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Can anyone read the first line of the caption on pacedog's avatar?

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Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Here's the avatar. I resized it to 150% hoping that would do it. But I still can't read the first line.

Can anyone read the first line of the caption on pacedog's avatar? Bush11

I will says this. That photo of Bush makes him look like a total retard.



[quote="Bob"]Here's the avatar.  I resized it to 150% hoping that would do it.  But I still can't read the first line.

Can anyone read the first line of the caption on pacedog's avatar? Bush11

I will says this.  That photo of Bush makes him look like a total retard.

Looks to me like "Our trained investigators have specialized in CLOSED CASES since 1968".

He is a retard! LOL



Bob wrote:Here's the avatar.  I resized it to 150% hoping that would do it.  But I still can't read the first line.

Can anyone read the first line of the caption on pacedog's avatar? Bush11

I will says this.  That photo of Bush makes him look like a total retard.

Here's a tip fer ya, Bob ....

Go here ....

Drag and drop the picture in question ....

.... and, google will find all matching pictures on the intertubes.

Here ya go ....

Can anyone read the first line of the caption on pacedog's avatar? Bush

Brilliant stuff, I know ....

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Thanks for clearing that up for me, Sal.

Now that I can read the whole caption, he looks even more retarded.

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