint of a victim of Islamic or Christian harassment, there is no difference between a fundamentalist Christian or Muslim.

You want to pray to the tooth fairy, that's your right.

You want to force me to follow your laws, kiss my ass.

I am an American, I am a broud Christian and I have every right to be free of our creepy dogma about your Atheist religion.  weekly you post a minimum of two to three threads proselytizing for your religion of Atheism.

Other than your constant threads proselytizing for the faith of Atheism.  Who does that for their faith, other than defending themselves against your childish onslaught?

There is an essential difference between we Atheists and you Christians:  We do not seek to make the American government a theocracy.  You do.

We don't attempt to force school students to read a Bible, or pray in class, or to be taught that the fantasy of creationism is an actual science.  You do.

We don't push to have tenets of our religion posted on walls of government offices or courts.  You do.

You're right, I am a strident Atheist and I really do believe that religion -- all religion -- is evil.

So if my threads on the evils of religion bother you -- and you appear to react to them more than anyone else on this forum -- l don't find that fact the least disturbing.

By the way, your ability to phrase, spell, capitalize and punctuate a sentence is slipping badly.  Off your meds again?

So then you believe that Atheism is evil as well.

Nearly daily you push your religion on everyone here.  How is that not proselytizing?

It is proselytizing.  I want everyone to deal with reality.  Is that a problem for you?

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