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Mobile fans turn out for the Upside Blue Wahoos

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Mobile fans turn out for the Upside Blue Wahoos 528874_398833670164698_783668976_n
Mobile fans turn out for the Upside Blue Wahoos 529453_398834140164651_1727051186_n



Was that at the new ball park in pcola during a game?



NO. That was in Mobile's Hark Arron stadium. . The Wahoos took some buses over to Mobile to watch the game. 5 or six judging by the photos. The Bay Bears do not have very good attendance.
Mobile fans turn out for the Upside Blue Wahoos 217954_398833386831393_1657907952_n
Mobile fans turn out for the Upside Blue Wahoos 217925_398833163498082_1861898296_n

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