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Did you change your clocks?

4 posters

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1Did you change your clocks? Empty Did you change your clocks? 11/3/2013, 7:32 am



Fall back.....what a pain it is to change the clocks.

2Did you change your clocks? Empty Re: Did you change your clocks? 11/3/2013, 7:38 am



Not yet, but i think I can have it completed by Christmas.

3Did you change your clocks? Empty Re: Did you change your clocks? 11/3/2013, 7:50 am



Mr Ichi wrote:Not yet, but i think I can  have it completed by Christmas.
I'm going to pace myself. I'll make a list....each time I change a clock I'll put it in the list. It will prevent confusion, so I' ll know which clock is accurate.

4Did you change your clocks? Empty Re: Did you change your clocks? 11/3/2013, 8:09 am



If there are 2 clocks in one room, I set one of them back 2 hours so I dont have to reset both of them.

5Did you change your clocks? Empty Re: Did you change your clocks? 11/3/2013, 8:38 am



Mr Ichi wrote:If there are 2 clocks in one room, I set one of them back 2 hours so I dont have to reset both of them.
Good idea. I hope, by this evening to have all 3 clocks changed.

6Did you change your clocks? Empty Re: Did you change your clocks? 11/3/2013, 8:42 am



Phones and computers with the auto set features take a lot of fun out of Daylight savings time,

7Did you change your clocks? Empty Re: Did you change your clocks? 11/3/2013, 8:46 am



Mr Ichi wrote:Phones and computers with the auto set features take a lot of fun out of Daylight savings time,
Being a control freak...I turn that option off.

8Did you change your clocks? Empty Re: Did you change your clocks? 11/3/2013, 8:58 am



Kinda if scarey. First we let them change a hour of time,  What is next?  Move up an back a day of the week?  A month?  Remember  time is relative.

9Did you change your clocks? Empty Re: Did you change your clocks? 11/3/2013, 9:06 am



I'm glad the time changed on my computer.  At least I think it did. Suspect 
It's a little cold here this morning!

10Did you change your clocks? Empty Re: Did you change your clocks? 11/3/2013, 10:05 am



Joanimaroni wrote:
Mr Ichi wrote:Phones and computers with the auto set features take a lot of fun out of Daylight savings time,
Being a control freak...I turn that option off.

lol! lol! 

11Did you change your clocks? Empty Re: Did you change your clocks? 11/3/2013, 12:59 pm



I set the clock back early and then stayed up an extra hour last night.....

12Did you change your clocks? Empty Re: Did you change your clocks? 11/3/2013, 3:15 pm



ZVUGKTUBM wrote:I set the clock back early and then stayed up an extra hour last night.....
I got up at 5 if I hadn't changed my clocks yet...did I get up @5 or was it 4?
Such a delimma.

13Did you change your clocks? Empty Re: Did you change your clocks? 11/3/2013, 8:18 pm



Cable changes my clocks --I get up at 4am I am a clock Laughing 

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