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Watch Jon Stewart eviscerate Bill O'Reilly and FAUX NEWS

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verb \i-ˈvi-sə-ˌrāt\

: to take out the internal organs of (an animal)


Full Definition of EVISCERATE

transitive verb


a : to take out the entrails of : disembowel

b : to deprive of vital content or force


: to remove an organ from (a patient) or the contents of (an organ)

intransitive verb

: to protrude through a surgical incision or suffer protrusion of a part through an incision

— evis·cer·a·tion noun

See eviscerate defined for English-language learners »

See eviscerate defined for kids »

Examples of EVISCERATE

<the ancient Egyptians would eviscerate the bodies of the dead as part of the process of mummifying them>


Latin evisceratus, past participle of eviscerare, from e- + viscera viscera
First Known Use: 1599


Synonymsclean, disembowel, draw, gut

Related Wordsbone, dress; cut, excise, extract, remove, withdraw, yank; transplant

verb \i-ˈvis-ə-ˌrāt\ (Medical Dictionary)

Medical Definition of EVISCERATE

transitive verb


: to remove the viscera of


: to remove an organ from (a patient) or the contents of (an organ)

intransitive verb

: to protrude through a surgical incision or suffer protrusion of a part through an incision


The only eviscerating going on was that of every failure being mentioned in Obama's 5 year tenure of office. Jon Stewart and many others are the "white noise" behind the propaganda machine of the COWH. They MSM is in lockstep with the current "full-of-fail" admin responsible errrrrrr no they aren't "it's the fault of Bush." How can someone so in charge, according to the MSM, not be responsible or KNOW the things that are going on??? Didn't Obama say he would resign, "if he didn't right the ship" and "would not deserve another term of office?"

Just sayin'....



Floridatexan wrote:

Jon Stewart always does an excellent job deconstructing the wingnut agenda at Faux News.  cheers
Bill O'Reilly acted surly when he interviewed the President. If I were Obama, I would have chopped him down on camera. The President was being nice when he called Faux News out the way he did.



And now Z is white noise



PACEDOG#1 wrote:And now Z is white noise

And just who is the noisiest and whiniest person on the politics forum? That would not be me, now would it?

Move along and go start another mindless anti-Obama rant..... You have not yet reached your quota for the day......  



White noise.... Still cannot cover up the incompetence of the COWH



Floridatexan wrote:
Watch Jon Stewart eviscerate Bill O'Reilly and FAUX NEWS HystericallyLaughingmanandboy
Good to see you aren't shy about showing your sense of humor and pride in getting your news from the Comedy Channel.

As you know, this was so ludicrous that Bill O'Reilly even played it on his show.

Keep in mind another of President's Barack Hussein Obama's famous quotes that came out of that interview. President Obama: "Not a SMIDGE of corruption at the IRS"! First, it is unheard of for a sitting President to comment on ongoing criminal investigations. Second, how can he say there is not a smidge of corruption when Lois Lerner invoked the Fifth Amendment?

I'm sure you'll agree that Lerner should be given immunity for her testimony.



Floridatexan wrote:

Jon Stewart always does an excellent job deconstructing the wingnut agenda at Faux News.  cheers
Bill O'Reilly acted surly when he interviewed the President. If I were Obama, I would have chopped him down on camera. The President was being nice when he called Faux News out the way he did.
Watch Jon Stewart eviscerate Bill O'Reilly and FAUX NEWS Whiningcartoon



Obama made a mistake by even allowing O'Rielly to interview him. He should not have let anyone from Faux news enter the Oval Office. As usual, Faux did its absolute best to cut and snip the President's responses so they could then use them out of context in their usual wingnut fashion. Fox puts the 'faux' in slanted news. Much worse than any liberal-leaning news service.



Obama is the mistake



PACEDOG#1 wrote:Obama is the mistake

To bad for haters like you that he has nearly three years left on his second term. I am sure you will have a full-blown ulcer going by then.....   Razz



ZVUGKTUBM wrote:Obama made a mistake by even allowing O'Rielly to interview him. He should not have let anyone from Faux news enter the Oval Office. As usual, Faux did its absolute best to cut and snip the President's responses so they could then use them out of context in their usual wingnut fashion. Fox puts the 'faux' in slanted news. Much worse than any liberal-leaning news service.

AGAIN, with nothing to support your allegations.



Markle wrote:
Floridatexan wrote:
Watch Jon Stewart eviscerate Bill O'Reilly and FAUX NEWS HystericallyLaughingmanandboy
Good to see you aren't shy about showing your sense of humor and pride in getting your news from the Comedy Channel.

As you know, this was so ludicrous that Bill O'Reilly even played it on his show.  

Keep in mind another of President's Barack Hussein Obama's famous quotes that came out of that interview.  President Obama:  "Not a SMIDGE of corruption at the IRS"!  First, it is unheard of for a sitting President to comment on ongoing criminal investigations.  Second, how can he say there is not a smidge of corruption when Lois Lerner invoked the Fifth Amendment?

I'm sure you'll agree that Lerner should be given immunity for her testimony.

The IRS Scandal That Wasn't

"...If you're just tuning in, some basics: Among its other duties, as outlined in a tax code first passed a century ago, the IRS keeps an eye on non-profit organizations that are exempt from paying taxes. They're called 501c's and the groups we're specifically concerned with are called 501c4's. They're defined as social welfare organizations, meant to be civic groups looking out for the common good. But - and this is key - donors to a 501c4 don't have to reveal who they are.

So along comes the Supreme Court's Citizens United decision in 2010, which in the name of free speech unleashes unlimited campaign contributions. But suppose you're a corporation or a tycoon and want to keep all the cash you're pouring into the election of your favorite candidates under wraps? IRS rules say that 501c4's - those social welfare groups - can spend money on politics and campaigns, as long as it's not their primary activity. Where that line gets drawn, however, is somewhat of a mystery - even to the IRS. So far, the general rule of thumb has been that political activities must constitute 49 percent or less of 501c4 activities.

