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Oh no! The CIA has already gotten to James Holmes!!!

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Watching him on tv, Obviously the guy has been drugged! I bet the CIA done put some behavior drug in his jello.

Oh no! The CIA has already gotten to James Holmes!!! Holmsi10



PNJ Moderator wrote:Watching him on tv, Obviously the guy has been drugged! I bet the CIA done put some behavior drug in his jello.

Supposedly, he had 100 mg. of Vicodin in his system at the time of the shooting. But, that shouldn't cause him to do what he did. My guess is that he was expecting to be in a lot of pain and wanted to keep from feeling the police bullets, or whatever. (Hell, he planned everything else.)

Now he's putting on a "Section 8" play. Stay tuned, it's gonna stay weird.



he shouldn't be treated any different than a rabid dog.



yeah got to these folks also....

Oh no! The CIA has already gotten to James Holmes!!! ?ui=2&ik=13229f23e4&view=att&th=138b4700e6495111&attid=0



Yomama wrote:
PNJ Moderator wrote:Watching him on tv, Obviously the guy has been drugged! I bet the CIA done put some behavior drug in his jello.

Supposedly, he had 100 mg. of Vicodin in his system at the time of the shooting. But, that shouldn't cause him to do what he did. My guess is that he was expecting to be in a lot of pain and wanted to keep from feeling the police bullets, or whatever. (Hell, he planned everything else.)

Now he's putting on a "Section 8" play. Stay tuned, it's gonna stay weird.

It will turn into a feeding frenzy for lawyers. It will likely become a trial that lasts for months.


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