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Happy hour!

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1Happy hour! Empty Happy hour! 8/17/2012, 5:58 pm

boards of FL

boards of FL

It's that time again!

Happy hour! M1C1E

I approve this message.

2Happy hour! Empty Re: Happy hour! 8/17/2012, 6:01 pm



[img]Happy hour! Anim_s10[/img]

3Happy hour! Empty Re: Happy hour! 8/17/2012, 6:25 pm



No doubt, Obama just screwed the poor again. Friday night, slow news reportings....go figure....look around..

4Happy hour! Empty Re: Happy hour! 8/17/2012, 6:42 pm



Have you seen the new Fannie/Freddie bailout? You get a chance to put your money where your mouth is.... once again, the middle class pays....for failed policy....

How is Franklin Raines doing???>

5Happy hour! Empty Re: Happy hour! 8/17/2012, 6:51 pm



[img]Happy hour! Haha10[/img]

Come here big boy Wink

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