In the wake of Citizens United, and with the realization that 501c4's could be used like bagmen for anonymous political bucks, applications for social welfare status at the IRS almost doubled in the years 2010 to 2012 - from 1,735 to 3,357. By the time November 2012 rolled around, those so-called social welfare organizations had poured more than $300 million into the election. According to the investigative journalism group Pro Publica, 84 percent of that money came from conservative groups like Karl Rove's Crossroads GPS and the Koch Brothers' Americans for Prosperity.

All the applications for 501c4 tax-exempt status were sent to the Internal Revenue Service office in Cincinnati. The task was overwhelming, not only because of the sheer numbers but because the IRS regulations were so vague and contradictory. Trying to cut corners and red tape, the Cincinnati office decided to determine which groups were legit and which were covers for political mischief by implementing a keyword search - targeting words like "patriot" and "tea party." All hell broke loose.

For a week this past May, it was as if the IRS and the Obama White House had committed murder most foul, or at least the most heinous crime since the heyday of Watergate and Nixon's dirty tricks. The Beltway media went into a feeding frenzy, the embers of suspicion and paranoia fanned by a powerful congressman who never met a photo opportunity he didn't like: Darrell Issa, Republican of California, the richest member of Congress and chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. He has used that position as a political cudgel to hammer away at anything that might hurt the opposition (and consequently help his party), or, most important, elevate the visibility of Darrell Issa..."


Another non-scandal brought to the public eye by the increasingly pathetic and irrelevant GOP.



...the increasingly pathetic and irrelevant GOP...

....That is totally out of touch with American women, according to a recent CNN poll.

According to the CNN/ORC International poll, which was released Friday, 55% of Americans surveyed say the GOP doesn't understand women. That number rises to 59% among all women and 64% among women over 50.

That is a winning strategy, for sure...... NOT!



Bs... Lerner flat out stated in her set up question that inappropriate actions were taken... and the ig report confirmed it.

The process now is tainted by obfuscation and political mirage. I know you don't want transparency... congratulations.



And more white noise by Z as he tries to change the topic.



Floridatexan wrote:
Markle wrote:
Floridatexan wrote:
Watch Jon Stewart eviscerate Bill O'Reilly and FAUX NEWS HystericallyLaughingmanandboy
Good to see you aren't shy about showing your sense of humor and pride in getting your news from the Comedy Channel.

As you know, this was so ludicrous that Bill O'Reilly even played it on his show.  

Keep in mind another of President's Barack Hussein Obama's famous quotes that came out of that interview.  President Obama:  "Not a SMIDGE of corruption at the IRS"!  First, it is unheard of for a sitting President to comment on ongoing criminal investigations.  Second, how can he say there is not a smidge of corruption when Lois Lerner invoked the Fifth Amendment?

I'm sure you'll agree that Lerner should be given immunity for her testimony.

The IRS Scandal That Wasn't

"...If you're just tuning in, some basics: Among its other duties, as outlined in a tax code first passed a century ago, the IRS keeps an eye on non-profit organizations that are exempt from paying taxes. They're called 501c's and the groups we're specifically concerned with are called 501c4's. They're defined as social welfare organizations, meant to be civic groups looking out for the common good. But - and this is key - donors to a 501c4 don't have to reveal who they are.

So along comes the Supreme Court's Citizens United decision in 2010, which in the name of free speech unleashes unlimited campaign contributions. But suppose you're a corporation or a tycoon and want to keep all the cash you're pouring into the election of your favorite candidates under wraps? IRS rules say that 501c4's - those social welfare groups - can spend money on politics and campaigns, as long as it's not their primary activity. Where that line gets drawn, however, is somewhat of a mystery - even to the IRS. So far, the general rule of thumb has been that political activities must constitute 49 percent or less of 501c4 activities.

In the wake of Citizens United, and with the realization that 501c4's could be used like bagmen for anonymous political bucks, applications for social welfare status at the IRS almost doubled in the years 2010 to 2012 - from 1,735 to 3,357. By the time November 2012 rolled around, those so-called social welfare organizations had poured more than $300 million into the election. According to the investigative journalism group Pro Publica, 84 percent of that money came from conservative groups like Karl Rove's Crossroads GPS and the Koch Brothers' Americans for Prosperity.

All the applications for 501c4 tax-exempt status were sent to the Internal Revenue Service office in Cincinnati. The task was overwhelming, not only because of the sheer numbers but because the IRS regulations were so vague and contradictory. Trying to cut corners and red tape, the Cincinnati office decided to determine which groups were legit and which were covers for political mischief by implementing a keyword search - targeting words like "patriot" and "tea party." All hell broke loose.

For a week this past May, it was as if the IRS and the Obama White House had committed murder most foul, or at least the most heinous crime since the heyday of Watergate and Nixon's dirty tricks. The Beltway media went into a feeding frenzy, the embers of suspicion and paranoia fanned by a powerful congressman who never met a photo opportunity he didn't like: Darrell Issa, Republican of California, the richest member of Congress and chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. He has used that position as a political cudgel to hammer away at anything that might hurt the opposition (and consequently help his party), or, most important, elevate the visibility of Darrell Issa..."


Another non-scandal brought to the public eye by the increasingly pathetic and irrelevant GOP.

A BLOG from the far, far left HuffingtonPost.

Would you please point out where the explanation is for why LOIS LERNER first testified, then illegally pled the Fifth Amendment? Why too she was then went on leave and was subsequently RETIRED with full government benefits.

PLEASE show us who was held responsible?

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