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As Obama gets played like a fiddle by the Iranians.....

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Demand demand demand and Obama will give in give in give....


Demand demand demand and Obama will give in give in give....

I did not know you were privy to the private negotiations......did Bibi give you a call?



2seaoat wrote:Demand demand demand and Obama will give in give in give....

I did not know you were privy to the private negotiations......did Bibi give you a call?

As Obama gets played like a fiddle by the Iranians..... Ha_ha_11



2seaoat wrote:Demand demand demand and Obama will give in give in give....

I did not know you were privy to the private negotiations......did Bibi give you a call?

What "private? negotiations?

Semi-retired President Barack Hussein Obama has demonstrated time and again that he does NOT possess the first clue on negotiating. This is only the latest, DEADLY example.

President Obama is eager to give away the farm just so he can SAY HE negotiated a nuclear weapon free Middle East. Bull hockey!

Until today, Iran had agreed to have their enriched uranium shipped to Russia. Today they said that was against their principals and they would not allow it to leave Iran.

The Middle East is in chaos and this administration has no clue what to do.



Markle wrote:
2seaoat wrote:Demand demand demand and Obama will give in give in give....

I did not know you were privy to the private negotiations......did Bibi give you a call?

What "private? negotiations?

Semi-retired President Barack Hussein Obama has demonstrated time and again that he does NOT possess the first clue on negotiating.  This is only the latest, DEADLY example.

President Obama is eager to give away the farm just so he can SAY HE negotiated a nuclear weapon free Middle East.  Bull hockey!

Until today, Iran had agreed to have their enriched uranium shipped to Russia.  Today they said that was against their principals and they would not allow it to leave Iran.

The Middle East is in chaos and this administration has no clue what to do.

Okay big mouth ... how should we handle the problems of the Mideast as they exist right now?

Take note also, I'm not asking for your interpretation of how we got here, I'm asking for YOUR solutions.  We're all ears.



Wordslinger wrote:
Markle wrote:
2seaoat wrote:Demand demand demand and Obama will give in give in give....

I did not know you were privy to the private negotiations......did Bibi give you a call?

What "private? negotiations?

Semi-retired President Barack Hussein Obama has demonstrated time and again that he does NOT possess the first clue on negotiating.  This is only the latest, DEADLY example.

President Obama is eager to give away the farm just so he can SAY HE negotiated a nuclear weapon free Middle East.  Bull hockey!

Until today, Iran had agreed to have their enriched uranium shipped to Russia.  Today they said that was against their principals and they would not allow it to leave Iran.

The Middle East is in chaos and this administration has no clue what to do.

Okay big mouth ... how should we handle the problems of the Mideast as they exist right now?

Take note also, I'm not asking for your interpretation of how we got here, I'm asking for YOUR solutions.  We're all ears.

Hard to make up. Big shot Wordslinger..."OKAY BIG MOUTH...".

For six years you, the administration, all the other Progressives have blamed President Bush.

NOW, semi-retired President Obama has created total chaos from Afghanistan to the West Coast of Africa aflame with the most vile terrorists we've ever known, and NOW they want a solution.

AFTER President Obama leaves office, it will take a decade or more to restore peace in the region, restore the trust of our friends and fear of our enemies.



Markle wrote:
Wordslinger wrote:
Markle wrote:
2seaoat wrote:Demand demand demand and Obama will give in give in give....

I did not know you were privy to the private negotiations......did Bibi give you a call?

What "private? negotiations?

Semi-retired President Barack Hussein Obama has demonstrated time and again that he does NOT possess the first clue on negotiating.  This is only the latest, DEADLY example.

President Obama is eager to give away the farm just so he can SAY HE negotiated a nuclear weapon free Middle East.  Bull hockey!

Until today, Iran had agreed to have their enriched uranium shipped to Russia.  Today they said that was against their principals and they would not allow it to leave Iran.

The Middle East is in chaos and this administration has no clue what to do.

Okay big mouth ... how should we handle the problems of the Mideast as they exist right now?

Take note also, I'm not asking for your interpretation of how we got here, I'm asking for YOUR solutions.  We're all ears.

Hard to make up.  Big shot Wordslinger..."OKAY BIG MOUTH...".  

For six years you, the administration, all the other Progressives have blamed President Bush.

NOW, semi-retired President Obama has created total chaos from Afghanistan to the West Coast of Africa aflame with the most vile terrorists we've ever known, and NOW they want a solution.

AFTER President Obama leaves office, it will take a decade or more to restore peace in the region, restore the trust of our friends and fear of our enemies.

"It will take a decade or more ... to restore the trust of our friends ..."

What friends? Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the Emirates, Kuwait, Jordan love our oil money and hate our guts. They can't wait to party at our funeral.

Is Israel our friend, or a very shrewd exploiter?  Do friends spy on friends and then take political actions to  harm them?

As for England, France, Spain, Germany, Poland, Denmark, etc., they all consider us a necessary but dangerously neurotic, unpredictable ally.

You also claim it will take a decade to restore the fear of our enemies.

After the bombing of the marine barracks in Beirut (during Reagan's reign), the Islamic enemies of the United States figured how erode and degrade our military power and political power.  Their "fear of us" ceased a long time before Obama.

Unless you vaporiza an Arab nation or two, just how in hell will we restore their fear of us?

How silly your ability to reason and deal with facts has become old man!

Last edited by Wordslinger on 3/31/2015, 8:00 pm; edited 1 time in total



First you boldly concede that the our foreign policy is a SNAFU of historical proportions. You even reach out for advice on how to fix the catastrophe.

