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As the economy is growing at 5% annualized, as 7 million jobs have been added to the private sector, as healthcare has been expanded to millions of Americans, as the republican wars have been wound down, Obama's second term approval rating is at +5%

boards of FL
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boards of FL

boards of FL

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Here is the truth...

Things must change for our government. Look at it! It isn’t too big to fail. It’s too big to succeed! It's too big to succeed, so we can afford no retreads or nothing will change with the same people and same policies that got us into the status quo, another Latin word, status quo, and it stands for, “Man, the middle-class everyday Americans are really gettin’ taken for a ride!” That's status quo, and GOP leaders, by the way, y'know the man can only ride ya when your back is bent, so strengthen it, then the man can't ride ya, America won't be taken for a ride, because so much is at stake and we can't afford politicians playing games like nothing more is at stake than, oh, maybe just the next standing of theirs in the next election.

boards of FL

boards of FL

KarlRove wrote:More lies

Yes! Gallup lies!

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boards of FL wrote:
KarlRove wrote:More lies

Yes!  Gallup lies!

War Hero can't stand the truth -- Obama's ratings are now well above 50%.

What that means, is that the American public likes him a helluva lot more than any Republican, including all the republican wannabe presidents.

Including the smartest, prettiest, most audacious, erudite, and intelligent republican candidate -- Sarah Palin.


The President is simply kicking asz.....and with low inflation, low interest rates, he can be expected to finish his term with every economic record for a President with the longest sustained growth of our GDP. His number will be retired in the hall of fame, and the haters will just drum up the irrelevant as he does his victory lap.



I can't wait for semi-retarded poster Markle to chime in on this news! Razz



boards of FL wrote:

This seems to be a more appropriate link:



Liberals think that by ignoring those facts that you presented, it will just go away and not count.

boards of FL

boards of FL

colaguy wrote:So how do the following figure in this rosy picture?:

  • SNAP use is increasing
  • SSD is increasing
  • $18T Debt

Regarding SNAP, we should employ the "middle class economics" strategy that Obama laid out in his State of the Union address. Increased SNAP usage is a symptom of the skewed redistribution of wealth trend that we have observed over the last 30 years.

Regarding SSD increasing, I'm not entirely sure what to do there. Clearly this isn't some new trend. I guess I would need to see more data on that with respect to SSD spending per capita, or % of the population that is receiving SSD to really speak to that.

As the economy is growing at 5% annualized, as 7 million jobs have been added to the private sector, as healthcare has been expanded to millions of Americans, as the republican wars have been wound down, Obama's second term approval rating is at +5% TOTAL%20DISABIILTY%20BENEFICIARIES-MAY-PHOTO

Regarding the $18T in debt, we should stay the course of rapid deficit reduction and we will eventually return to surplus territory and will see that decrease.

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boards of FL wrote:As the economy is growing at 5% annualized, as 7 million jobs have been added to the private sector, as healthcare has been expanded to millions of Americans, as the republican wars have been wound down, Obama's second term approval rating is at +5% TOTAL%20DISABIILTY%20BENEFICIARIES-MAY-PHOTO

Lets discuss a trend in the above graph and throw it back in the wingnuts' face:

According to the graph, SSDI recipients grew every year during the presidency of George W. Bush; 6.5 million recipients in 2001 to 9.5 million recipients in 2009. It grew to 11 million by the end of 2013, in spite of the massive economic disruptions that occurred in the 2009-2011 period (worst years of the recession).

Bush inherited an economy in surplus, yet allowed more than 25% of the current SSDI recipients onto the rolls. Obama inherited an economy in a shambles, and has allowed a significantly smaller growth-rate in SSDI recipients than Dubya did.

boards of FL

boards of FL

That 30+ year trend is Obama's fault!

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boards of FL wrote:That 30+ year trend is Obama's fault!

Yes, even Clinton only allowed 1.5 million on the SSDI rolls in his 8 year presidency. 5 million of today's total SSDI recipients (a whopping 45% of the total) were added during both of the Bush presidencies. Hmmmm.......


So if 9.5 million has enrolled and re-enrolled this year what do you suppose happened to the other 4 or 5 million?

Here's your propaganda report from CMS:



boards of FL wrote:As the economy is growing at 5% annualized, as 7 million jobs have been added to the private sector, as healthcare has been expanded to millions of Americans, as the republican wars have been wound down, Obama's second term approval rating is at +5% TOTAL%20DISABIILTY%20BENEFICIARIES-MAY-PHOTO

Lets discuss a trend in the above graph and throw it back in the wingnuts' face:

According to the graph, SSDI recipients grew every year during the presidency of George W. Bush; 6.5 million recipients in 2001 to 9.5 million recipients in 2009. It grew to 11 million by the end of 2013, in spite of the massive economic disruptions that occurred in the 2009-2011 period (worst years of the recession).

Bush inherited an economy in surplus, yet allowed more than 25% of the current SSDI recipients onto the rolls. Obama inherited an economy in a shambles, and has allowed a significantly smaller growth-rate in SSDI recipients than Dubya did.

The increase in SSD recipients can be attributed to the relaxing of the eligibility requirements (per Congress), aging workers, more women in the workforce.  Per SSA, as of November, 2014, there were 10.9 million SSD recipients. The SSD trust fund is projected to run out by the end of 2016. Some in Congress want to divert more payroll tax to SSD, leaving the SS trust fund with less. Others want to raise the payroll tax by 3%. Still others want to reign in the fraud and abuse in the program.  

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