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Bounty Hunting

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1Bounty Hunting Empty Bounty Hunting 8/23/2014, 1:15 pm



We've got some real sickos in this country ....

NEW YORK ( MainStreet) Supporters of Darren Wilson the Ferguson, Mo., police officer who fatally shot Michael Brown, sparking days of tumultuous protests are opening their wallets for the cop who used lethal force against an unarmed teenager.

A GoFundMe campaign initiated by someone named Allison Wilson raised $235,100 from 5,900 people in four days, before it was closed Friday afternoon. "We stand behind Officer Darren Wilson and his family during this trying time in their lives," the webpage says. "All proceeds will be sent directly to Darren Wilson and his family for any financial needs they may have including legal fees." Reached by The Daily Beast , Allison Wilson would not say whether she is related to Officer Wilson and declined further comment.

2Bounty Hunting Empty Re: Bounty Hunting 8/23/2014, 1:29 pm



Nope it's the
Thing to do

3Bounty Hunting Empty Re: Bounty Hunting 8/23/2014, 1:32 pm



PACEDOG#1 wrote:Nope it's the
Thing to do

Exhibit A

4Bounty Hunting Empty Re: Bounty Hunting 8/23/2014, 1:34 pm


Joanimaroni thing will be Darren Wilson supporters will be out tossing molotov cocktails, looting and burning innocent store owners businesses.

More hands on problems for Holder.

5Bounty Hunting Empty Re: Bounty Hunting 8/23/2014, 1:50 pm



When will we become enlightened enough to have what we do with our money dictated to us? Oh... nevermind.

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