Semi-retired President Obama has lowered the bar for an effective foreign policy so it is laying on the ground. You know, along side those "RED LINES" he drew in the sand...which turned to a dozen pink lines and then were gone entirely.

Iran has made a laughing stock out of our President and with that, you're happy.

Keep up the good work.


AFTER President Obama leaves office, it will take a decade or more to restore peace in the region, restore the trust of our friends and fear of our enemies.

Rest assured that security for oligarchs, dictators, royal families, and all the non democratic systems we and other western european nations have imposed on the middle east from the colonial period to the present will not be easily restored, nor should we be setting the same as a policy goal for this country to throw more wealth and blood down the rabbit hole........blaming President Obama for the 911 attack and the subsequent invasion of two countries, 100ks fatalities, and chaos because he is in the process of pulling the wrecked car from the ditch is idiotic.



Markle wrote:First you boldly concede that the our foreign policy is a SNAFU of historical proportions.  You even reach out for advice on how to fix the catastrophe.

Semi-retired President Obama has lowered the bar for an effective foreign policy so it is laying on the ground.  You know, along side those "RED LINES" he drew in the sand...which turned to a dozen pink lines and then were gone entirely.

Iran has made a laughing stock out of our President and with that, you're happy.

Keep up the good work.

Before you have your self manipulated orgasm, check out my response:

Yes, our foreign policy in the Mideast has been dreadful -- going back to when our CIA organized the overthrow of Mosaddegh.  In fact, now I think about it, our foreign policies in the Mideast have been fuck-ups of major proportion going back to the Balfour Agreement after the end of WWI. 

(The 1953 Iranian coup d'état, known in Iran as the 28 Mordad coup, was the overthrow of the democratically elected Prime Minister of Iran Mohammad Mosaddegh on 19 August 1953, masterminded by the United States (under the name TPAJAX Project) and backed by the United Kingdom (under the name 'Operation Boot').[3][4][5][6])

Yes, I would love to hear your perspective of how we are to correct the current chaotic situation, but you've made it clear you have no suggestions.

The solution advocated by your party is to double up the sanctions and/or bomb or invade Iran -- all of which will result in another ultra expensive war that we will once again lose.  McCain suggests that Israel should start the war and we'll join in later.

You're wrong about me being happy with the approach Obama has taken.

My approach would be to announce that we're destroying all our nuclear weapons, and force Israel to do the same.  After which we approach Iran urging a non-proliferation treaty.

Your approach, obviously, is to whine about Obama's failures.




2seaoat wrote:AFTER President Obama leaves office, it will take a decade or more to restore peace in the region, restore the trust of our friends and fear of our enemies.

Rest assured that security for oligarchs, dictators, royal families, and all the non democratic systems we and other western european nations have imposed on the middle east from the colonial period to the present will not be easily restored, nor should we be setting the same as a policy goal for this country to throw more wealth and blood down the rabbit hole........blaming President Obama for the 911 attack and the subsequent invasion of two countries, 100ks fatalities, and chaos because he is in the process of pulling the wrecked car from the ditch is idiotic.

He took a bad situation and not only got stuck in the ditch to the point where the car might never get out. He pretty much has did the same thing to America that Ted Kennedy did to Mary Jo Kopechne


Do you think the average American believes that Iraq is a critical zone of American interest? Not even the twilight zone, but not on main street America.



KarlRove wrote:He took a bad situation and not only got stuck in the ditch to the point where the car might never get out. He pretty much has did the same thing to America that Ted Kennedy did to Mary Jo Kopechne

Boy, you are really bad at making analogies... Dreadful, I might add...



2seaoat wrote:Do you think the average American believes that Iraq is a critical zone of American interest?   Not even the twilight zone, but not on main street America.

We have all seen that the average American doesn't know the three branches of our government, cannot identify the Vice President from a photo, have no clue how many justices are on the Supreme Court much less even one of their names.

Ask them the names of the members of Jersey Shores, and they can nail every one.


And those same people you think are worried about images and theatrics......they are more worried about friends and family being killed and maimed supporting a colonial system in the middle east, or having their median income drop lower in real dollars as tax rates are cut for the wealthy and debt is added because of those reduced revenues and stupid wars.

Diplomacy is smart.....sending Americans to die in somebody else's war and flushing more American dollars down the toilet is bone headed stupid.



Somebody ... anybody ... please cite me when America has ever practiced intelligent, just, and ethical foreign policy in the Islamic Mideast?

I'm waiting.






2seaoat wrote:And those same people you think are worried about images and theatrics......they are more worried about friends and family being killed and maimed supporting a colonial system in the middle east, or having their median income drop lower in real dollars as tax rates are cut for the wealthy and debt is added because of those reduced revenues and stupid wars.

Diplomacy is smart.....sending Americans to die in somebody else's war and flushing more American dollars down the toilet is bone headed stupid.

Those people couldn't pick the Middle East out on a world globe if they were offered $100,000.

They know they can't get a job, but don't know why or really care as long as someone pays their way.

No one I know is advocating us sending tens of thousands of troops. They do need the US to LEAD. Something of which our semi-retired President does not possess.



Markle wrote:Those people couldn't pick the Middle East out on a world globe if they were offered $100,000.

Neither could you last week when you said in one of your forum posts that the Middle East extended from west Africa to Afghanistan.

As Obama gets played like a fiddle by the Iranians..... Laughi10

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