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The Shot that killed Kennedy

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1The Shot that killed Kennedy Empty The Shot that killed Kennedy 11/12/2013, 4:22 pm



This man is standing on the X where the shot that killed Kennedy hit...Imagine the difficulty of that....

The Shot that killed Kennedy Img_0512

Now without a zoom....

The Shot that killed Kennedy Img_0513

Shooting down on a moving target with a lousy make and model of rifle with a very unstable ammo round...Good Luck !

And a headshot at that..Bhahaha

2The Shot that killed Kennedy Empty Re: The Shot that killed Kennedy 11/12/2013, 4:37 pm


I think the Warren Commission findings have been time tested and challenged without one challenge having ANY credence.

I have trouble with my scope and my accuracy now, but when I was in my twenties I hit what I was aiming at. Began target competition at five years of age at my father's gun club. In scouting I was awarded all kinds of NRA sharpshooting awards, yet I do not think I could make that shot and get a head shot out of three shots. However, there are times I just crush a target. Luck is part of the equation, and skill. My recollection is that they slowed down the motorcade. A near stationary or slow moving target is a lot easier than a traffic speed vehicle....Also, if the shooter is at 180 in basically a line, the variation of speed does not mean that much. I never had those skills to hit a target in a 30mph vehicle with a head shot, and if I did it would be luck.

Exactly how fast was the vehicle going on the second head shot? How many feet to the target on the second head shot?

3The Shot that killed Kennedy Empty Re: The Shot that killed Kennedy 11/12/2013, 4:53 pm



Seaoat, without getting into the particulars, there is no doubt in my mind whatever that Oswald did NOT kill Kennedy.

4The Shot that killed Kennedy Empty Re: The Shot that killed Kennedy 11/12/2013, 5:51 pm


Seaoat, without getting into the particulars, there is no doubt in my mind whatever that Oswald did NOT kill Kennedy.

I read the Warren Report over 40 years ago. I was always looking for a conspiracy angle in my younger years. The congressional hearings in the mid 70s finally turned the tide for me. Kennedy was shot by Oswald. This is a great time 50 years later in a few weeks to talk about the subject. I remember as if it was yesterday watching Ruby shoot Oswald and my Grandmother crying Woe is me.....Woe is me.....Woe is me.

I am not saying there was no conspiracy. I am simply saying Oswald shot Kennedy.

5The Shot that killed Kennedy Empty Re: The Shot that killed Kennedy 11/12/2013, 6:01 pm



Seaoat, without getting into the particulars, there is no doubt in my mind whatever that Oswald did NOT kill Kennedy.  [/quote

Oswald was just what he said he was. A patsy. He would have probably taken a bullet to save Kennedy.

6The Shot that killed Kennedy Empty Re: The Shot that killed Kennedy 11/12/2013, 6:04 pm


7The Shot that killed Kennedy Empty Re: The Shot that killed Kennedy 11/12/2013, 6:39 pm



It was Bush Sr.

8The Shot that killed Kennedy Empty Re: The Shot that killed Kennedy 11/12/2013, 7:01 pm



Nekochan wrote:It was Bush Sr.
He was definitely a major player

9The Shot that killed Kennedy Empty Re: The Shot that killed Kennedy 11/12/2013, 7:08 pm


I am not advocating the lack of a conspiracy. I am simply saying that Oswald shot the President. Just as I have advocated planes brought down the twin towers, and there most certainly was a conspiracy, but it had nothing to do with how the buildings collapsed.

10The Shot that killed Kennedy Empty Re: The Shot that killed Kennedy 11/12/2013, 8:28 pm



Is there a full disclosure at this point? I was turned off by this dynamic all these years because we never had all of it.

I'm sick of the govt withholding stuff. Who exactly do they work for? You Benghazi apologists suck.

11The Shot that killed Kennedy Empty Re: The Shot that killed Kennedy 11/12/2013, 8:50 pm



I cant help myself.

I found out about this by looking for something else that I cant tell you about. Matter of a fact what I was looking for is personal and it had nothing to do with JFK.

