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Cory Driver - Arrested Again

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1Cory Driver - Arrested Again Empty Cory Driver - Arrested Again 8/4/2013, 2:27 pm



This North Escambia thug has been a continuing menace to Cantonment.

He’s 25 years old and, since 2007 has amassed a lengthy arrest/conviction record. What is doubly bad is that he either led, or did nothing to help stop his little brother, Kyle, from following in his footsteps.  They are both now menace scofflaws.   Enough is enough. It’s time to throw the book at him.  BTW – according to his Facebook page he married the lovely Dayvon (who defends him on on 7/16/13 (3 weeks ago!)

Cory Driver (born 1988):
First known arrest - 2007
Since then,  numerous felony convictions, Violations of Probation

Kyle Driver (born 1992):
First known arrest – 2008
Since then, several felony convictions and Violations of Probation.

If anyone has influence with the local judiciary please, please encourage that he be taken out of our community (upon conviction, of course).


Make the punishment so severe that he'll NEVER break the law again..



Those "slaps" on the wrist don' t seem to be working on this thug.


I would love to own the houses next door to the judges so I could let the criminals serve their early release time living next to the judge for free..

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