It led me to Robert Plumlee

Its a interesting read. Some of you might enjoy it. Wink

12The Shot that killed Kennedy Empty Re: The Shot that killed Kennedy 11/12/2013, 9:02 pm


I read the account. He said four or five shots. Expert marksmen and all the reporters said three shots.......absolutely consensus on the same, but for the sake of argument.......where were the bullet fragments in the car interior. Maybe not a headshot, but anybody who is a sniper is going to at least hit the car with the other two shots which he claims......nothing.....but it is good to see you posting.

13The Shot that killed Kennedy Empty Re: The Shot that killed Kennedy 11/12/2013, 9:18 pm



2seaoat wrote:I read the account.  He said four or five shots.  Expert marksmen and all the reporters said three shots.......absolutely consensus on the same, but for the sake of argument.......where were the bullet fragments in the car interior.  Maybe not a headshot, but anybody who is a sniper is going to at least hit the car with the other two shots which he claims......nothing.....but it is good to see you posting.
Im not sure how closely you have researched this. I can tell you I have researched this from a different angle for many years, not the JFK angle. I was researching a Cuban connection on some other persons.

I dropped this little seed on this post and I will leave it up to yall if you desire to go as far as I did on looking into it. I can tell you this much. Its a round trip with paid airfair.

14The Shot that killed Kennedy Empty Re: The Shot that killed Kennedy 11/12/2013, 9:25 pm


I do not deny the possibility of conspiracy. I do deny that Oswald was not the shooter. He shot the president. How the puzzle fits together after that I am all ears. I listened and read a great deal on the congressional hearings, and My skepticism of the Warren Report and its conclusions were gone.

15The Shot that killed Kennedy Empty Re: The Shot that killed Kennedy 11/12/2013, 11:00 pm



To give credence to the conspiracy theory regarding Kennedy's assassination, requires an acceptance of the belief that our government was involved, one way or another. One needs to accept that our government is evil, cruel, and barbaric.

I came to that conclusion back at the time of the Korean Peace Action.


16The Shot that killed Kennedy Empty Re: The Shot that killed Kennedy 11/12/2013, 11:26 pm



Nekochan wrote:It was Bush Sr.
He was definitely a major player
No doubt about it. 

I would love to think he has an ounce of integrity and will spill it before he dies. 

But, he's a Bush. 

17The Shot that killed Kennedy Empty Re: The Shot that killed Kennedy 11/13/2013, 1:16 am



I think Lyndon Johnson was in on it, too. Johnson was a power-mad asshole. Kennedy pissed-off the MIC and the Pentagon, too, because he wanted to end the Cold War, and pull our troops out of Vietnam. They were also mad at him because he refused to invade Cuba.

All I know, I was in the 6th grade on November 22, 1963. Mrs. Sworder came in an announced: "Class, I have some terrible news... President Kennedy has been shot, and he is dead..."  I thought right then that Nikita Kruschev did it, and nuclear war was soon to follow. Such were the times during the hottest portions of the Cold War. America was never the same after that, and the beginnings of our current decline as a world power can likely be traced back to that particular date.

18The Shot that killed Kennedy Empty Re: The Shot that killed Kennedy 11/13/2013, 1:19 am



ZVUGKTUBM wrote:I think Lyndon Johnson was in on it, too. Johnson was a power-mad asshole. Kennedy pissed-off the MIC and the Pentagon, too, because he wanted to end the Cold War, and pull our troops out of Vietnam. They were also mad at him because he refused to invade Cuba.

All I know, I was in the 6th grade on November 22, 1963. Mrs. Sworder came in an announced: "Class, I have some terrible news... President Kennedy has been shot, and he is dead..."  I thought right then that Nikita Kruschev did it, and nuclear war was soon to follow. Such were the times during the hottest portions of the Cold War. America was never the same after that, and the beginnings of our current decline as a world power can likely be traced back to that particular date.
Yeah as I drove around Dallas and saw all the stuff dedicated to Johnson it made me nauseous...

19The Shot that killed Kennedy Empty Re: The Shot that killed Kennedy 11/13/2013, 4:08 am



Look what happened after JFK... the last conservative... another social engineering experiment.

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